• 数十亿年的时间里,这些气体引力压缩星系恒星植物最终甚至变成了人类

    Over billions of years, the gas was compressed by gravity into galaxies, stars, plants and eventually, even humans.


  • 只要恰当地控制粒子照射时间恒星有效成为调频电台——以“造父变星脉冲为基础载波宇宙广播。

    Time the beam right and the star could be turned, in effect, into an FM transmitter-broadcasting to the universe on the underlying carrier-wave of the Cepheid's pulsation.


  • 人们知道行星随着时间的推移向着或者背离恒星迁移人们对过程知之甚少

    Planets are known to migrate toward or away from their stars over time, but the process is poorly understood.


  • 虽然这些恒星只有五十万——按照恒星时间尺度计算,它们处于婴儿期——但是大都已经失去了形成行星的由气体尘埃组成的圆盘。

    Although the stars were just half a million years old-still in their infancy in stellar time scales-most had already lost their planet-forming disks of gas and dust.


  • 他们中的许多相信随着时间流逝物质逐渐冷却更多种类原子开始形成然后这些原子最终凝聚成了现在宇宙中的恒星星系

    Many believe that as time passed and matter cooled, more diverse kinds of atoms began to form, and they eventually condensed into the stars and galaxies of our present universe.


  • 宿星团是个开放性星团意味着虽然内部的恒星目前松散聚在一起,但是在未来数百万时间恒星最终依照自己轨道运行

    The Pleiades is an open star cluster, which means that while its stars are bound loosely together right now, each star will eventually go its own way within a few hundred million years.


  • 大质量物体存在时,例如恒星空间-时间扭曲弯曲

    Space-time can be distorted or curved by the presence of massive objects, such as stars.


  • 它们每次经过恒星面前时间,分别大约是19.24天和38.91这个时间间隔有一定的变动范围,里层行星4分钟范围外层行星39分钟范围内。

    They cross in front of their star about once every 19.24 and 38.91 days, but those times can vary by up to 4 minutes for the inner planet and 39 minutes for the outer one.


  • 几乎时间,由于受银河系本身经过恒星影响星云就会朝太阳方向照亮夜空彗星

    Every so often, a passing star or the tidal effect of the Milky Way itself jostles the cloud, sending some of the chunks sunward to light up the night sky as comets.


  • 时间曝光红色发射星云、恒星形成ic 405、IC 410和IC 417。

    But the deep exposure also brings out the reddish emission nebulae of star-forming regions IC 405, IC 410, and IC 417.


  • 最大恒星寿命为3百万天文学中是个时间。”克洛泽

    "The biggest live only 3 million years," Crowther said. "In astronomy that's a very short time."


  • 炽热恒星内核几十亿逐渐冷却,内核在这段时间里叫做白矮星

    The hot, remnant stellar core of NGC 2818 will eventually cool off for billions of years as a White Dwarf.


  • 因此认为我们可以做到在远小于2000时间内抵达最近恒星

    So, I think we'll be able to do to a lot better than 2,000 years to the nearest star.


  • 颗行星距离地球有1,400光年围绕恒星高速公转一周只需时间

    The planet is located about 1, 400 light years away from Earth and zips around its parent star in only three and a half day.


  • 星际时间尺度上重复发生星系碰撞最终导致它们融合恒星星系。

    Repeated galaxy encounters on a cosmic timescale can ultimately result in a merger into a single galaxy of stars.


  • 随着时间流逝,锥状星云密集区域残留下来也许会形成新的恒星行星

    Over time, only the densest regions of the Cone will be left. Inside these regions, stars and planets may form.


  • 诞生以来,这个无垠的星系——无数恒星后来地球创造生命——没有浪费任何时间

    The mighty galaxy whose countless stars would later make life possible on Earth didn't waste any time being born.


  • 只有时间才能揭开真相,无论如何恒星距离很可能就意味着无法成为卡洛斯计划的核心研究对象。

    Only time will tell, but in any case the distance of this star probably means it's only marginally interesting for Icarus.


  • 这些古老恒星居于向银河系圆盘上下延伸恒星之中,它们形成时间很早,机会产生重元素几代恒星形成之前。

    Residing in the stellar halo extending above and below the galaxy's disk, these stars are so old that they formed before earlier generations of stars had much of a chance to produce heavy elements.


  • 一些不同种类恒星爆炸可以产生超新星——时间的,异常明亮的恒星爆炸事件

    There are a number of kinds of stellar explosions that can produce supernovae — which are short-lived, extra bright stellar events.


  • 这些星团许多耀眼夺目质量硕大恒星组合体。 其间的每颗恒星诞生时间都是相同的。

    These are collections of hundreds of bright, massive stars, all of which were born at the same time.


  • 它们恒星距离而言,石质行星恐怕需要极其长的成型时间以至于在星核能够俘获气体周围的气态恐怕已经消散殆尽了

    At their distances from the star, the rocky planetary core would have taken so long to form that the gaseous disk would have dissipated before the core could attract the gas.


  • 因为亮度低,是“不成功”的恒星——褐矮星中温度很低,天文学家了很时间找到它。

    It took so long to find because it's an extremely dim and cool kind of failed star called a brown dwarf.


  • 行星围绕着名为“格里斯876”恒星运转,该恒星地球15光年,轨道运行一周的时间约为地球上的1.94天。

    It is orbiting a star called Gliese 876, 15 light years from Earth, with an orbit time of just 1.94 Earth days.


  • 据英国《每日电讯报》日前报道,科学家宣称,在今年时候当夜空中明亮恒星爆炸时,地球将会发现自己这“第二个太阳”共处长达几个星期的时间

    The Earth could find itself with a 'second sun' for a period of weeks later this year when one of the night sky's most luminous stars explodes, scientists have claimed.


  • 在伍斯利看来,颗巨大恒星核心塌缩形成了一个黑洞,恒星的外层用了几天时间坠入黑洞并发出辐射,就是我们观测到的这次爆炸持续时间超长原因。

    This image may support the idea that the fireworks come from a star that fell into a supermassive black hole at the core of the galaxy. a.


  • 恒星质量越大消耗燃料速度也序中停留时间也就越短。

    The greater the mass of such a star, the more quickly it will use its hydrogen fuel and the shorter it stays on the main sequence.


  • 另外由于宇宙如此广袤信号光速从最近恒星传到太阳花去数年时间

    Moreover, because the universe is so vast, it takes years for a signal travelling at the speed of light to reach only as far as the next star to our sun.


  • 另外由于宇宙如此广袤信号光速从最近恒星传到太阳花去数年时间

    Moreover, because the universe is so vast, it takes years for a signal travelling at the speed of light to reach only as far as the next star to our sun.


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