• 打算放弃忽然看见其中下面有一石头。

    I was about to give up when I saw a pile of small stones jammed under a boulder.


  • 走近屋子时,思嘉正要开口说什么,忽然看见走廊暗影中的母亲

    Near the house, Scarlett was at the point of speaking again when she saw her mother in the dim shadows of the porch.


  • 忽然看见蝎子以为也是蚱蜢便着两手捕捉

    Suddenly see a scorpion son, he to think is also grasshopper, Then two go to catch him.


  • 他说:“岸边树林里出来,忽然看见大海知道那种感觉吗?”

    You know how it feels to come out of the trees on the coast and suddenly see the ocean?


  • :“岸边树林里出来,忽然看见大海知道那种感觉吗?”

    "You know how it feels to come out of the trees on the coast and suddenly see the ocean?" he asked.


  • 过了一会儿走上山丘时忽然看见山下只狮子正在吃他小牛犊

    Not long afterwards, as he ascended a small hill, he saw at its foot a Lion feeding on the calf.


  • 可怜星期五一辈子受过冻。现在忽然看见大雪封山,天寒地冻,简直把他吓坏了。

    Poor Friday was really frighted when he saw the Mountains all cover'd with Snow, and felt cold Weather, which he had never seen or felt before in his Life.


  • 朋友端起酒杯喝酒的时候忽然看见杯子里面有条影子,当时勉强酒喝下

    When the friend lifted his cup, he saw a small snake in the wine, yet he forced himself to drink.


  • 朋友端起酒杯喝酒时候忽然看见杯子里面有条的影子,当时勉强酒喝下

    When the friend lifted his cup, he saw a small snake in the wine, yet he forced himself t drink.


  • 那时有人去埋葬一个死人,忽然看见游击队便将死人抛在厄里坟墓里走了。

    And some that were burying a man, saw the rovers, and cast the body into the sepulchre of Eliseus.


  • 上课了,书本点名册粉笔来到教室,走上讲台忽然看见了讲桌上的那粥。

    The bell was ringing. He came into the classroom with his books, the attendance book and a box of chalk. Going to the platform, he saw the bowlful of gruel on his desk.


  • 举止粗犷侠骨柔肠,这时忽然看见三岁女孩条小巷摇摇摆摆出来身旁有只狗

    Rough in manner but withal a noble, tender-hearted man, he suddenly saw a three-year-old girl toddling out of an alley accompanied by a dog.


  • 天下午有些孩子正在茅屋的近旁玩耍他们忽然看见个身穿高个子女人走进屋门

    Near this latter spot, one afternoon, some children were at play, when they beheld a tall woman, in a gray robe, approach the cottage-door.


  • 正在这样思前想后忽然看见太阳把刚刚来到斜坡顶上紧挨着背后一个人影子投射眼前

    In the midst of his preoccupations, he perceived, from a shadow cast by the sun, that some one had halted on the crest of the slope immediately behind him.


  • 崔宁正和几个朋友酒店喝酒忽然看见郡王府失火了,赶回中,走光了,恰好碰见秀秀出来

    One day when Cui Ning was drinking with some friends in a wine shop he suddenly saw the mansion was on fire. Hurrying back he found all the people had run Xiuxiu was coming out.


  • 马吕斯一步一步慢慢地走上老屋楼梯正要回到那冷清清的屋子里去忽然看见容德雷特大姑娘过道里后面走来。

    Marius ascended the stairs of the hovel with slow steps; at the moment when he was about to re-enter his cell, he caught sight of the elder Jondrette girl following him through the corridor.


  • 屋里母亲唤着连忙过去坐在母亲旁边——回头忽然看见红莲旁边的一个荷叶慢慢地倾侧了下来覆盖红莲上面……我不宁的心绪散尽了

    On the mother's calls, I quickly walked over, sitting beside her mother -- a look back suddenly saw HL next to a large lotus leaf, slowly tilt down, was covered in red above… I restless mind cleared!


  • 聂赫留朵夫想到跟前忽然看见房门右边一个淡棕色发的犯。男犯戴眼镜,身穿橡胶上衣,一面整理口袋里的东西,一面跟相貌俊美、脸带笑容的格拉别茨谈话

    Nekhludoff was going up to him, but to the right of the door a man with spectacles and reddish curls, dressed in a rubber jacket, sat talking to the pretty, smiling Grabetz.


  • 正和妈妈收银台排队等候交钱,忽然看见闪闪发光白珍珠,装一个粉红色的金属盒里

    Waiting with her mother at the checkout stand, she saw them: a circle of glistening white pearls in a pink foil box.


  • 正在专心走路,忽然惊,远远里看见条丁字街,明明白白横着。

    When Hua was walking attentively, he was stunned at a cross he saw in the street.


  • 正和妈妈收银台排队等候交钱,忽然看见闪闪发光白珍珠,装一个粉红色金属盒里

    Waiting with her mother at the checkout 2)stand, she saw them: a circle of glistening white pearls in a pink 3)foil box.


  • 正和妈妈收银台排队等候交钱,忽然看见闪闪发光白珍珠,装一个粉红色金属盒里

    Waiting with her mother at the checkout 2)stand, she saw them: a circle of glistening white pearls in a pink 3)foil box.


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