• 很多人开始谈论希望变革殊不知希望脆弱的(希望栖息灵魂中的只鸟),改变是可怕混乱的。

    A majority then bought into a message of hope and change without fully realizing hope is so very fragile (" a thing with feathers, That perches in the soul ") and change is scary-messy.


  • 很多人就开始追随这样方式自从顺德诸城试验以来,中国的更远了,但是国家仍然控制着整个过程。

    Some may see in this a path to follow. Chinahas come far since the trials in Shunde and Zhucheng, but the state has always controlled the itinerary.


  • 因此如果你们很多认同、我开始变得紧张时,我希望读者不要从反面理解我的话。

    So I hope readers don't take it the wrong way when I say that when so many of you agree with me, I start to get nervous.


  • 后面这些都解释前面那句。可以这么翻译“我们只会关心同伴想法很少关心自己怎么,自己原本的认知消失了,或者模糊了” 这里this=it,都指代某个事物 4、the originalimpact是不是说自己内心的看法?比如,一开始,自己内心会对一件事情有自己的看法。但是,听了很多人的不同看法之后,自己内心的看法渐渐消于无形了?

    We are busy wondering, what does my companion see or think of this, and what do I think of it? The original impact gets lost, or diffused.


  • 很多人已经开始相信成功只要有天分精力个性够了。

    Many have come to believe that the only things we need for success are talent, energy and personality.


  • 很多人认为最好债券市场稳定下来修补条约其他认为如果条约需要修订,那么最好马上就开始行动。

    Many thought it would be best to wait for bond markets to calm down before tinkering with the rules. But others say that if treaty amendment is needed, it is best to get on with it.


  • 毕竟很多开始时一无所有,然后创造一个坚实基础,之后变得成功很快乐

    After all, there are many people who have built themselves up from nothing, created a solid foundation for themselves and have become very successful and happy.


  • 开始很多嘲笑Ty玩具瘪瘪的没有内容,戏称他们“马路杀手”,但亚特兰大首次玩具展销会上售出3万个玩具这些很快闭嘴了

    While many initially scoffed at Ty’s under-stuffed animals and referred to them as ‘roadkill, ’ the haters were quickly hushed when 30, 000 were sold at the first toy show in Atlanta.


  • 很多如果不一杯咖啡他们无法开始新的一天

    Many people say they can not start their day without first having a cup of coffee or tea.


  • 仍然很多相信大学生开始值得拥有好的工作这样的想法错误的。

    Still many people believe college students deserve to have the good job at the beginning, while it is wrong.


  • 很多建议把作为开发循环不仅是因为使一个程序员开始编码之前思考如何进行修改增强

    There is a lot to recommend it as a development style, not least because it makes a programmer think about how a change or enhancement should behave before the coding starts.


  • 比如开始表演的时候,我喜欢表现得演员或者认为自己是个演员—那样经常惹怒很多攻击

    Like, after I first started acting and I liked to behave like an actor - or what I thought was an actor - it generally provoked a lot of people into hitting me.


  • 因此很多申请职位时候不是依靠预先的想法是靠普通模板,导致他们简历简历指南开始变成了平庸作品

    Consequently, many people rely on either preconceived ideas or stock templates when setting down their credentials for a new position, dooming themselves to a mediocre product from the get-go.


  • 舞狮队中有一半都是十多少年,其中很多从14就开始舞狮

    Teenagers comprise about half of the group, many of whom began lion dancing at 14.


  • 那个年龄段很多到了中学时候近视现在很多人小学甚至幼儿园的时候就开始近视了。

    In my age, many people get short-sighted when they are in high school, while now many people become short-sighted when they are in primary school or even in kindergarten.


  • 时候哭吧,压抑著开始大哭休息室很多在。

    Cry when Kuba, do not suppressed, I began to cry, despite the lounge there is a lot of people.


  • 很多中学生眼镜其中很多人很小开始

    There are many students in middle school wear the glasses, and many of them were wearing the glasses since little.


  • 然而公众保健运动中仍然注重立刻达到目的由于能够立即见效,很多预防计划开始之后不久失去了兴趣

    Yet, public campaigns still emphasize more immediate goals, and many people who start on prevention programs soon lose interest because they see no immediate effects.


  • 很多早晨醒来大杯热茶然后睡半醒地开始一天的工作

    Most people wake up to a thermos of hot water then head off to work still half conscious.


  • 计算机行业中确实很多没有读完大学但是从来没有见过有谁高中读完就开始成功创业

    The computer industry has lots of people who didn't finish college, but I'm not aware of any success stories that began with somebody dropping out of high school.


  • 目前而言,由于影片配额减少工资提高,再加上韩国影片今年表现不佳所以很多这个产业已经开始走下坡路

    As of now, the reduced quota of films, the rising wages, and also because of the poor performance of the Korean films this year, people are saying things are going bad.


  • 学生们开始他们大学生活之前,“和别一样感觉已经存在了很久——这种感觉阻止很多人申请一流大学。

    This sense of being different sets in long before students begin their degree – it hinders many from applying in the first place.


  • 因此很多申请职位时候不是依靠预先的想法是靠普通模板,导致他们简历开始变成了平庸作品

    Consequently, many people rely on either preconceived ideas or stock templates when setting down their credentials for a new position, dooming themselves to a mediocre product from the get-go.


  • 开始进食大脑接到饱信号需要20分钟很多通常不了10分钟解决

    It takes 20 minutes for the brain to receive a warning of overeating, so wolfing lunch in 10 minutes is not a good idea.


  • 周末一大早7开始很多起床各种餐馆里边喝茶,边吃早餐,边朋友聊天

    At weekends, as early as 7 o'clock, a lot of people in Guangzhou are up and are already chatting with friends over tea and breakfast in various restaurants.


  • 韩庚应该很多认识吧。开始认识他,喜欢上他了。颗星星距离很远很远好像做梦

    Han Geng, it should be a lot of people knew him. Shall I know him from the beginning, they liked him. He is a star, and his distance was far, far, far away like a dream.


  • 韩庚应该很多认识吧。开始认识他,喜欢上他了。颗星星距离很远很远好像做梦

    Han Geng, it should be a lot of people knew him. Shall I know him from the beginning, they liked him. He is a star, and his distance was far, far, far away like a dream.


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