• 支付条件:100%不可撤销,循环信用

    Payment: 100% by irrevocable, revolving letter of credit.


  • 持卡人除享有银行循环信用额度外,可以根据需要申请临时增加信用额度。

    In addition to the revolving line of credit, the cardholder may also, if necessary, apply for a temporary increase in the line of credit.


  • 也是许多信用他们拥有循环信用帐户证明上涨帐户余额接近规定上限。

    It is also the many credit CARDS they possess and revolving credit accounts with proof of rising account balances that come close to the limit prescribed.


  • 这个借贷者信用分数为680分,有两逾期未还款的行为,以及18000美元的循环信用余额

    The borrower had a 680 credit score, two delinquencies, and a $18,000 revolving credit balance.


  • 其中信用有效收入不足由我国信用循环信用偏低商户佣金费率偏低各家银行信用政策的实施导致的;

    The lack of valid credit card is due to the low rate of revolving credit usage, low commission rate from merchants and annual fee waiver policy;


  • 大额循环信用主要是信用个人信贷最高限额)减少920亿,同比下降10%,也是1968年有数据来的最大跌幅

    Outstanding revolving credit (mostly credit cards and personal lines of credit) fell by $92 billion, or 10%, the largest such drop since records began in 1968.


  • 说:没有知道信用循环什么时候结束

    No one knows when the credit cycle will end, he says.


  • 当然他们可以通过养老金基金参与其中——但一旦信用循环断裂丝毫不能起到什么安慰的作用。

    Of course, they can always take part via their pension funds-though that will be little comfort if the credit cycle ever becomes a crunch.


  • 长期信贷扩张局面是否就此终结? —这个情况马丁巴恩斯银行信用分析员称之为”超级债务循环”。

    Has the long period of credit expansion—dubbed thedebt supercycleby Martin Barnes of Bank Credit Analystcome to an end?


  • 在2001到2008年间,做法看起来是用来平衡信用循环

    Between 2001 and 2008 it acted as a useful counterweight to the credit cycle.


  • 贷方大多数循环信贷”中,信用这些易于的领域撤回资金。

    Lenders have pulled back most from "revolving credit", such as credit CARDS, where they have more flexibility to cut.


  • 有效方法提高信用评分方面付出循环信贷

    The most effective way to raise your credit score in this area is by paying down your revolving credit.


  • 2月份信用借款增幅为5.9%,汽车贷款其他类别循环借款增幅却跌至0.4%。

    Credit-card borrowing rose at a 5.9% pace in February, but demand for auto loans and other kinds of nonrevolving debt slowed to a 0.4% rate.


  • 循环贷款基金计划设立贫穷社区提供小额贷款没有信用纪录无法取得商业银行贷款的企业家

    A revolving loan fund program is set up in an impoverished community and provides small loans to entrepreneurs who have no credit history or access to commercial bank loans.


  • 克隆尔斯现金——这个许可转让程序减排信用能够通过它们服务循环取消高排放车辆取得减排信用

    Cash for clunkers----Under this transferable permit program, emission reduction credits can be earned by removing high-polluting vehicles from service and recycling them.


  • 随后股价下跌引发信用循环,价格波动加剧

    Those fluctuations are then exacerbated through credit cycles triggered by the drop in equity prices.


  • 是的可以的银行账户你的信用你的国家来担保你的银行账户,依次循环,链条接近无限大…。只要你从来没有拖欠

    Yes, and you can pay your mastercard with your chase, and your chase with your capitol one, out to infinity… . as long as you never default.


  • 我们生活社会信用驱动生存循环信贷经济周期陷阱需要创造可以达到预算跟踪通过财政计划

    We live in a credit driven society, and to survive the pitfalls of revolving credit and economic cycles you need to create an attainable budget and follow through with your fiscal plans.


  • 本文远期测度下,应用信用风险结构模型循环贷款价格解析计算进行研究

    Using forward martingale methods, this paper analytically studies the pricing revolver loan in the framework of credit structural model.


  • 现在这场打赌胜负正慢慢揭晓。结果信用市场深陷恶性循环的泥潭而不能自拔。

    Those bets are now unwinding and, as a result, the credit markets have become trapped in a negative spiral.


  • 由于缺乏信用历史贷款者不会借给这样的借款者从而形成恶性循环

    It creates a vicious cycle, where lenders are less likely to lend to a borrower, because there's no credit history.


  • 信用使用者角度来看,信用卡的持卡费用主要是客户的固定费用、或有费用潜在费用三个方面,分别对应其中具有代表性的各种手续费和循环利息费。

    From credit card users, the expenses of holding credit card include fixed costs, possible cost and potential cost, which corresponds to annual fee, all kinds of service charge and cycle interest.


  • 循环信用通知循环通知自动循环三个批次

    This may circulate the letter of credit is the notice circulation, every time informs a time, automatically circulates three raids.


  • 装货港付款,以合同全部金额不可撤消的,保的,不可转让转让的,可分割的,签的,不循环信用付款。

    The payment for the entire contract value shall be in form of a Irrevocable, Confirmed, Non-Transferable or Transferable, Divisible, Assignable, Non-Revolving LC.


  • 每次议付后于之内议付银行接到停止循环通知时,信用项下尚未用完的余额积累金额中使用。

    Should the Negotiating Bank not be advised of stopping renewal within seven (7) days after each negotiation, the unused balance of this credit shall be increased to the original amount.


  • 作品信用贷款循环贷款额度已经其中借款人不止一次摊还贷款。

    This type of loan works like a credit card, and has a revolving line of credit, in which the borrower may borrow against the principal more than once over the life of the loan.


  • 保证快速流水型的信用循环能为其他“赚友之家”(可能是骗子网站)用户提供最好服务。

    This ensures a fast and streamlined credit rotation that work out the best for both you and the other users of WebmasterQuest.


  • 他们担心更多消息诸如债券保险信用 等级评级调低,引发恶性循环

    They feared more bad news, such as the downgrading of bond insurance, could set off a nasty downward spiral.


  • 他们担心更多消息诸如债券保险信用 等级评级调低,引发恶性循环

    They feared more bad news, such as the downgrading of bond insurance, could set off a nasty downward spiral.


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