• 是以大多超大质量黑洞形成过程与恒星质量的黑洞的形成过程类似假设为基础的。 这种黑洞的形成通常大质量恒星生命过程的最终阶段用尽了用于核聚变所有燃料的时期)。

    This was based on the assumption that SMBHs form in a similar way to stellar-mass black holes, marking the final phase in the lifespan of massive stars that have exhausted all their fuel for fusion.


  • 例如我们甚至知道多少恒星行星,我们当然也不知道如果有适当条件生命自然出现可能性有多大

    We do not even know, for example, how many stars have planets, and we certainly do not know how likely it is that life will arise naturally, given the right conditions.


  • 空中有这么多恒星,我们是唯一的吗,或者太空中其他行星上存在生命吗?

    With so many stars in space, are we alone, or is there life on other planets in space?


  • 恒星生命绝大部分处于主序阶段,在一阶段它包含核心、辐射区对流、光球层、色球层和日冕。

    A star during most of its life is a main-sequence star, which consists of a core, radiative and convective zones, a photosphere, a chromosphere and a corona.


  • 如果我们找到可能支持生命行星的话,,我们应该去关注那些垂死恒星

    If we want to find planets that could support life, he says we should look at stars that are dying.


  • 通过研究粒子对撞的结果,他们希望发现宇宙怎样含有形成星系恒星行星,或者至少是形成生命本身物质

    By studying what happens, they hope to discover why the universe contains the matter that has formed galaxies, stars, planets and, in at least one place, life itself.


  • 1992年以来,绝大多数发现行星都与其恒星较为接近,这像是木星因此,在这些行星上面可能不会存在地球一样的智慧生命

    Most of the new planets that have been discovered since 1992 tend to be more like Jupiter and closer to their star, so it's highly unlikely that they support intelligent life like that found on Earth.


  • 诞生以来,这个无垠的星系——无数恒星后来地球创造生命——没有浪费任何时间

    The mighty galaxy whose countless stars would later make life possible on Earth didn't waste any time being born.


  • 韦斯·特朗2本身只有2百万历史短,包含了一些我们银河系中明亮质量最大因而生命恒星

    Westerlund 2 itself is a mere 2 million years old or less, and contains some of our galaxy's most luminous, massive and therefore short-lived stars.


  • 最近人们开始研究银河系中的恒星育儿所,并将其视为寻找生命潜在金矿

    A stellar nursery in the Milky Way has recently been investigated as a potential gold mine for finding life.


  • 这个过程可能周而复始,周期性地重复--天文学家称之为"脉动"对不稳定性超新星--直至恒星失去足够的物质普通超新星的形态中走生命的尽头。

    The cycle can repeat itself in pulses—astronomers call this case a “pulsational” pair-instability supernovauntil the star loses enough mass to end its life in an ordinary supernova.


  • 太阳现在寿命大约50亿作为一颗恒星,也只是过了生命一半

    The sun is thought to be about 5 billion years old and halfway through its lifetime as a "main sequence" star.


  • 颗行星是否能够维持生命取决于恒星--它的"太阳"--大小亮度

    Whether a planet can support life depends on the size and brightness of its star, that is its 'sun'.


  • 不同于类似尘埃盘中的早期发现恒星依然年轻因此我们知道行星是在恒星生命非常的时期形成的。

    Unlike earlier discoveries of similar discs, this star is still very young and so tells us planets form very early on in the life of a star.


  • 我们知道的那样,由于离它围绕运行的恒星太远以致没有形成液态水维持生命的能力,科学家们预测这个星系里应该其它适合外星生命候选恒星

    It orbits too far away from its star to support liquid water or life as we know it, but scientists predict there are other stars in the system that might be good candidates for alien life.


  • 如果真是这样,那么我们知道那个恒星,没准儿还满是生命宇宙也将只是个寒冷,黑暗无尽虚空世界中的短短一瞬

    If so, the cosmos as we know it-full of stars and, maybe, full of life-will be a fleeting moment in an endless duration of cold, dark nothingness.


  • 如果早期宇宙形成完全平稳顺利的,没有恒星存在,生命因此无法进化我们就是本就存在的量子起伏产物

    If the early universe had been completely smooth, there would be no stars and so life could not have developed. We are the product of primordial quantum fluctuations.


  • 质量恒星超新星爆发中结束自己生命并将重元素喷洒太空中,它们在那里重新结合下一代恒星及其周围的行星

    Massive stars end their lives with supernova explosions that spray the heavy elements into space, where they are incorporated into the next generation of stars and help seed the formation of planets.


  • 恒星生命周期模式,大部分取决于它们的初始质量

    The life cycles of stars follow patterns based mostly on their initial mass.


  • 另一个显然易见的问题其他年轻恒星系统里,是否还有其他有利于生命形成的彗星风暴”的证据

    Another obvious question is whether there's any evidence of comparable comet storms - and therefore conditions favorable to life - in other young solar systems.


  • 缓慢旋转并且局部特征明显恒星就意味找到了一个能够孕育生命成熟太阳系

    Find a slow-spinning star with a fairly clear complexion and you've got a mature solar system that could harbor life.


  • 银河系拥挤中心区域存在着大量大质量恒星,频繁的超新星爆发使得复杂生命形式的产生不是不可能就是极度困难

    In the crowded central regions of the galaxy, home to large Numbers of massive stars, supernovas are so common that the evolution of complex life-forms might be difficult if not impossible.


  • 迄今发现系外行星大部分膨胀、高速旋转的由气体构成的庞然大物,人们称之为木星”。“热木星”的轨道距它们的恒星非常因此可能适合生命

    The majority of exoplanets discovered so far are bloated, fast-spinning gas giants, known as "hot Jupiters," that orbit extremely close to their stars and are thus probably unsuitable for life.


  • 史密斯教授指出很多这些行星要么它们恒星,要么太远这意味着行星表面极端温度适合生命存在。

    But Dr Smith points out that many of these planets are either too close to their sun or too far away, meaning their surface temperatures are so extreme they could not support life.


  • 即使宇宙中还有很多别的恒星系,能够恰好处在足以支持生命轨道行星估计也寥寥无几。

    Even if many other stars have solar systems too, planets that happen to orbit in just the right place to support life could be pretty rare.


  • 质量恒星结束生命,会产生精彩结果——超新星。超新星会高能量辐射形式致命碎屑撒遍太空

    When a massive star ends its life, it does so with a bang: a supernova, which sends death sleeting across space in the form of high-energy radiation.


  • 我们这个宇宙里出现漫长生命周期恒星具有稳定轨道行星能够实现复杂化学变化分子仿佛它的物理法则被精确校准过

    In our universe the laws of physics seem precisely calibrated to allow the existence of long-lived stars, planets with stable orbits, and molecules that allow complex chemistry.


  • 天文学家知道同样生命产生进程会不会那些我们太阳冷的恒星周围发生策观测站发现他们的尘埃盘的化学特性不同的。

    Astronomers don't know if these same life-generating processes are taking place around stars that are cooler than our sun, but the Spitzer observations show their disk chemistry is different.


  • 通过摆脱环绕星体残留内核形成外层气体结束了自己的生命。 随后,颗渐渐消亡的恒星散发出的紫外线使该物质发光。

    The star is ending its life by casting off its outer layers of gas, which formed a cocoon around the star's remaining core.


  • 这样恒星将可能会环绕一层厚厚作为生命最初条件的大气层

    Such a large moon would also be able to hold onto a thick atmosphere, making it a prime spot for life.


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