• 模式进行组合以自动化已证明通用实践过程中很少存在交叉模式语义问题

    There are few cross-pattern semantic issues when composing the patterns to automate the proven common practices.


  • 家兔鼓索神经分布区可能存在很少存在PTC感受器或相应受体

    However, the tongue surface which chords tympani nerve fibers are distributed in rabbits does not exist the receptors of the PTC or a few ones.


  • 株系间根井遗传距离采用UPGMA群体进行聚类分析表明群体中很少存在代表性重复现象。

    Genetic distances of each pair of lines are calculated by Nei's method. The results of cluster by method UPGMA show that the population has less over presentation.


  • 人物角色划分按照使用行为范围来进行的,而不是人口统计或者购买行为,所以很少存在一一对应的市场划分人物角色。

    Personas are segmented along ranges of usage behavior, not demographics or buying behavior, so there is seldom a one-to-one mapping of market segments to personas.


  • 现实生活中,人生一直顺顺溜溜很少存在,就算存在很少挫折肯定存在的,如果经历风雨取得成功没有意义的。

    In real life, life has been very little cis-cis-Yo-exist, if there was very little, frustration is yes there is, if not through wind and rain on the success of no significance.


  • LPI排行榜上排名靠前30个国家中,很少存在非正规款项贿赂诱惑但这一现象在物流绩效较差的国家较为常见(半数调查问卷答卷者如此表示)。

    While solicitation of informal payments (e.g. bribes) is rare among the top 30 countries of the LPI, it turned out to be common among lower performers (about 50 percent of respondents.)


  • 不过如果这样的标准存在或者很少甚至完全没有被采用,那么我们就必须寻找替代方案。

    However, in the case where these standards either do not exist, or have little or no adoption, alternatives must be sought.


  • 年长经济学家们经济学专业青年明星很少具有共识或者认为根本不存在青年明星。

    There is little consensus amongst older economists on who the young stars of the profession are, or whether there are any at all.


  • 这些元素产生美国俄罗斯德国实验室,而且仅仅制造出了很少原子并且它们存在时间短。

    These elements were created in laboratories in the United States, Russia, and Germany. Only a few atoms were created and they only existed for a short time.


  • 因为大多数地方通常定价如此全然产生收益很少足够维持替换存在基础实施

    But since water in most places is usually priced so low, if at all, the revenue generated is seldom enough to maintain or replace even existing infrastructure.


  • 由于中国1982年之前很少化妆品,所以存在母亲女儿传授美容惯例情况,这使化妆品公司有机会自己定位“教育者”。

    As cosmetics were banned in China until 1982, there is no passing on of beauty rituals from mother to daughter, giving the cosmetics companies the chance to position themselves as educators.


  • 一旦设计优良开始使用不会存在使用上的障碍而且很少出现滥用浪费的现象。

    Once good libraries are available, there's not a great barrier for adoption and excessive misuse and waste are completely coincidental.


  • 中产阶级女性经济压力通常存在第三个经常出现的因素很少公开讨论、也难以衡量的因素。

    But there is frequently a third factor in middle-class women's economic stress, one that is seldom addressed publicly, much less measured.


  • 很少有人年前就知道伊拉克取得目前良好局势,尽管我们面前存在很多挑战

    Very few would have thought a year ago that things would be as good as they are in Iraq despite the challenges that remain before us now.


  • 自然界确实存在平衡这个想法广为接受,很少有人研究

    There really is a balance of nature, but as accepted as that thought is, it has rarely been studied.


  • 截至1973年《濒危物种》颁布之只有很少灰狼存在密歇根明尼苏达州

    By 1973, when the Endangered Species Act became law, only a few wolves remained in northern Michigan and Minnesota.


  • 不管首都德黑兰存在着怎样不足很少支持计划的德黑兰市民回到他们祖辈曾今生活过的穷乡僻壤

    Whatever the capital's drawbacks, few Tehranis approve of a plan that would send them back to the same provincial backwaters that they or their parents left.


  • 很少有人会反对本世纪一时间北冰洋存在完全无冰的夏季

    Few now disagree that, at some point this century, the Arctic will start to see ice-free summers.


  • 自然界确实存在平衡,这个想法虽广为接受,却很少有人研究

    Therereally is a balance of nature, but as accepted as that thought is, ithas rarely been studied.


  • IncludeoperationnameinSOAPaction选项要求操作名称存在外来请求SOAP动作标头中(很少需要)。

    Include operation name in SOAP action. This option requires the operation name to reside in the SOAP action header of incoming requests (rarely, if ever, needed).


  • 直到一百前,SierraNevada很少湖泊存在鲑鱼

    Few lakes in the Sierra Nevada had any trout in them until a hundred years ago.


  • 这些改变本身真正存在问题很少他们集合到一起的时候,Flash用户典型日常工作产生不可磨灭的影响。” Moock的这句话是引发整个争论的导火索。

    The truly problematic changes are relatively few, but together they have a deep effect on the typical Flash user's daily job.


  • 此刻耸立着森林只有很少商业价值其中的大部分能够继续存在是因为法律有意地去控制林间空地的总数。

    At the moment, standing forest is of little commercial value, and much of it continues to exist only because of laws intended to prevent total clearance of the land.


  • 其中存在关于战略设计师悲哀事实他们很少是个人几乎总是一个团队部分

    Therein lies a sad truth with Strategic Designers, they are always almost part of a team and rarely individuals.


  • 现有焦点模型非常令人头痛,因为它存在无数错误并且功能很少比如不能查询当前哪个组件拥有焦点。

    The existing focus model has been plagued by countless bugs and greatly lacks functionality, such as not being able to query which component currently has the focus.


  • 地区地方病尤其是疟疾造成死亡常见很少获得卫生保健并且死亡的病史档案极少根本不存在

    In this area, mortality from endemic diseases, especially malaria, is common, access to health care is poor, and medical records of deaths are scanty or non-existent.


  • 国家经济潜力民众富裕兴盛之间常常存在着难以逾越的长,而除刚果共和国之外,很少其他地方存在如此巨大分歧

    WIDE as the gulf often is between a country’s economic potential and its citizensprosperity, it is rarely as gaping as in the Democratic Republic of Congo.


  • 但是存在一些别的东西使结交朋友变得困难,它们在暗中潜伏着,很少有人谈起

    But there's something else that makes it hard to make friends, something insidious that few people talk about.


  • 但是存在一些别的东西使结交朋友变得困难,它们在暗中潜伏着,很少有人谈起

    But there's something else that makes it hard to make friends, something insidious that few people talk about.


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