• 思乐情况改善尽管目前并不理想却尚可容忍

    Conditions are improving, says Mr Vasella, and are now tolerable, if not ideal.


  • 思乐国家现在正考虑卡罗莱那州设立一个农业办公室

    Troxler said the country is now considering creating an agriculture office in North Carolina.


  • 华制药美国发言人周一晚间无法联系到身处瑞士思乐做出置评。

    U. S. spokeswoman for Novartis said late Monday that Mr. Vasella couldn't be reached for comment in Switzerland.


  • 思乐一种混合了碎甜味香精冷饮健康不好却是美味

    A slushie is a cold drink made with blended, crushed ice and sweet flavoring. These aren't very good for you, but they sure taste good!


  • 即使琐碎的片刻,一杯冰再加一首爵士,任何简单的元素,能成为一种生活态度。

    Even it's insignificantly short. A cup of Slurpee and a jazz song, simple yet carry life long.


  • 思乐表示:“中国医改意味着我们业务将获得更多增长其它国家,情况恰恰相反。”

    "Healthcare reform in China means more growth in our operations, while in other countries it means less," said Mr Vasella.


  • 而且由于药品开发耗时长久思乐相信科研实验室生产第一成果,知识产权保护已臻完善。

    And since drugs take such a long time to develop, Mr Vasella believes intellectual-property protection will be sufficient by the time the research laboratory produces its first fruits.


  • 思乐表示,剑桥经历告诉我们必须人才所在地方,而不是人才自己送上门。”

    Mr Vasella said the experience in Cambridge "taught us that you have to go where the talent is rather than getting the talent to come to where we are".


  • 思乐冰”是美国著名饮料酷热夏季饮用降温的好方法,但是近年知名度有所下降。

    Thee Slurpee, a famous American drink which has declined in popularity in recent years, is a GREat way to cool off in the summer time heat.


  • 届时,汉思乐先生同时担任北京凯燕国际饭店管理有限公司总经理一职,凯宾斯基首旅集团合资公司。

    At the same time, Henssler will be appointed Managing Director of Key International Hotels Management Co. , Ltd, Kempinski's joint venture in China with the Beijing Tourism Group.


  • 诺华制药的老总思乐博士坚决拥护近来并购但是承认公司现在必须去公司找灵感因为我们无法面面俱到。”

    Dr Vasella, Novartis's boss, stoutly defends recent mergers, but accepts that big firms must now look outside for inspiration becausewe can't do it all ourselves.”


  • 诺华本身遇到这个问题,思乐表示,跳槽的比率诸如销售营销雇员比例最高,这种雇员的用到其他行业适应极易

    Novartis has suffered from this itself, but Mr Vasella says turnover is highest among employees, such as those in sales and marketing, whose skills transfer readily from one industry to another.


  • 估摸明年为止邻居,那个总是购买思乐销售员说服东西炫耀跑着Linux的超级桌面电脑

    I figure by next year your neighbor, the one who always buys what the sales staff at Best buy talks him into purchasing, will be bragging to you about his new super-duper desktop running Linux.


  • 拒人于千里之外,就是看到无家可归人时只注意到看起来是多么凌乱锱铢必较地想着如果他身无分文又为何一个7-11思乐

    Separation is looking at the homeless person and focusing on how unkempt he looks, and criticizing why he has a 7-11 Slurpee cup if he is out of money.


  • 赤脚跑顾名义,就是穿那些昂贵跑鞋跑步原因在于人们几千年来以此

    Barefoot running is what it says on the tin. It's running without expensive trainers because that's how humans have run for thousands of years.


  • 那普同时拥有迄今为止仍翻修建筑没有按照规划建立Irpinia灾难之后八十年代新建筑。

    Naples has both old buildings that have not been retrofitted and more recent buildings that were not constructed according to codes put in place in the early 1980s after the Irpinia tragedy.


  • 亚里士多德莫伊

    Aristotle or Moyles?


  • 一些坚决反对未婚同居致力于减少离婚率婚姻挽救组织的共同创始人迈克。梅他们声称调查结果令人担忧

    But others who are firmly against cohabitation, such as Mike McManus, co-founder of Marriage Savers, a "ministry" that aims to reduce the divorce rate, calls the findings worrisome.


  • 从此数不清作曲家开始小提琴作为首选器来向世界传达自己

    Since then, countless composers have preferred the violin as a vehicle of choice to communicate their musical ideas to the world.


  • 如此墨守成规,又怎能成为革新者呢?你死守过去爵士关于未来

    Keith:How are you gonna be a revolutionary if you re such a traditionalist? You hold onto the past, but jazz is about the future.


  • 古老建筑艺术节日气氛,无不游客

    Old building art, happy festive air, make visitors too happy to thellonk of returning to here invariably.


  • 一首曲调,展开一般取决于其自身结构是否具备一定张力

    The unfolding of the musical inspiration for a melody usually depends on whether the structure itself has certain stretching force.


  • 物我两,常常创作最能洞悉内心的精妙时刻操琴奔涌,于时空流转中成全一方天地。

    Forget everything. It is best time to understand what you want when creating, looks like drink and play the piano, Inspiration surges.


  • 美国单簧管手李可朋友们演奏不同时代风格独奏与室内包括即兴演奏。

    American clarinetist Keith Lipson and friends will perform solo and small ensemble music from different periods and genres, including spontaneous improvisation.


  • 此时回到维也纳泉涌,一八零三年写出雷霆万钧第三号「英雄交响曲

    " At this time he returned to Vienna, Crawshaw Spring, in 1803 the Thundering Third write "Heroes" Symphony.


  • 此时回到维也纳泉涌,一八零三年写出雷霆万钧第三号「英雄交响曲

    " At this time he returned to Vienna, Crawshaw Spring, in 1803 the Thundering Third write "Heroes" Symphony.


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