• 下了径直地走向了岔路口献血车。

    I'm out of the car and went straight to the blood donation car parked at the fork in the road.


  • 当重径直地沉淀神经元里,它所展现出来美丽怎样摄人心魂啊!

    What beauty is shown in the preparations obtained by the precipitation of silver dichromate deposited exclusively onto the nervous elements!


  • 这个年少的高中生福特远征汽车掉了个头,径直地他最喜欢的垃圾食品商店

    The high school junior made a U-turn in his Ford Expedition and beelined to a store for his favorite junk food fix.


  • 茱莉亚跑进了宫殿找到艾利乌待的假装仆人径直艾利乌的房间走去。

    Julia ran afar to Mandeni's palace where Arius was. She got in, pretended to be a servant there and went straight to Arius's room.


  • 蹩脚撒谎通常由于看对方时间太长而暴露自己,因为错误认为径直看着他人眼睛一种行为真诚的表现。

    A bad liar usually gives himself away by looking too long at his victim, in the mistaken belief that to look a man straight in the eye is a sign of honest dealing.


  • 所以又原返回了,同时蜜蜂们也向了王宫并且径直开着窗户飞了进去,遍了各个角落非常仔细查看了每个物件。

    So he turned back again, but the bees flew to the royal palace and straight into it through the open Windows, crept round about into every corner, and inspected everything most carefully.


  • 没错千百万囫囵吞枣般读过某一部小说的读者都会如饥似渴径直返回书店去购买书,是可以理解的。

    And yeah, that makes a kind of sense to the millions and millions served who have gobbled their way through one of his novels only to head straight back to the bookstore starved for more.


  • 雁群中,径直飞进仓房中,大雁随着家鹅接着一只安稳飞进仓房。

    His goose flew through the flock and straight into the barn — and one by one the other geese followed it to safety.


  • 跟着,毫不犹豫紧收前,展开短短的。 弯成角度的翼梢,径直海面去。

    Then without ceremony he hugged in his forewings, extended his short, angled wingtips, and plunged direcfly toward the sea.


  • 有个男人正在自家前院割草机割看到邻居、美丽金发女郎走出家门径直邮箱打开一声关上然后气鼓鼓回家

    A man was in his front yard mowing grass when his pretty blonde neighbor came out of the house and went straight to the mailbox. She opened it then slammed it shut and stormed back into the house.


  • 蜂群径直穿过敌人步兵们之后尽情的欣赏它们留下尸体吧(译者…

    Make them move straight through enemy infantry and watch as they leave a wake of dead bodies!


  • 终于船长大步走进来,一声关掉身后,既向左看,径直穿过房间预备好的早餐走过去。

    At last in strode the captain, slammed the door behind him, without looking to the right or left, and marched straight across the room to where his breakfast awaited him.


  • 想想看吧,需要起床然后径直电脑前,而不需要穿戴整齐或者手忙脚乱乱忙一气然后离开上班去。

    Think about it, you could just get up from bed and go straight to your computer without dressing or going through all that mess to leave the house.


  • 男孩尖叫着逃出了屋子径直回到家壁橱关上了橱

    The boy screamed and bolted from the room, ran directly home and drove into his closet, slamming the door behind him.


  • 始终就像头牛径直向前走因为前面女人聪明穿着最喜欢红色

    Can men and has always been like a cow, straight forward, because in front of a woman, wisely wearing his favorite red.


  • 接着下腰来,吻了吻憔悴的嘴唇,就悄悄径直门口走去,走时还把门给好了。

    Then he bent over and kissed the faded lips, and straightway made his stealthy exit, latching the door behind him.


  • 蟾蜍立时紧张起来可是诡秘点点头径直门口打开门。进来是獾先生

    Toad was nervous, but the Rat, nodding mysteriously at him, went straight up to the door and opened it, and in walked Mr. Badger.


  • 加工端面圆弧圆锥以及相差较大零件时,沿X轴方向时,固然进给速度不变切削线速度不断变化,导致加工表面质量变化

    In the end, arc, processing and ground is large diameter conical parts, along the X axis into to, is the same, but the linear cutting speed is constantly changing, the cutting surface quality changes.


  • 就是乖乖一班航次,而你却径直走向服务台朝工作人员大喊大叫。

    You simply have to get on the next flight at all costs, so you go up to the airline desk and shout at the representative.


  • 14岁泰参加完乐队训练后回到像平常那样高兴向各人问好,然后径直走回自己房间练习小号

    Ty, 14, got home from band practice and did the usual: cheerfully greeted everyone, then went straight to his room to practice his trumpet.


  • 也不径直向前走着,肩上站着尼尔森先生手里提着大箱子。

    She walked straight ahead without looking back at all, with Mr. Nilsson on her shoulder and her suitcase in her hand.


  • 像往常那样径直走进麦克斯韦尔办公室隔壁那房间办公桌在那儿),而是办公室外间略带迟疑徘徊

    Instead of going straight into the adjoining room, where her desk was, she lingered, slightly irresolute, in the outer office.


  • 没什么事,没什么事!”含糊其词答道然后径直伯金走去,伯金此时正克里奇家的一位女婿谈天

    'nothing nothing!' she answered vaguely. And she went straight towards Birkin who was talking to a Crich brother-in-law.


  • 进去以后径直走去,下去握住她的双手激动万分

    When I entered, I went to her, knelt before her, took both her hands and, in a voice touched with emotion, I said.


  • 泛滥青春里我们静穆行走满腹心事周围环绕着径直夏天奔去绿色色植物

    On the proliferation of small youth, we still walk, full of mind, surrounded by ran straight summer green plant.


  • 拉着爱因斯坦建筑走去,而且径直踏上建筑工人刚刚铺好的水泥

    He pulled Einstein to walk toward a building site and straight set foot on the cement ground that the construction workers had just paved.


  • 大概二十分钟左右,一个高个子穿着大衣走近了,衣领竖到了耳朵急匆匆对面赶来,径直走向这个等待的人。

    About twenty minutes he waited, and then a tall man in a long overcoat, with collar turned up to his ears, hurried across from the opposite side of the street. He went directly to the waiting man.


  • 大概二十分钟左右,一个高个子穿着大衣走近了,衣领竖到了耳朵急匆匆对面赶来,径直走向这个等待的人。

    About twenty minutes he waited, and then a tall man in a long overcoat, with collar turned up to his ears, hurried across from the opposite side of the street. He went directly to the waiting man.


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