• 很明显很多信息可以视频方式提供只是电影音乐录像,还有教育旅游等等。

    Clearly a lot of things lend themselves to video, not just movies and music clips, but educational videos, tourism and a lot of other things.


  • 例如如果构建一个用于销售录像应用程序可能预期用户查询标题包含某个关键并且某个导演执导所有视频

    For example, if you build an application to sell video tapes, you might expect a user to query for all the videos that have a certain keyword in the title and that were directed by a given person.


  • 一天,用录像DVD观赏数字化视频将成为过时的做法。

    It is only a matter of time until both videocassettes and DVDs seem like an antiquated way to access digital video content.


  • 所谓的增加的唯一一个功能就是录像功能,现在的Palm WebOS支持视频录制了,这个功能用起来很棒,当然不能指望用这玩意拍出来一个奥斯卡大奖但是无论是拍摄过程还是拍摄出来的视频质量很高

    The big new feature is video recording, and it works rather well. You won't win any Academy Awards, but the quality is more than adequate.


  • 航班上的视频录像乘客们宣传这个项目呼吁他们剩余外币

    In-flight videos on these carriers inform passengers of the programme and invite them to contribute their spare currency.


  • 通过博客文章代表作录像视频展示的成绩——展示任何能够证明就是合适这份工作的候选人。

    Show your work with blogs, articles, portfolios, videosanything you can use to prove you are the best person for the job.


  • 媒体中心现在支持体育节目数字视频录像电视网络向导因特网流媒体视频播放家庭网络存储视频图片音乐功能

    Media Center currently sports DVR capabilities, a TV and Web programming guide, Internet video streaming, and the ability to play or view videos, images and music stored on your home network.


  • 下来,冲负责播放视频技术人员点点头,设在会议室前头一个屏幕开始播放视频录像:镜头前站两个手持突击步枪蒙面男子。

    He sat down and nodded to a techie who played the video on the screen in the front of the room: Two men with assault rifles stood in front of the camera, wearing hooded masks.


  • 袭击过后几天里,国家仍然一直在新闻首要时间报道,不断播放警方神秘泄露袭击时的安全录像

    Several days after the assault state television channels were still leading their news with it and playing security camera videos of the attack mysteriously leaked by the police.


  • 考克斯通信公司NDS合作开发新的三重奏指导允许有线电视用户电视,视频点播数字视频录像同时搜索一个节目

    Cox Communications' new Trio guide, developed with NDS, allows cable subscribers to search for a show on TV, video-on-demand and in a digital video recorder, all at the same time.


  • 记者那段视频录像显示卡扎菲坐在一辆车车盖上,武装人员在长达分钟的时间里扇他耳光他猛

    The video, which he allowed a reporter to see, showed fighters slapping and shoving Colonel Qaddafi for about three minutes while he was seated on the hood of a vehicle.


  • 当然,也可以回家之后通过录像或者通过网站视频再次欣赏购物节目但是你绝对不会错过心仪的商品了。

    You can then enjoy the show when you get home, whether recorded on video, or online over broadband, but you haven't missed out on the opportunity to purchase.


  • 固定延伸臂上视频录像记录下了这一历史性的一刻

    A video camera was fixed on an extending arm to swing out and capture the historic moment.


  • 研究人员将1988年至2002年间共58州长竞选辩论录像制作成10秒钟的消声视频剪辑,并邀请264名调查对象参加实验

    The study used 10-second long silent video clip extracts of debates from 58 gubernatorial elections between 1988 and 2002. Some 264 subjects participated in the study.


  • 其中门课程拍成录像所以你们万一没有时间不用担心,那个视频周二放到网上去,直到周五过期,这其中还是有充裕时间的。

    And one of them will be filmed, too, so that if you can't actually make any of the times not to worry, that video will go online sometime Tuesday in plenty of time for Friday's pset deadline.


  • 猫主人自家安装的视频监控录像发现了“虐猫大婶”的行径。由于爱车屡次其它车辆刮蹭,他们安装监控系统。

    They found out what happened after checking footage from a closed-circuit televisioncamera they had installed at their house after their car was repeatedly bumped by other vehicles.


  • 电视网播放国外有关“昭南丸”撞击事件视频录像家报纸头版刊登了此次撞击事件的画面。

    TV networks showed video footage of the collision taken from aboard the Shonan Maru, while two newspapers carried front-page photographs of the incident.


  • 他们注意到人们视频录像时候,实际上盯着电视屏幕的,用以寻找广告时段重点以便继续观看他们的节目

    They noticed that when people fast-forward a DVR they actually concentrate intensely on the screen, looking out for the end of the advertising break so that they can get back to their programme.


  • 我们现在听到声音已经非常熟悉,上传到互联网上的视频录像难以证实但是几乎不会伪造的。

    The kind of sounds that have now become all too familiar, along with video footage posted on the Internet which, while it can't be verified, would be hard to fake.


  • 现在随着网络数字视频录像根本上替代电视消费方式,传媒业的商业模式被撕得粉碎。 迪斯尼媒体网络公司增加广告商研究,并将广告商研究作为密集调查中的关注点

    But now, as the Web and DVRs uproot the way people consume television, and thus rip apart the industry’s business model, the unit is adding advertiser research as a fresh focus of intense inquiry.


  • 新的ML B视频播放器一个数字化录像用户可以中止或回放视频

    The new MLB.TV video player will work much like a TiVo digital video recorder; users can stop and rewind to review stellar plays.


  • 转换照片录像视频蒙太奇保持DVD时,可以延长质量

    By converting your photos or video to video montage and keeping it in a DVD, you can prolong the quality.


  • 今晚我们测试一个超炫网站这个名叫Wetoku的网站允许用户即时录像视频嵌入博客文章比如正在阅览的篇。

    This evening, we've been testing a groovy new startup site called Wetoku. It allows you to almost instantly record and embed video in blog posts such as this one.


  • 9月13日Sony宣布日本所有高清视频录像上均采用Blu - ray光盘

    September 13Sony says it will use Blu-ray Disc in all high-def video recorders in Japan.


  • 录像成了最新热播网络视频超过43万网民浏览

    More than 430,000 web users have viewed the video, making it the latest Internet hit.


  • Nick插话指出,有一个视频分析师对当晚停车场录像真实性提出质疑,就是盘清楚显示是Lincoln暗杀Steadman录像带。

    Nick jumps in and offers that a video forensic analyst argued the authenticity of the parking garage surveillance video that showed Lincoln assassinating Terrence Steadman.


  • 最近的试行中一个来自多伦多的名叫Joe Eigo的视频制作者因其腾空翻踢腿特技表演录像获得了23,000美元。

    During a recent trial run, Joe Eigo, a martial artist from Toronto, made $23, 000 with a video of his acrobatic flips and kicks.


  • 拥有前置后置两个摄像头,有用FaceTime视频会议照相录像

    It will have both front - and rear-facing cameras for FaceTime videoconferencing and for photos and video.


  • 今晚我们测试一个超炫网站,这个名叫Wetoku的网站允许用户即时录像视频嵌入博客文章比如您正在阅览的篇。

    This evening, we've been testing a groovy new startup site calledWetoku. It allows you to almost instantly record and embed video in blog posts such as this one.


  • 一个著名案例中,YouTube网络上小孩子在厨房prince的歌的家庭录像视频唱片公司指控触犯了版权法

    In one notorious case, a record label demanded that YouTube take down a home video of a toddler jiggling in the kitchen to a tune by Prince, claiming it violated copyright law.


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