• 以虫为食。鸟捉不到虫就会饿。早起的鸟儿定能得到食物,因此早起的鸟儿有虫吃。

    Birds feed on worms. A bird will go hungry if it cannot catch worms. The bird that gets up early is sure to get some food, so the early bird catches the worm.


  • 最后持续增加人口可能是通过不断扩大灌溉土地的面积规模而得到食物供应的。

    Finally, the growing population was probably fed by increasing the number and size of irrigated fields.


  • 耐心等待得到食物离开。

    But he too waits patiently, gets his food and goes on.


  • 只鸟得到食物个头过来争抢

    When the bird got some food, the nine heads all came immediately to scramble for it.


  • 在之前某一个时刻我们知道在哪;我们可以得到食物

    At one point we knew where he was; we allowed food and water to go in to him.


  • 甚至,到今天在偏远土地上群羊也是得到食物高效方式

    Even today, a flock of sheep or goats can be the most efficient way to get food from marginal land.


  • 假如探险队员无法及时得到食物全体队员沙漠

    Supposing (Suppose) the explorers can not get the food supply in time, all the team members will die in the desert.


  • 动物在,它们以及同病相怜我们来说得到食物已经更容易了。

    The animals are still there, but for them - as for us, and for the same reason - eating has got easier.


  • 即使是没有户口迁移者不再需要定额配给才能得到食物衣服了,只要他们有钱

    Even without a hukou, migrants no longer need to present ration coupons to get food and clothing as long as they have the money.


  • 即使交错释放出来大象很快就就知道必须等待搭档到来并且通过合作才能得到食物

    Even when the release was staggered, an elephant quickly learned that it had to wait for its partner to come and cooperate to get the food.


  • 人们最好庆祝时间就是他们能得到食物丰盛时候就是春天或是元月的那段时间。

    The best time for people to celebrate was when food was available in plenty, and that was possible in spring, or the beginning of the lunar New Year.


  • 如果笼里没有食物狗儿得到食物食物放在永远找不到地方。

    If the food is not there when I put him in he never knows when he is going to get a nice bowl of food.


  • 椿很容易可以得到食物,有时候对它们有危险大型昆虫成为它们食物

    The bugs have an easy source of food and can feed on exhausted prey which would usually be to big and dangerous for the bugs.


  • 一个表演者训练一道蓝色红色做出反应拉动条链条中一条得到食物

    An actor was trained to pull one of two chains to receive its food in response to a brief flash of blue or red light.


  • 婴儿最初表现出交流迹象就是在哺乳期内他们发现哭叫可以使自己得到食物引起注意

    MARIO RITTER: The first signs of communication happen during the first few days of life when a baby learns that crying will bring food and attention.


  • 任何情况下生物各种各样生存压力大气什么样,能否得到食物,资源的竞争是什么样的?

    In any situation, you have a variety of pressures on an organism: what is the atmosphere, is there food available, what is the competition for resources?


  • 那些快速这些两可位置好像预期会得到食物回报。它们归类为做出相对乐观决定的狗。

    "Dogs that ran fast to these ambiguous locations, as if expecting the positive food reward, were classed as making relatively optimistic decisions," explained Mendl.


  • 无家可归任何人没有地方睡觉他们常常睡眠睡眠附近道路没有得到食物所以是无家可归。

    Homelessness means the people did not have any place to sleep; they often sleep near the sleep or road, and didn't get the food to eat, so this is homelessness.


  • 科学家发现陷入爱情大脑很多方面非常渴望预期得到食物或药品的大脑,大脑中活跃区域是一致的。

    What they found is that the brain in love looks a lot like the brain craving or anticipating things like food or drugs. The same areas of the brain are active.


  • 通过食品券,人们可以很容易得到食物,这种办法15根本都没人听说过,我们可以解决2000万人问题。

    Fifteen years ago that would have been unheard of. We can deal with 20 million people.


  • 许多生物生存地下洞穴中,卢斯特人猎取它们得到食物衣料,在行星地面游荡一些捕食者则极少探察地下。

    The underground caverns teem with small life-forms that the Sullustans hunt for sources of food and clothing. The few predators that wander the planet's surface rarely venture underground.


  • 机构提到有约1700只人类的灵长类动物一些痛苦实验中未被使用麻醉剂,还有约900只没有得到食物其他一些必需品

    The organization further mentions that 1,700 non-human primates were denied anesthesia in painful experiments, while 900 were denied access to food, water and other basics.


  • 机构提到有约1700只人类的灵长类动物一些痛苦实验中未使用麻醉剂,还有约900只没有得到食物其他一些必需品

    The organization further mentions that 1, 700 non-human primates were denied anesthesia in painful experiments, while 900 were denied access to food, water and other basics.


  • 大部分每天所需维生素至少为1000个国际单位——食物大多数维生素剂所得到的要多。

    Most people need at least 1,000 IU dailymore than you get from foods and most multivitamins.


  • 现在最好食物可怜汉赛尔了,但是格莱特除了蟹壳什么也没有得到

    Now the best food was cooked for poor Hansel, but Gretel got nothing but crab-shells.


  • 学校午餐点心可能他们一天得到最多食物

    A school lunch or an after-meal might be the most food they would get all day.


  • 告知一些饥饿孩子可以得到免费午餐另一些允许降价餐,这些学生家庭必须他们部分食物买单

    She has also been told that some hungry kids can receive free lunches, but others are only allowed reduced price meals, and those students' families have to pay for the part of their food.


  • 大多数餐馆搜寻食物那里得到它们,这些人森林中寻找它们生长土地收集坡道

    Most restaurants get them from foragers, who collect ramps by searching forests for some small pieces of land where they grow.


  • 认为共享意向人类世系早就得到发展了,而且目的很可能采集食物过程中相互合作

    Shared intentionality evolved very early in the human lineage, he believes, and its probable purpose was for cooperation in gathering food.


  • 参与者愿意食物一部分换取得到相对较小金钱奖励可能性一点有意思。”赖曼说

    "The fact that participants were willing to substitute part of a food item for the mere prospect of a relatively small monetary award is interesting," says Reimann.


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