• 但是他们很多计划长途驾车去乡下远足将会迷路

    But many of those planning to drive long distances or hike in the countryside will get lost.


  • 家长特别注重孩子学习他们孩子很多计划

    Parents pay special attention to their kids' education, they make some plans for the children.


  • 新年第一早上起得很早,我兴奋因为很多计划

    In the first day of this year, I wake up early in the morning, I am so excited that I have a lot of plans.


  • 韦蒂很多计划目前经费已经不多了,已经聘用几十万可能因此会失业。

    Pavetti said that many of these programs are running out of money, and that hundreds of thousands of people who have been employed might lose their jobs.


  • 事实上,恰恰相反,觉得到处都机会——他们中的很多计划并不这些公司冲突

    In fact, I think it's full of opportunities - many of which may not clash with the plans of the Big Guns.


  • 不过出去,以讨厌工作换取一些新的令人振奋的工作之前,还需要很多计划自省

    But before you rush out to trade in that tired old job for something new and invigorating, there's a lot of planning and self-examination that needs doing.


  • 描述旅行卓有成效大开眼界他有“很多计划写作首先时间休息

    Describing his trip as fruitful and eye-opening, he said he had "a lot of plans" for writing, but would take some time off to rest first.


  • 脑中很多计划(作为一个艺人的),我不得不大多数事情放在一边专注工作上

    I might have many plans in mind but being an artist, I just have to leave most things aside and focus on my job!


  • 担心还是很多计划要谈,比如,帮助学生学习编写计算机代码,以及病人进行个性化治疗

    Don't worry, I've got plenty, from helping students learn to write computer code to personalizing medical treatments for patients.


  • 错误观念挫败人们灵魂很多计划被它扼杀酝酿之中,人们梦想希望遭到了它的嘲笑。

    It poisons the soul of a person with an illusion. It chokes many plans while they are still young. It laughs at people's hopes and dreams.


  • 我们很多计划合作领域比如在线视频尽管我们刚刚获得提供在线视频的许可,[gm 66nd]离开了

    There were many fields we were planning to cooperate on, such as online video, and though we just got a license to provide online video, [gm99nd] has left.


  • 担心还是很多计划要谈,比如,帮助学生学习编写计算机代码,以及病人实施个性化治疗方案

    Don't worry, I've got plenty, from helping students learn to write computer code to personalizing medical treatments for patients.


  • 计划还算不错不过还有很多事情没有考虑到。

    It's a good plan as far as it goes, but there are a lot of things they haven't thought of.


  • 湄公河流域筑坝计划威胁很多巨型鱼类,这种巨型淡水黄貂鱼只是其中一种

    The giant freshwater Mekong River stingray is just one of many mega fish species that could be threatened by dam-building plans in the Mekong River Basin.


  • 如果提前做好充分的计划,那么除了常规全价机票,你还有很多其他选择。

    There are lots of alternatives to regular, full-priced plane tickets if you can plan far enough ahead.


  • 环保人士已经宣布取得了部分胜利尽管可口可乐公司横幅装饰小镇计划已经缩减但仍很多广告牌面临严格环保问题。

    Environmentalists have declared partial victory: though Coca-Cola's plan to decorate the town with banners has been scaled back, there are still too many billboards for strict green tastes.


  • 很多特拉华州暑假如果喜欢音乐,六月中旬计划次旅行时机

    Many people have thought of going to Delaware for a summer vacation, and mid June is a great time to plan a trip if you love music.


  • 很多欧洲国家正在转向使用电动汽车德国刚刚宣布计划 2030 年时禁止出售汽油柴油作为燃料车辆

    Many European countries have been making the shift to electric vehicles and Germany has just stated that they plan to ban the sale of vehicles using gasoline and diesel as fuel by 2030.


  • 苏格兰已经种植很多的植物,计划种植更多的植物。

    Scotland has been planted and there are plans for more.


  • 有人问及李的下一步计划是什么时,他说还有很多事情要做。

    When Lee is asked what his next plan is, he says there's still a lot to do.


  • 耶鲁很多国际计划没有海外计划名字预想方式放在新加坡国立大学去做

    While Yale has many international programs, it has not put its name on an overseas project the way it envisions doing at the national University of Singapore.


  • 很多学校计划建立临时帐篷进行上课

    Many schools plan to set up temporary tents for classes.


  • 很多学校计划评估需求流于形式,既浪费了老师时间,又加重了负担。

    In too many schools, planning and assessment requirements have become formulaic burdens which simply waste teachers' time.


  • 但是这一概念延伸其他很多领域计划正在准备当中。

    But plans are afoot to extend the idea into a number of new areas.


  • 由于这次拖延,不得不火车来缩短时间 --为此改变了很多骑行计划

    And because of the delay I had to take two trains to catch up, so missed a lot of my planned riding.


  • 很多朋友计划吉夏河谷——马苏德的出生之地。”沙日福

    "Many of my friends have been planning to go to the Panjshir Valley, the birthplace of Ahmad Shah Massoud," Shariffi said.


  • 很多已知合理创建计划步骤

    There are known and logical steps in creating plans.


  • 员工们就提醒过国家退休金中的变化可能很多企业计划打击较大

    Employees have been warned that changes to the state pension could also have a knock-on effect on many company schemes.


  • 员工们就提醒过国家退休金中的变化可能很多企业计划打击较大

    Employees have been warned that changes to the state pension could also have a knock-on effect on many company schemes.


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