• 媒介文化大众传播时代一种新兴文化形态基本特征表现技术复制商业消费愉悦

    Medium culture is a new developing form of culture at the age of popular communication; Its basic characteristics appear at the technical explicative, business consumable and sensibility pleasant.


  • 人类靠个特征来记住个人那么草原田鼠会构造嗅觉形像”去记住伴侣吗?愉悦是否存在关联呢?

    Could it be that prairie voles form an olfactory "image" of their partners-the rodent equivalent of remembering a personality-and this becomes linked with pleasure?


  • 所有风味复杂细微差别愉悦都来源于鼻子后部进行嗅觉

    All the complexity, nuance, and pleasure of flavor come from the sense of smell operating in the back of the nose.


  • 也许是因为it愉悦回报率高的职业-尽管我已经不再直接从事IT工作了。

    That's probably because I still view IT as an enjoyable and rewarding career - even though I don't work directly in IT any more.


  • 一些预期愉悦或是社交发生,指出但是其他人预料感觉会很糟并且有些饮酒应对压力

    Some people expect euphoria or increased sociability, he pointed out, while others expect to feel bad, and still others drink to cope with stress.


  • 由于令人愉悦对称这些随后被导回去进来甲醇混合

    With pleasing symmetry the water is then channelled back to mix with the incoming methanol.


  • 网页内容可读吗?”——没什么内容重要了。如果这点能做好,的读者感到非常愉悦

    Is the content readable? Nothing is more important than content; if it's legible and coherent, then your site users will be happy.


  • 就是为什么总体来看休假带来的愉悦超出想象一次休假一周不如你想象中那么快乐。

    That's why in general, going away four times [a year] provides more benefit than you would expect, and going away for one week provides less benefit than you would expect.


  • 一种用精细手工获得美学精神愉悦具有创造艺术伤痕艺术。

    Scarification is the creative and artistic application of scars in a controlled manner to achieve an aesthetically or spiritually pleasing result.


  • 关于这个能令人让人愉悦就是他们思想寻求以及探索的自卫过程

    The most amusing thing about this dream is the sort of defensive process that goes on in the mind in search of self-justification or explanation.


  • 艺术创造以及愉悦热爱融聚一体,新风格开拓者便创造出令人惊喜着迷甚至震撼的佳作

    When art, creativity, and the love of pleasing are added to the mix, new-style practitioners create amazing edibles that surprise, fascinate, and even astound.


  • 还阅读一些令人愉悦小说或者需要花费很多智力唇舌功夫却有一定创造工艺品

    I read upbeat fiction, and did creative hand craft work that demanded no intellectual or verbal energy.


  • 红色橙色使感觉温暖兴奋愉悦用于治疗抑郁抑郁精神病嗜睡、痴呆症

    Red and orange, with warm feeling, possess the actions of making people excited and joyful. The colors are applicable to depression, depressive psychosis, lethargy, dementia, etc.


  • 具有攻击青年观看某人故意给他人施加痛苦时扫描显示来自大脑奖赏愉悦相关的区域反应

    When the aggressive youths watched people intentionally inflicting pain on another, the scan showed a response in the part of the brain associated with reward and pleasure.


  • 引导中国消费者感受美国现代寻求其中愉悦

    It guides the Chinese consumers feel of the modern United States, which seek pleasure.


  • 设计艺术非常关键,它能使设计的实物交互服务更具亲和力,让使用起来更加的愉悦

    The artistic side of design is critical: to provide objects, interactions and services that delight as well as inform, that are joyful.


  • 我们中的愉悦中枢因为成瘾药物我们所爱甜食而启动。

    The pleasure centers in your brain are activated by both addictive drugs and the sweets we so love.


  • 它们提高燃油经济车辆安全减轻车身重量客户提供愉悦驾驶体验附加价值

    They improve fuel economy, make the vehicle more efficient, safer and lighter, ensure a pleasurable driving experience, and provide added value to the customer.


  • 多巴胺还愉悦满足感有关我们经历新鲜刺激具有挑战事情时,大脑中便会分泌多巴胺。

    Dopamine is associated with feelings of pleasure and satisfaction, and it's released when we experience something new, exciting or challenging.


  • 令人愉悦-与员工成功相关最低几乎是零但是培训成功有关的。

    Agreeableness -agreeableness shows the lowest relationship to employee success, with a correlation of almost zero. But it is associated with training success.


  • 木构建筑可能创造一个愉悦放松交际创造城市体验

    "Timber buildings have the potential architecturally to create a more pleasing, relaxed, sociable and creative urban experience".


  • 患者常常情绪消沉,感到持续困乏精力衰退生活没有兴趣愉悦

    Patients soften feel depressed, persistent fatigue, energy decline, no interest in life, no pleasure.


  • 不论名创业者企业管理者还是一名普通人本书都深启发和阅读的愉悦

    Whether you are an entrepreneur and enterprise managers, or an ordinary person, book of inspirational and reading pleasure.


  • 电视文化娱乐教育功能相互统一又促使大众休闲愉悦气氛中陶冶情操、获得精神心灵洗礼

    The mutual unification of television culture's amused and educational function makes the masses mould moral in a casual and joyful atmosphere, getting the baptism of spirit and soul.


  • 行动经典站立躺卧数以千计构成提供了精心挑选视觉愉悦以及具有挑战素描绘画雕刻科目

    Ranging from action to classic, standing to reclining, thousands of carefully selected poses offer visually pleasing as well as challenging drawing, painting, and sculpting subjects.


  • 就是为什么总体来看,一年休假带来的愉悦超出想象一次休假一周则不如你想象中那么快乐。

    That's why in general, going away four times provides more benefit than you would expect, and going away for one week provides less benefit than you would expect.


  • 美的形象本质属具有愉悦高级社会情感功能的属功能,也就是

    The essence of the image of beauty is being pleasing, which is a function of high level social emotion; in other words, the pleasing functionality is beauty.


  • 美的形象本质属具有愉悦高级社会情感功能的属功能,也就是

    The essence of the image of beauty is being pleasing, which is a function of high level social emotion; in other words, the pleasing functionality is beauty.


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