• 上周末探险队已经冰面上划分一条400米长的飞机跑道由于恶劣气候,计划周日抵达双獭补给飞机被迫返航,而且周一周二无法在北极着陆

    The team had marked out a 400m landing strip on the ice last weekend, but the Twin Otter supply plane was forced to turn back on Sunday and could not take off on Monday or Tuesday due to bad weather.


  • 浓密皮毛机警眼神这种狐狸智利阿塔卡马沙漠的寒冷恶劣气候中得以生存

    Lush fur and watchful eyes help this gray fox survive in the harsh, often cold climate of Chile's Atacama Desert, the driest place on Earth.


  • 伊拉克阿富汗恶劣气候,燃料需求更多,士兵们的住地天热需要降温,天冷时则需要取暖

    In the punishing climate of Iraq and Afghanistan, moreover, soldiers' accommodation must be kept cool in hot weather, and warm in the cold.


  • 全球有将近十亿严重水资源短缺中讨生活,而且随着气候变化高速城市化进程他们的生活状况会变得更加恶劣

    Nearly a billion people on the planet manage their lives with serious water shortages, and their circumstances are only likely to worsen with climate change and rapid urbanization.


  • 考察队(哈多、·丹尼斯马丁·哈特利)长度跋涉开局因为恶劣气候而被耽搁,大家很快意识:到达极地一项艰巨的挑战

    It became rapidly clear after the team (Hadow, Ann Daniels and Martin Hartley) was hampered by atrocious weather at the beginning of the trek that reaching the pole would be a challenge.


  • 今年早期经济活力时间恶劣冬季气候抑制恶劣气候抑制了消费性支出一月份就业率

    The year’s early economic energy was dampened by a spell of nasty winter weather, which depressed consumer spending and January employment growth.


  • 今年早期经济活力时间恶劣冬季气候抑制恶劣气候抑制了消费性支出一月份就业率

    The year's early economic energy was dampened by a spell of nasty winter weather, which depressed consumer spending and January employment growth.


  • 气候变化农业地区带来新的恶劣天气植物虫害

    Climate change is expected to bring new weather stresses as well as new plant pests into agricultural regions.


  • 伴随着冰盖融化生成,海平面过去变动了100多米———这有力地支持了我们应竭力避免恶劣气候变化观点

    Knowing that sea levels have varied by more than 100 metres in the past, as ice-sheets have melted and re-formed, lends a certain weight to the argument that serious climate change is best avoided.


  • 既然动物天性使动物恶劣气候中保持少动安静,那么动物也可能进入冬眠状态

    Since the nature of many animals is to be still and quiet during bad weather, the animals could have gone into something like a hibernating condition.


  • Andean - Saharan冰河期横跨Ordovician冰河期的后期Silurian冰河期前期,大灭绝成为了其标志性事件,地球历史上第二个气候恶劣的时期。

    Straddling the late Ordovician period and the early Silurian period, the Andean-Saharan ice age was marked by a mass extinction, the second most severe in Earth's history.


  • 抵御剧变气候恶劣工作环境

    Resist the upheaval of climate and poor working environment.


  • 塔克拉玛干沙漠公路沿线气候恶劣土壤浅层地下水含盐量,沿线天然植被稀少,沙漠腹地仅发现12能忍耐干旱抗盐植物种

    Due to the extremely arid climate and high salt context in soil and underground water, the vegetation is very sparse and only 12 species of plants were found in the center of Tarim basin.


  • 气候生态系统社会经历恶劣条件的重压能够得以恢复但是必须没有长期置于挑战一个破坏的情况下。

    Climate, ecological systems and society can all recoup after stress, but only if they are not exposed to prolonged challenge or to one disruption after another.


  • 长期生长在恶劣的沿海气候环境使其具有较强的抗盐、抗风、耐瘠薄、抗涝能力。

    The adverse circumstances and harsh ocean climate make it even more salt-resisting, wind-breaking, poor soil-tolerating and waterlog-enduring.


  • 肯定会有一天我们放弃依赖煤炭石油天然气——这些燃料气候影响恶劣,全世界分布也太不均衡——直接使用制造化石燃料能源

    Surely someday we'll give up on coal, oil, and gas-so hard on the climate, so unequally distributed worldwide-and go straight to the energy source that made fossil fuels.


  • 恶劣气候条件特殊的操作场合,良好的可视性一个非常重要的性能,对于消防警服来讲这一点尤其重要。

    Visibilit in bad weather conditions and special-operation conditions is an important feature especially for fire fighter and police clothing.


  • 美国尼伯科hpr蝶阀可配备重型、抗恶劣气候操作装置指示装置。

    The NIBCO HPR butterfly valve can be provided with heavy-duty weatherproof operator and indicator.


  • 当时气候生活环境极其恶劣幸运他们得到了土著美国人的巨大帮助终于渡过难关,在第二创下丰收

    Luckily, they received huge help from the Native Americans and were able to have a good harvest the following year.


  • 至于发达国家,对于人类开始设法应对温度降雨量变化、植物生长季节变更、恶劣天气增多以及海平面上升等气候变暖突出影响呼吁已经减少二氧化碳排放的呼声所压倒

    At least in the developed world, the idea that people should start figuring out how to deal with the projected effects of warming has been overshadowed by calls to reduce carbon-dioxide emissions.


  • 至于发达国家,对于人类开始设法应对温度降雨量变化、植物生长季节变更、恶劣天气增多以及海平面上升等气候变暖突出影响呼吁已经减少二氧化碳排放的呼声所压倒

    At least in the developed world, the idea that people should start figuring out how to deal with the projected effects of warming has been overshadowed by calls to reduce carbon-dioxide emissions.


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