• 那个女孩以前害羞,她渐渐地团队合作越来越积极愿意表达自己的想法。

    The girl used to be shy, but is gradually getting active in group work and is more willing to express herself.


  • 一年多以前Facebook开展项目。项目目标宏伟最低的价格打造最高效率计算基础设施环境

    We started a project at Facebook a little over a year ago with a pretty big goal: to build one of the most efficient computing infrastructures at the lowest possible cost.


  • 理论上农民价格反应敏感的,以前的话,他们容易的找到农产品的替代品

    In theory, farmers should be quicker to respond to price signals, since they can easily substitute one crop for another.


  • 两鬓后面用的,应有尽有。那时以前德拉百老汇橱窗里见过并渴望的东西。

    For there lay The Combs ——the set of combs , said and back , that Della had worshipped for long in a Broadway window.


  • 发明这些陶罐陶钵以前人类只能将食物储存地洞里或者树皮树藤编织篮子里,这样容易被老鼠之类小动物吃,同时也天气影响。 比如篮子吧,磨损得快,也容易受干受潮。

    Before the discovery of the pot, people stored their food in holes in the ground or in baskets - both vulnerable to thieving creatures and, in the case of the baskets, to wear and to weather.


  • 至少以前命名方法每个都是一样的,而且一目了然并且容易习惯

    At least the old naming system was the same for each station, made sense and was easy to get used to.


  • 以前排行榜中提及过此处——这个档案室处名字“机密”外别其他机密可言。

    This has been mentioned on a previous list - the archives are not secret despite their names.


  • 以前12个月一直努力地小猪身上做实验,但是知道,小猪长大了

    I'd been working very hard in the previous 12 months on piglets, but I have to tell you that piglets aren't piglets for very long.


  • 不过人们这种方法划分机构,会发生奇怪的事,以前明确指出过。

    But when you use this trick for dividing a large group into smaller ones, something strange happens that I've never heard anyone mention explicitly.


  • 威廉姆斯教授:迈克尔希望能够告诉你不同往日,我也相信许多方面已经和以前大不相同。

    Prof. WILLIAMS: Michel, I wish I could say today is different, and I'm sure it is in many respects.


  • 查询这个小词的时候,额外地发现了个我以前知道新词:kerf .一根原木切割一块块木板时厚度关键

    As a bonus, in researching this little factoid I discovered a new word I hadn't known before; kerf. When you cut up a log into boards the thickness of your saw matters.


  • 软件后台提供了工作代码开发者只需要使用Flash Builder添加特征,而这些特征以前可能需要复杂的编码才能完成。

    The software creates working code in the background, and a developer can use Flash Builder to add features that require more sophisticated programming.


  • 甲方要求这个问题容易因为以前项目中设计过许多山墙屋顶

    It was the request from the owner and was easily answered as I designed many gabled roofs in my previous projects.


  • 托马斯职业生涯前四年里寻求机会,寻求一个认可NBA不久以前还是个传统老派联盟

    Thomas spent the first four years of his career seeking an opportunity, seeking acceptance. The NBA not so long ago was a regimented league.


  • 感谢源源不断地奔所未有增长的速度,通过各种各样的途径一个持续不断的基础上

    I'm so happy and grateful now that money comes to me, in ever increasing quantities, through multiple sources of income, on a continuous basis.


  • 以前中国情侣结婚的时候,自然地新娘被默认为可以分享新郎财产,他们的财产彼此拥有

    In the old China, when the couple gets married, it is naturally committed that the bride will share the bridegroom's fortune, the couple's property is owned by each other.


  • 塔:嗯,在以前是个急性子容易生气,我更好地控制住了自己怒火而且觉得,嗯,看来我是个不错

    Loretta: : Before, like, I was really hot-headed and I just got angry really quick, but now, like, control of my anger more and I'm, like, apparently I'm a nice person.


  • 多年以前整容手术韩国流行随着韩剧影响中国人接受整容手术。

    Many years ago, plastic surgery was very popular in Korea, as the influence of the Korean TV series, Chinese people start to accept the plastic surgery.


  • 以前自由职业者令人羞耻的,人们这种还有这种工作保障他们害怕不稳定

    It is a shame to work freelance in the old days, people would said that the one who are self-employed is a lazy man, and this kind of job is not security, they fear of instability.


  • 不管以前主人还是都觉得感动幸福。它教会了我们忠诚含义永远不忘记

    Whether it is waiting for the previous owner, or waiting for me, I feel very touched, very happy. It teaches us the meaning of loyalty -- should never forget the people you love.


  • 不管以前主人还是都觉得感动幸福。它教会了我们忠诚含义永远不忘记

    Whether it is waiting for the previous owner, or waiting for me, I feel very touched, very happy. It teaches us the meaning of loyalty -- should never forget the people you love.


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