• 好利节,冈的男人来到尔萨那里女人嬉戏。

    On Holi, men from Nandgaon come to Barsana to play holi with the women there.


  • 查克·洛尔告诉希望克里斯汀·斯基作为母亲返回这个春季档出现。关于听说过吗?

    TVLINE | Chuck Lorre told me that he hoped to have Christine Baranski (the Good Wife) back this spring as Leonard's mother. Have you heard anything on that?


  • 电影改编自60年代同名超自然题材电视剧其中扮演吸血鬼柯林斯

    He plays vampire Barnabas Collins in the film based on the the 60′s daily supernatural series of the same name.


  • 查克·洛尔告诉希望克里斯汀·斯基作为母亲返回这个春季档出现。

    TVLINE | Chuck Lorre told me that he hoped to have Christine Baranski (The Good Wife) back this spring as Leonard's mother.


  • TVLINE |查克·洛尔告诉希望克里斯汀·斯基作为母亲返回这个春季档出现。

    TVLINE | Chuck Lorre told me that he hoped to have Christine Baranski (the Good Wife) back this spring as Leonard's mother.


  • 阿森中场亚历山大-认为阿森队友曼纽尔-阿周日鹿巷之战中一定努力争取东家进球。

    Alex Song says former Arsenal team-mate Emmanuel Adebayor will be determined to get one over his old Club at White Hart Lane on Sunday.


  • 对阵阿森的比赛攻进一球后,阿德巴跑进前场枪手球迷庆祝,枪手球迷讨厌他了。

    And they were even less pleased when he scored against them at Eastlands and ran the length of the pitch to celebrate in front of the travelling Gooners.


  • 这本书拖沓不像的那本古尔

    It drags, unlike Bazzana's Glenn Gould book.


  • 对阵曼联阿森这样球队时候,盖特对付鲁尼贝尔托夫华多这样的前锋,表现得很出色果断。

    Against the likes of Manchester United and Arsenal, Woodgate played too deeply and was found flat footed dealing with Rooney, Berbatov and Eduardo.


  • 不久前家人前往俄勒冈勒山滑雪丢失一支滑雪板开始徒步下山

    The teen was skiing on Mt. Bachelor in Oregon with his family when he lost one of his skis. He took off one ski and began walking down the mountain.


  • 拉曼·桑、威尔考克斯印度冰川学家萨义·以邱尔·哈斯正在协同工作计算炭黑冰川融解所造成损失

    Ramanathan, Wilcox and an Indian glaciologist Syed Iqbal Hasnain are working to figure out the impact of black carbon on glacial loss.


  • 比如阿德巴图雷阿森经历了几个失望赛季,他们非常需要证明自己

    Adebayor and toure, for example, both have plenty to prove after disappointing seasons for Arsenal.


  • 为了自己淹没空虚之中给了彼特·基廷,然后仅仅是为了离开而选择报业大亨盖尔·威。威巴纳出版社老板,也就是图专栏出现地方

    Attempting to drown herself in inanity, she marries Peter Keating, only to leave him for newspaper tycoon Gail Wynand, publisher of the Banner, where Toohey's column appears.


  • 有些年轻背包客生活称为里曼,他们使用Twitter软件传送每分钟更新事情发给亲戚朋友

    Some of the young backpackers living near the Chabad House, also known as Nariman House, said they used Twitter to send minute-by-minute updates of what was happening to relatives and friends.


  • 西利吉克业务尔赫转移穷困沙漠星球塔图因,并开始以此

    Jabba transplanted Desilijic operations from Nal Hutta to Tatooine, a backwater desert planet he began to think of as home.


  • 但是依旧希望引进赫莱布约,如果他们有把握能够引进阿森双星中的一人,他们有可能就不会对阿尔沙文感兴趣了。

    But Barca have also been linked with Alexander Hleb and Emmanuel Adebayor, and if they manage to secure one of the two Arsenal players they may no longer want Arshavin.


  • 乔伊·塔哥尼亚户外用品公司创始人,其经商理念是:善待员工可提升其业绩

    In business, Mr Chouinard, the founder of Patagonia, an outdoor-clothing firm, says he believes that well-treated employees perform better.


  • 上周五德巴约公开了一则消息宣称现在正在阿森而且直到下周决定自己未来

    The Togo international sent out mixed messages on Friday, announcing he was staying at Arsenal and straight afterwards confirming he would only decide on his future next week.


  • 阿森前锋努尔·德巴经纪人透露已经拒绝了来自曼联尤文图斯开出的合同

    The agent of Arsenal striker Manu Adebayor has revealed he's turned down Manchester United and Juventus to pen a New Deal.


  • 联赛阿森被热击败的比赛中队友打架的事件致歉。

    Emmanuel Adebayor is' sorry 'for his clash with team-mate Nicklas Bendtner during Arsenal's Carling Cup defeat at Tottenham Hotspur.


  • 阿森主教练温格交谈之后,阿似乎已经决定留在阿森了。几个星期以来有关的转会消息成为了议论焦点。

    Emmanuel Adebayor looks likely to stay at Arsenal following talks with manager Arsene Wenger about his future, which has been the subject of intense speculation for weeks.


  • 然而阿森主教练温格一直强调希望离开球队,阿德巴本人不再要求转会

    However, Arsenal boss Arsene Wenger has always stressed that he does not want Adebayor to go, and the player himself has played down talk of a move.


  • 黑军团下定决心签下大牌球员来加强他们进攻但是塞罗那距离阿森的阿近的以后,他们目标又重新回到了尔迪尼奥身上。

    The Rossoneri are determined to draft in a big star name for their attack, but after Barcelona closed in further on Arsenal's Emmanuel Adebayor, the target is drifting back towards Ronaldinho.


  • 阿森主教练温格警告说不会把阿约放米兰但是承认说对抗德巴约本人的意愿强留也是不可能的”。

    Arsene Wenger warns he won't release Emmanuel Adebayor to Milan, but also admits it'll be "impossible" to hold him against his will.


  • 阿森前锋曼努尔·德巴约的经纪人透露已经拒绝了来自曼联尤文图斯开出合同

    Manu Adebayor has revealed he's turned down Manchester United and Juventus to pen a New Deal.


  • 约克斯吉特并不满足一名阿罗过滤公司的安全系统技术员,为了发财,把提班气体秘密卖给格温武器设计师赫米·尔,奥尔再将提班气体注入爆能枪能量夹。

    Not content as a security systems technician at A'roFilter, Yoxgit supplemented his income by secretly selling Tibanna gas to the Baragwin weapons designer Hermi Odle for infusion in blaster packs.


  • 米兰追逐名球员已经有断时间了,联赛与阿森比赛中阿德巴约给他们留下了极其深刻的印象。

    Milan have been after the player for a while and they were impressed when Adebayor played against them in the Champions League earlier this year.


  • 副18世纪瓷制假牙考古学家伦敦一次挖掘过程中发现的。假牙的主人是法国大主教亚瑟·理查·狄龙,这位大主教于1806年。

    The 18th Century porcelain dentures were found by archaeologists during a dig in London. They belonged to the Archbishop of Narbonne, Arthur Richard Dillon, who died in 1806.


  • 多哥前锋德巴想到即将面对自己阿森的队友亨利,就特别的兴奋。

    After SOT Togo striker Adebayor is especially excited. at the prospect of playing against his Arsenal strike partner, Thierry Henry.


  • 多哥前锋德巴想到即将面对自己阿森的队友亨利,就特别的兴奋。

    After SOT Togo striker Adebayor is especially excited. at the prospect of playing against his Arsenal strike partner, Thierry Henry.


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