• 玛丽亚·麦德拉诺带着这些女人母语写成诗歌来到了诗歌

    María Medrano came to the workshop with poems written in these women's mother tongues.


  • 比赛进行时则这样的:卡尔德拉诺赢一分,就是一阵兴奋的尖叫

    On it went through the match, just like this: Every time Calderano scored, an elated scream;


  • 有一,玛丽亚·德拉诺带着这些女人母语写成诗歌来到诗歌

    One day, María Medrano came to the workshop with poems written in these women's mother tongues.


  • 年,恩格尔布赖特认识了社会工作者菲尔·德拉诺年后二人结为伉俪

    In 1975 Engelbreit met social worker Phil Delano, and the couple married two years later.


  • ·罗斯福之所以取得这么成就,其关键因素之一富兰克林·德拉诺·罗斯福婚姻关系

    One of the vital reasons why Eleanor Roosevelt acquired so much achievement is the marital relationship between her and Franklin Delano Roosevelt.


  • 德拉毁灭很多年,拥有近乎无尽力量的巫妖创造了一种新的死亡骑士邪恶的,使用符文武器的天灾战士

    Years after the destruction of Draenor, the immensely powerful Lich King created a new breed of death knights: malevolent, rune-wielding warriors of the Scourge.


  • 这些水晶散落德拉古老遗迹中,默默诉说着埃匹希斯文明的历史。这个文明曾秩序世代中达到了巅峰然后突然消失了。

    Scattered in the most ancient of ruins on Draenor are fragments and whispers of the Apexis civilization, who attained a height of power during the Age of Order and then abruptly vanished.


  • 一周富兰克林·德拉诺·罗斯福纪念馆签署了一项立法,旨在增加劳动力市场伤残人士的医疗保障方案医疗补助计划的补助金。

    A week later at the FDR Memorial, I signed the legislation that extended Medicare and Medicaid benefits to disabled people in the workforce.


  • 这些水晶散落德拉古老遗迹中,默默诉说着埃匹希斯文明的历史。 这个文明曾秩序世代中达到了巅峰然后突然消失了。 。

    Scattered din the most ancient of ruins on Draenor are fragments and whispers of the Apexis civilization, who attained a height of power during the Age of Order and then abruptly vanished.


  • 希拉里走进地图资料室他看富兰克林.德拉诺.罗斯福1945年佐治亚的沃姆普林克斯去世使用过的地图,差点哭了出来

    He almost cried when Hillary took him into the map room to show him the war map FDR was using when he died in Warm Springs, Georgia, in 1945.


  • 1649年,西··热拉克创作了《月球旅》,其通常人们认为第一科幻故事

    A Voyage to the Moon, often cited as the first science fiction story, was written by Cyrano de Bergerac in 1649.


  • 由于没有授权几乎所有清洁技术领域难以引起投资者兴趣,”杰出风险投资家维德·科斯拉预计。

    "Almost all areas of clean technology will get a little less investor interest because there is no mandate," predicts Vinod Khosla, a prominent venture capitalist.


  • 然而赫罗德告诉纽约讯记者,赞并没有溶解里,所以相信特拉维斯其实一点药都没喝进去。

    However, Herold told New York station WABC that the Xanax didn't dissolve in the tea, and she doesn't believe Travis had any of the drug in his system.


  • 可以宣称自己看到布莱·德曼露丝贝利塔娜,费德勒纳芙拉蒂娃,尼克劳斯伍兹。又或者你可以满怀激动地宣称自己看到明日之星。

    You can say that you saw Bradman or Ruth, pele or Montana, Federer or Navratilova, Nicklaus or woods-or you may have the tingling feeling that you have seen the next of the greats.


  • 乌拉圭裁判拉里昂达助理裁判艾斯皮没有看到兰帕德已经越过线

    The Uruguayan referee Jorge Larrionda and his assistant Mauricio Espinosa failed to spot that Frank Lampard's looping shot had bounced at least a yard over the line.


  • 玛丽·德尔德罗伊特商业咨询公司零售业务部门主管,她表示安尼·女士的看法是对的。

    Mary Delk, a director in the retail division of Deloitte Consulting, said Ms. Arellano was right. Ms.


  • 玛丽·德尔德罗伊特商业咨询公司零售业务部门主管,她表示安尼·女士的看法是对的。

    Mary Delk, a director in the retail division of Deloitte Consulting, said Ms. Arellano was right.


  • 儿子、萨尔瓦铁拉公爵卡耶··马丁内斯·德·伊鲁霍周前称,见了母亲追求者3。他认为母亲不该嫁人因为承担着历史责任。

    Her son Cayetano Martinez DE Irujo, the Duke of Salvatierra, said just a few weeks ago he had only met his mother's suitor three times and she shouldn't marry because of her historic responsibility.


  • 7月专业军士阿尔马·巴卡(ArmanoBaca)指控杀害来自威斯康辛的战友瑞安·理查德·施拉克(RyanRichardSchlack),凶案发生伊拉克执行任务回国

    In July, Specialist Armano Baca was charged with murdering a fellow soldier, Ryan Richard Schlack from Wisconsin, after the two had returned from Tours in Iraq.


  • ·怀尔德:认为肯定什么事情上犯下了可怕的错误我不知道什么

    Nora Wilder: I think I must be doing something horribly wrong but I don't know what it is.


  • 马斯切拉第一赢得奥运金牌的阿根廷足球运动员——但没有看到在梅尔·伍德到处炫耀

    Mascherano is the first Argentinean footballer to win two Olympic gold MEDALS - not that you'll find him bragging around Melwood.


  • ·怀尔德:只是尝试出来到底意味着什么

    Nora Wilder: Im just trying to figure out if this is supposed to mean something.


  • 卫冕冠军阿根廷除了斯科拉卡洛斯·德尔菲之外,没有其他NBA球员入选。

    The defending Olympic champion, Argentina, will be without all its NBA players except Luis Scola and Carlos Delfino.


  • 马斯切拉回来后梅尔·伍德和预备队一起。”拉法

    "Mascherano will have ten days off, but when he returns he will stay at Melwood with the reserves," said Benitez.


  • 大伙儿刚刚走出菜园子,停止说话,寂然无声,有条不紊地、从容不迫地沿着通往奥特拉·德森林大道田野拉长距离,散开了。

    As soon as they had passed beyond the fence, they all moved without noise or talk, lengthening out along the road and the field to the Otradnoe forest.


  • 虽然有目共睹今天每个瓦尔拉斯均衡帕累托有效的,知道复杂证明1936年制定亚伯拉罕沃尔德约翰依曼在1938年。

    While it is known today that every Walras equilibrium is Pareto efficient, this was not known until more complex proofs were devised in 1936 by Abraham Waldand John von Neumannin 1938.


  • 除了正在进行的卡萨谈判的外,我们开始与皇马讨论关于德伦小兔子萨维奥拉的引进事宜。

    Tuttosport says Samp are in advanced talks with Real over a fee for Cassano and during discussions have also been offered the chance to sign Royston Drenthe and Javier Saviola.


  • 荷兰射手在今天完成耶·转会拉法非常高兴

    The Dutch hitman has today completed his signing from Feyenoord much to the delight of Reds boss Rafael Benitez.


  • 荷兰射手在今天完成耶·转会拉法非常高兴

    The Dutch hitman has today completed his signing from Feyenoord much to the delight of Reds boss Rafael Benitez.


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