• 是的,”德塔保证说,“带到高山牧场上她的爷爷那儿去,我要她留在那儿。”

    "Yes," Deta assured her, "I am taking her up to the Alm-Uncle and there I want her to remain."


  • 傍晚时分我们用晚餐时观赏传说中的日落

    In the late afternoon, we head to Ku DE Ta to watch the legendary sunset over dinner.


  • 随着木构高层建筑新兴潮流,80奥克伍框架

    Following the emerging trend for timber-framed high-rises, the 80-storey Oakwood Tower would have a timber frame.


  • 尚未发表新近研究显示,尼安·德塔人的Y染色体人类不同。

    New, still unpublished work reveals that the Neandertal Y chromosome differs from the human one.


  • 例如HLA - A型基因存在安·德塔人和丹尼·索瓦人的基因组中。

    The specific gene HLA-A, for example, is present in the Neanderthal and Denisovan genomes.


  • 安·德塔认为现代人接近的远祖,有些科学家甚至两者看做是同一个物种

    Neanderthals are believed to be modern humans' closest ancestor, and some scientists view both as the same species.


  • 例如西班牙团体这个星期发布了一份报告,分析来自一个洞穴的12个安·德塔DNA

    For example, a group in Spain published a paper this week analyzing the DNA from 12 Neanderthals found in a single cave.


  • 无线救生舱是智利南部卡瓦诺海军造船厂制造出来的,海军护理人员至井下检查矿工们健康

    The wire rescue capsules were made at the naval shipyard in Talcahuano, in southern Chile, and two navy paramedics were lowered to check the men's health.


  • 华盛顿报导根据一份本周美国发表研究报告显示,德塔人和现代人大脑出生相似,出生后第一年内就有不同发育

    WASHINGTON: The brains of Neanderthals and humans were similar at birth but developed differently in the first year of life, according to a German study published this week in the United States.


  • 墨西哥遵循着美国大部分相同传统风俗,他们特殊活动博斯克尔潘全市举办的21公里比赛,在墨西哥市举行

    Mexico follows mostly the same traditions as the US, but they do have an extra special event: the Bosque de Tlalpan, a citywide 21-kilometer race that takes place in Mexico City.


  • 为了比较两者科学家扫描安·德塔头骨碎片电脑组合成一个虚拟大脑,然后跟不同发育阶段的现代人婴儿大脑的电脑模型比较

    To compare the two brains, scientists assembled a virtual Neanderthal brain by scanning skull fragments and comparing the computer models at different stages of growth to the human baby brain.


  • 今年五月一份具有划时代意义基因分析结果显示,现代人有可能安·德塔杂交过,而且现代人的基因中有高达4%似乎是从尼安·德塔人来的。

    In May a landmark genome analysis determined that humans most likely interbred with Neanderthals, and that as much as 4% of the modern human genome seems to be from Neanderthals.


  • 头号对手朱塞佩··没有

    Neither he nor his archrival, Giuseppe De Rita, won.


  • 毕加索奥尔圣胡安画了幅风景画

    Picasso also executed several landscapes at Horta de San Juan.


  • 这本一个拉·特罗的启发而写成的。

    The book was inspired by a real person, namely Tamara de Treaux.


  • 考尔迷人微笑着伸出手说:“十分荣幸,尔博特夫人。”

    Calder smiled charmingly and put out his hand. "A pleasure, Mrs. Talbot."


  • 只有来自黎巴嫩一位代表·贝特试图提出这个问题

    Only one representative, Jad Tabet from Lebanon, tried to raise the issue.


  • 卡莱姆作品很快吸引颇具鉴赏目光法国外交官查尔斯·莫里斯··利兰·佩里戈尔的注意。

    Carême's creations soon captured the discriminating eye of a French diplomat, Charles Maurice de Talleyrand-Périgord.


  • ·多尔根看到了大街滚烫发红的“腊肠狗”香肠。

    Tad Dorgan, saw the red hot dachshund sausages sold on streets.


  • 她们共用前门一台洗衣机·怀特黑一楼自己厨房浴室卧室客厅

    They share a front door and a washing machine, but Rita Whitehead has her own kitchen, bathroom, bedroom and living room on the ground floor.


  • 阿拉斯加州举行艾迪雪橇比赛在针对参赛者一起故意袭击事件名摩托雪橇手杀死了一条使多条狗受伤

    One dog has been killed and multiple dogs have been injured by a snowmobile driver in what appears to be an intentional attack on competitors in the Iditarod Race in Alaska.


  • 多亏了别人的帮助,我们活得比以前幸福多了。”尼的父亲卡耶告诉《时代周刊·儿童版》。

    "Thanks to others' help, we live much more happily than before," Tani's father, Kayoed, told TIME for Kids.


  • 斯卡卢萨市长克斯告诉CNN龙卷风几乎夷平这个城市一个一个街区

    Tuscaloosa Mayor Maddox told CNN that the twister literally obliterated blocks and blocks of the city.


  • 其他确定球员包括: 奈杰尔·克拉夫·沃克戴夫沃森,艾伦·布斯特雷弗·斯蒂文格雷厄姆·斯图尔特

    Other confirmed players include Nigel Clough, Des Walker, Dave Watson, Alan Stubbs, Trevor Steven and Graham Stuart.


  • 迪伦·托马斯理查·伯顿这样熟悉面孔中增加偶像比如电影明星凯瑟琳··琼斯和歌剧歌手布林·特费尔。

    To familiar faces such as Dylan Thomas and Richard Burton have been added new icons such as Catherine Zeta·Jones, the movie star, and Bryn Terfel, the opera singer.


  • 迪伦·托马斯理查·伯顿这样熟悉面孔中增加偶像比如电影明星凯瑟琳··琼斯和歌剧歌手布林·特费尔。

    To familiar faces such as Dylan Thomas and Richard Burton have been added new icons such as Catherine Zeta·Jones, the movie star, and Bryn Terfel, the opera singer.


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