• 所有女朋友为什么这么幻想不能一个明智些的

    Why are all your girlfriends so dreamy? Can't you find a somebody who's got both feet on the ground?


  • 美国需要英雄”,有的时候人们总这么伤感好像谈论孤独小孩

    America needs heroes, ” it is sometimes said, a phrase that’s often uttered in a wistful tone, almost cooingly, as if we were talking about a lonely child.


  • 不要抱怨自己遇到都不靠谱,如果别人这么那么一定教会了别人这样的方式对你。

    Do not always complain that their people do not encounter tricky, so if someone always on you, then you must be someone else taught you in this way.


  • 但是这么通常不好做法要求名称引号中,很容易维护代码其他人弄糊涂。

    Doing this, however, is generally a bad practice: It requires the name to always be enclosed in double quotation marks and can easily confuse someone else who may be maintaining your code.


  • 非常流行东西不会受到尊重,因为每个人身上势利一面会说,“如果每个人都喜欢不会这么了。”

    Things that are very popular are not taken seriously, because the snobbish side of one says, "Well, if everyone likes it it can't be that good."


  • 也就是债券的拖债风险投保平均是盈利的(那些针对失火或者盗窃传统保险公司并非做得这么)。

    In other words,someone who insured such bonds against default would have, on average, mademoney (conventional insurance companies, which insure against fire or theft,have not always done so well).


  • 之所以这么重要的原因灌溉的田地产量高。 虽然只占世界耕地的五分之一,但是生产了世界粮食的五分之四。

    The reason water matters so much is that irrigated farming is so productive.


  • 一些位摄影记者死亡事件发生时人们为什么他们这么

    When something like the deaths of these two photojournalists happen, people always ask why do war reporters do it?


  • 危险,一些不会这么生存下去”斯金纳说,“我的目标就是喜欢聪明的人在一起,而我对此却毫无畏惧。”

    "That's always a danger, and some people can't live with that," Skinner says. "I always like to say that my goal is to surround myself with people smarter than I am."


  • 如果一样工作一样的一样食物,你很可能就这么一成不变了。

    If you're stuck working the same job, doing the same stuff, and eating the same food, chances are you will stay stuck;.


  • 如果一个物种是从进化源头一步步进化过来的(分类学家们这么认为),分化出来的各个分属物种应当具有相同的特征

    If it is to reflect its evolutionary origins (as taxonomists would prefer) the genus needs to be divided up into many more smaller genera in which the species have similar characteristics.


  • 老公相互着彼此,脸上挂着笑容恐怕不只是运气这么简单,偏偏为什么只有,才遇得上让他心仪的这个女人或男人呢?

    She and her husband like each other and laugh a lot, but it can’t simply be put down to good luck, right man, right woman.


  • 奇怪是,签名例子这么时,我发现Rampart处理时间只占了测试所需时间不到一半

    Strangely, when I did this for the signatures example, I found that the Rampart processing times made up less than half of the total time taken for the test.


  • 我们拘泥千篇一律办事方式因为其他人这么的,因为这件一直这么

    Often we're stuck in a rut of doing things a certain way, because that's the way everyone else does things, because that's how it's always done.


  • 描述这么系统,“它拥有5000个处理器容量3.5PB硬盘存储器(1PB=1024TB,1TB=1024GB,3.5PB大概367万GB),但却可以在一个晚上拖车卸载装配完成。

    He describes it as a system of "5,000 Opteron processors and 3.5 petabytes of disk storage that can be dropped off overnight by a tractor-trailer rig.


  • 很抱歉这么时间没有写信但是最近感觉很懒就像身体沉重,我太虚弱了以致不能随身携带。

    I apologize for not writing in such a long time, but I've just been feeling lazy, like my body is a heavy weight that I'm too weak to carry around.


  • 这么非常研究人群中,只有不到400例心脏事件(2.2%)少于450死亡例数(2.5%)发生。

    Less than 400 cardiac events (2.2%) and under 450 total deaths (2.5%) were experienced in this extremely large study group.


  • 要求或者说原则指导思想,就是这么三条

    These three points constitute the general requirements or principles or guidelines for this resolution.


  • 哈~换个环境学习快乐的事情,何况一个这么设计懂生活的刘你的榜样。

    It is so happy a thing to learn in a different environment, let alone we have a very elegant lady boss who loves work and life.


  • 具体怎么因人而异,不要傻乎乎认为带上鲜花,或张卡片以示感谢尽管这么通常明智

    Exactly what you do can vary, and it is silly to think that you must always bring wine or flowers, or send a thank you message, even though both are usually advisable.


  • 为了解决问题我们已经花了这么时间想你不至于又重回原处拒绝我们建议

    I don't think that after all the time that we are trying to sort out this matter now you go back to the start not accepting our proposition.


  • 是否以为不会这么做?但是男人喜欢大量女服务员其他什么人。

    You'd think that no one would do this, but guys are always looking at waitresses, or other patrons when out.


  • 符合能量守恒原理,动能必须动能这么

    In order for energy to be conserved, the final total kinetic energy must be greater than the initial by this amount.


  • 也许会这么认为正因为物价水平的变动不大,所以个别价格浮动也很小。

    You might suppose that because the overall price level is not changing a lot, nor are individual prices.


  • 恳请作为辩护律师来为本案辩护的,由于我不想这么做,我指控犯了擅离职守罪。

    I was solicited to argue this cause as Advocate General; and because I would not, I have been charged with desertion from my office.


  • 每到这时附和这么一来,竟乐得正在全部生命力盛开般。

    Every time, I always go along with that way, can speak a few words, my heart is happy, such as with all the flowers bloom like vitality.


  • 每到这时附和这么一来,竟乐得正在全部生命力盛开般。

    Every time, I always go along with that way, can speak a few words, my heart is happy, such as with all the flowers bloom like vitality.


- 来自原声例句

进来说说原因吧 确定

进来说说原因吧 确定