• 结论药物滥用个性心理缺陷行为模式改变

    Conclusion: There are changes in psychological deficiency and behavior model of drug addicts.


  • 作为一个者,克服困难心理缺陷好球带打出去咬不到球。

    As a hitter, oneof the toughest mental flaws to overcome is swinging at balls out of the strikezone or chasing pitches that are hard to drive.


  • 但是面试官却认为年龄这么大了还没结婚也男朋友怀疑她们心理缺陷尽管她们确实人才

    Lily: But the interviewers don’t think so,they discredit the unmarried women above the normal age have mentality defects, although they are turly bright people.


  • 如今一些雇主以及保险商正在测试如何此类心理缺陷进行干预,鼓励人们做出更加健康选择

    Now, some employers and insurers are testing ways to harness such psychological pitfalls to get people to make healthier choices.


  • 作为一代大学生我们不是精神匮乏的,我们不是心理缺陷的,我们不是冷漠无情的

    As a new generation of college students, we do not want the spirit, we are not mentally defective, we are not indifferent merciless.


  • 我们努力寻求心理缺陷者归入日常生活方法时,我们对受过专业训练帮助他们教育者需要与日俱增

    As we seek ways to keep mentally handicapped persons involved in the daily life of our society, we have a growing need for educators who are specially trained to assist them.


  • 目标是通过生理心理缺陷人士进行训练康复,帮助他们完全发挥出自己潜能积极贡献社会

    Through training and rehabilitation, Hui Ling aims to help people with physical and mental disabilities reach their full potential and contribute to society in an active way.


  • 绿色空间大脑好处环境心理学家研究表明,绿色空间注意力缺陷障碍儿童认知有益

    Green space is good for the mind too: research by environmental psychologists has shown that it has cognitive benefits for children with attention-deficit disorder.


  • 许多公共卫生运动缺陷批评正确的:它们没有调动同伴压力来促进健康习惯而且展示了对心理严重误解

    Her critique of the lameness of many public-health campaigns is spot-on: they fail to mobilize peer pressure for healthy habits, and they demonstrate a seriously flawed understanding of psychology.


  • 有点一个视力缺陷,他看到黑点各种乱像就眼科医生,希望纠正视觉。佛教实际上矫正人的心理精神的视觉。

    This is something like a person who has defective eyesight and is seeing spots and all sorts of illusions, and goes to an ophthalmologist to correct his vision.


  • 深入心理层次看,长了排除无关事务能力缺陷

    On a deep psychological level, it promotes the inability to let go of things that are unimportant.


  • 如果觉得可能教育缺陷认知障碍或者精神问题那么您在参加这项测试之前需要先咨询专业心理医生或者精神医生

    If you feel you may have an educational problem, a learning disability, or a psychological problem, then you should consult with a professional psychologist or psychiatrist before you take this test.


  • 他们发现人作为物种,有一种系统性心理崩溃缺陷我们将来的出现成本有着非常认识

    They see a systematic psychological breakdown - as a species we're just really bad at understanding costs that come later on.


  • 注意缺陷多动症儿童成长常见心理障碍之一

    Attention Deficit Hyperactivity disorder, ADHD, is one of the most common mental disorders that develop in children.


  • 一些教育家心理学家一直都为有行为缺陷问题儿童入学后注定随着年纪增长学习成绩会逐渐落后倍感忧虑。

    Educators and psychologists have long feared that children entering school with behavior problems were doomed to fall behind in the upper grades.


  • 帕特认为胎儿酒精中毒症状人联系那些先天缺陷孩子,他们要么头部面部残疾,要么就心理问题。”

    Foetal alcohol syndrome, he says, "can give rise to children who are seriously damaged, born with head and facial abnormalities and mental disabilities".


  • 家庭环境基本变量因子心理健康中情绪、性格缺陷退缩行为行为障碍因子存在显著相关

    Tthe basic variables of family environment have significant negative relation with the factors of moral and disposition flaw, shrinking back behavior, behavioral hinder in psychological health.


  • 哈佛大学心理学家丹·韦格纳(DanWegner)称这种缺陷一种怪诞”的心理过程

    Dan Wegner, a psychologist at Harvard, refers to the failure as an "ironic" mental process.


  • Durham大学发表《神经心理学》学报上的这项研究认为视觉信息处理缺陷可能一个因素

    The Durham study, published in the academic journal Neuropsychologia, suggests visual processing problems may also be a contributing factor.


  • 其中社交他人沟通项能力缺陷由于自闭患者缺乏移情能力或者科学界术语说,“心理理论”。

    Two of these three, impairments in social interaction and in communication with other people, are the results of autists lacking empathy or, in technical jargon, a "theory of mind".


  • 心理家常棘手孩子(包括注意缺陷多动障碍对立违抗性障碍的孩子)使用技巧比较有效的。

    What can be more effective are techniques that psychologists often use with the most difficult kids, including children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder and oppositional defiant disorder.


  • 结论银屑病患者心理健康状况较心理防御方式存在缺陷

    Conclusion: The patients with psoriasis had bad mental health health and defects in psychology defense mechanism.


  • 我们必须顺从人性,接受所有缺陷优点,而不是试图心理层面完善

    Human nature needs to be obeyed with all its flaws, with all its shortcoming, as opposed to attempting to perfect it, on the psychological level.


  • 我国股市投资者行为偏差由于投资者情感认知社会心理偏差内在偏差我国股票市场制度缺陷外部原因共同作用的产物

    The second, the behavior biases of our investors is outcome of the inner biases such as emotion , cognition , social psychological biases etc, and the outer system defects of our market.


  • 马尼拉拉萨大学心理家们开展研究表明,创造型天才其实缺陷的。

    The study, conducted by psychologists at De La Salle University in Manila, found creative people are indeed flawed.


  • 注意缺陷、多障碍(ADHD)是儿童期最为常见心理行为疾病药物治疗ADHD主要治疗方法之一

    Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) has been one of the most common psychological and behavioral diseases in children, and pharmacotherapy is one of the main therapy of ADHD.


  • 分析注意缺陷障碍(ADHD)儿童不同亚型神经心理特征

    To analysis the neuropsychological characteristics of different subtypes of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).


  • 目的探讨注意缺陷障碍(ADHD)儿童心理行为特征早期诊断儿童adhd提供科学依据。

    Objective to explore the characteristics of psychological behaviors of children's attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), and to provide bases for the early diagnosis of ADHD.


  • 目的探讨注意缺陷障碍(ADHD)儿童心理行为特征早期诊断儿童adhd提供科学依据。

    Objective to explore the characteristics of psychological behaviors of children's attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), and to provide bases for the early diagnosis of ADHD.


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