• 多个应用程序线程访问同一个文件并且存在任何其他类型瓶颈时候,增大线程数目可以起到帮助作用。

    Increasing the number of threads can help when multiple application threads access the same files, and you do not find any other types of bottlenecks.


  • 说道尾声时,美国陆军规模变为1940年以来最小的,船舶数目将成为1915年以来最少的,而空军则是史上规模最小的。

    At the end of the ten years, he says, the United States would have the smallest ground force since 1940, the fewest ships since 1915 and the smallest air force in its history.


  • 各种研究表明,被动医疗总计起来大概费用2%——2万亿美元濒临危险时,这不是个无足轻重数目

    According to various studies, defensive medicine adds perhaps 2 percent to the overall bill—a not-insignificant number when more than $2 trillion is at stake.


  • 钱到后,组织开始因为这笔数目不菲现金,控制自身暴力手段使用

    When the payments started, both groups started calibrating their use of violence depending on the cash flow, which was not small.


  • 是因为增加回答选项时增加方差值数目 — (观察-期望值)2可以求它的总数

    This is because as you add response options, you increase the number of squared difference scores -- (Observed - Expected)2 -- you can sum over.


  • 理解会话ejb分配实例数目达到最大值并且创建了一个实例的时候,某个不幸活动实例将会钝化。

    My understanding is that when the maximum number of instances in the session EJB pool are allocated and a new one is created, one unlucky active instance is passivated.


  • 理解会话EJB分配实例数目达到最大值并且创建了一个实例的时候,某个不幸活动实例将会钝化。

    My understanding is that when the maximum number of instances in the session EJB pool are allocated and a new one is created, one unlucky active instance is passivated.


  • 由于刊物格式允许数目有限参考文献,因此获得一些主要参考文献的摘要时,针对每个立场文件另外提供清单。

    Since the format of this publication allows only for a limited number of references, a separate list of key references with abstracts when available, is provided for each position paper.


  • 服务质量需求适度并且处理应用程序需求所需服务器数目管理时,基本应用程序服务器环境非常有用。

    Base application server environments are useful when quality of service needs are modest and the number of servers needed to handle the application demand is manageable.


  • 发送拥塞窗口增大时,会在发送出一个收到应答之间的时间成倍地增加传输中的数目

    When the congestion window on the sender is growing, it effectively doubles the number of packets in flight during the time it takes to send a packet and receive the acknowledgment back.


  • 税收积累很大程度时,更多数目将被投放癌症研究治疗病人而不会提到无法估计的生命例如吸烟受害者

    While the tax is collected in vast sum, much larger amounts are spent on cancer research and on effort to cure patient not to mention countless valuable lives lost as victims of smoking.


  • 大脑学习时,可以认为在调整这些连接数目强度

    When the brain is learning, it is tempting to say that it is adjusting the number and strength of these connections.


  • 而这就是光子制造“超级光子”方面)问题所在温度辐射强度降低时候,光子数目也同样降低。

    Therein lies the problem with photonsas temperature and radiation intensity decrease, so does the number of photons.


  • 虚拟数目少于物理cpu数目时,性能最佳

    Performance was best when the number of virtual machines was kept at or less than the number of physical CPUs.


  • biod自我优化线程数量(守护进程根据需要创建删除线程)时,可以根据整体负载,对biod线程最大数目进行优化。

    While biod self-tunes the number of threads (the daemon process creates and kills threads as needed), the maximum number of biod threads can be tuned, depending on the overall load.


  • 请求数目增加时,fcm缓冲区数目(fcm_num_buffers)也会增加。

    As the number of request blocks goes up, the number of FCM buffers (fcm_num_buffers) goes up.


  • maxperm严格限制时候,即使可供使用的空闲内存内核允许非计算分页的数目超出maxperm的限制。

    When maxperm is a strict-limit, the kernel does not allow the number of non-computational pages to exceed maxperm, even if there is free memory available.


  • 大多数分析时候,数目可能30左右,这样正确捕获一个反应堆里发生的。

    When most people do an analysis the likely number of groups could be like thirty or so to properly capture what might be going on in a reactor.


  • Resultsperpage单击某个方面时,在页面显示搜索结果数目

    Results per page a "the number of search results to display in a page when a facet is clicked."


  • 通常实验增加回答选项数目时,获得较大x平方分布概率下降

    In general, the probability of obtaining a large Chi Square value goes down as you increase the number of response options in your study.


  • 马里兰州地方长官Facebook上朋友数目在全州进行竞选活动,争夺原有工作位置,他在任何场合提到他的在线伙伴。

    That's the number of people who support the former Maryland governor on Facebook, and as he campaigns across the state trying to get his old job back, he mentions his online PALS whenever he can.


  • 超过这个时间时,如果缓存bean数目接近max - beans - in - cache,容器就会删除bean

    When this time has elapsed, the container removes the bean if the number of beans in cache approaches the max-beans-in-cache.


  • 合同程序用户数目增加时,查找可接受的程序段的号码困难也增加。

    As the number of users sharing the segment increases, so does the difficulty of finding an acceptable segment number.


  • 一个软件被测出缺陷数目增加时,更多未被发现缺陷存在的概率也随之增加。

    When a software detected the increase in the number of defects, more undiscovered flaws in the probability has increased.


  • 相邻支持窗格数目太多或者它们不是以匹配用户工作流方式放在屏幕上时,就会出现一些问题

    Problems arise when adjacent supporting panes become too numerous or are not placed on the screen in a way that matches users' workflows.


  • 器官捐赠人均数目增加同时,需求量的增加甚至更快

    While the per capita number of organs donated has grown over time, demand has grown even faster.


  • 器官捐赠人均数目增加同时,需求量的增加甚至更快

    While the per capita number of organs donated has grown over time, demand has grown even faster.


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