• 有时那些当权傲慢露骨。

    At times the arrogance of those in power is quite blatant.


  • 当权欺骗营运良好的银行接管银行越来越

    It is becoming harder for the authorities to sucker healthy banks into taking over smaller ones.


  • 为了弥补自己当权时对人权践踏进修道院以示赎罪。

    He's living in a monastery in a gesture of atonement for human rights abuses committed under his leadership.


  • 由于马可尼与当权长期联系无法意大利法西斯政权断绝关系。

    Because of his long time connection with people in power, Marconi was unable to cut himself off from the fascist regime in Italy.


  • 威人士下达指令时,墨西哥人可能会保持沉默不是粗鲁地与争吵

    Mexicans may use silence when instructions are given by a person in authority rather than be rude to that person by arguing with him or her.


  • 另一个用法中,亚洲可能认为沉默尊重特别是长者当权的尊重。

    In still another use, persons in Asian cultures may view silence as a sign of respect, particularly to an elder or a person in authority.


  • 然而威人士给出指令时,墨西哥人可能会保持沉默不是粗鲁地对方争吵

    However, Mexicans may use silence when instructions are given by a person in authority rather than be rude to that person by arguing with him or her.


  • 那些例子每一位批评者都不同方式指责当权,他们故意表现得对什么不感兴趣。

    Each critic in those examples is charging, in a different way, that someone in authority is intentionally being incurious.


  • 国大党只是侥幸当权促使一些人自我反省

    That Congress only squeaked into power should provoke some soul-searching.


  • 这个提议决定得到验证执行

    This proposed decision is then routed to the appropriate authority for validation and execution.


  • 当权第一正在中止塔摩海湾军事法庭

    On his first day in office he said that he was suspending the military tribunals at guantanamo Bay.


  • 同时我们依法保护中外投资者企业员工一切

    Meanwhile, we will protect according to the law the legitimate rights and interests of both Chinese and foreign investors and business employees.


  • 相关法案详细规定保护妇女残疾人以及受排斥人群的正当权益。

    It includes provisions to protect women, marginalized groups, and people with disabilities.


  • 这种行为之一甚至数组严重退化时,可以重构图案

    One such behavior is that even when the weight array is severely degraded, it can reconstruct patterns.


  • 拥有50%民众支持率普京继续当权的事实并不令人惊讶

    That Mr Putin, who enjoys approval ratings of nearly 50%, wants to stay in power is not surprising.


  • 明清之际满族当权有一学者选择了隐居深山寺庙生活方式

    At the juncture of the Ming and Qing dynasties (1368-1644), a generation of scholars chose secluded lives in the mountains and temples after the Manchu Ethnic Group seized power.


  • 之前轮到当权非洲人国民大会ANC当选领导人雅各布·祖马

    Three weeks ago it was the turn of Jacob Zuma, the newly elected leader of the ruling African National Congress (ANC).


  • Linux不会干扰用户使用合法内容当权力,因为大多数用户诚实

    Linux doesn't interfere with legitimate fair-use rights for the content owned by users, majority of whom are honest users.


  • 我们多次地告诉过力量所取代时,你会创造量子水晶跳跃

    We have told you many times that when the Love of Power is replaced by the Power of Love, you will make a quantum, crystalline leap.


  • 然而当权当中没有任何人谈论就业问题这一事实并不意味着什么事情都不能

    The fact that nobody in power is talking about jobs does not mean, however, that nothing could be done.


  • 同行都乐于卖弄同样思想赚取不断上涨的演讲为什么不断推陈出新

    And why was he able to keep reinventing himself when his fellow gurus were happy to trot out the same ideas for ever-rising lecture fees?


  • 对现状很担心,甚至想起佛朗哥当权的年代,那时人们因为找不到食物而频频挨饿。

    She worries, remembering the days under the Franco government when city dwellers often could not find enough to eat.


  • 应用程序使用规则具备适任何用户更改而不必更改甚至重新编译应用程序。

    The rules used by an application can be changed by anyone with permission, without changing or even recompiling the application.


  • 不过共和党选民保罗怀着复杂感情,因为一直以来都直言无忌地批评党内当权

    But Republican voters also have decidedlymixed feelings about Paul, who has been an outspoken critic of the partyestablishment.


  • 中央转移的时候,公众对权力归属认知随之改变,需要两个条件时间

    When power is moved from the centre, public perception of where responsibility lies does change, but this requires two things. The first is time.


  • SAP提供广泛报告这些报告可以运行或者安排以后具有用户创建递交

    SAP provides a wide variety of reports that can be run on demand or scheduled for future creation and delivery by users with the proper access.


  • 如果遇到类似消息,一定要确认连接数据库所提供用户ID是否具有执行目标操作

    If you ever encounter similar types of messages, ensure that the user id provided to connect to the database has the appropriate privileges to perform the target operation.


  • 如果遇到类似消息,一定要确认连接数据库所提供用户ID是否具有执行目标操作

    If you ever encounter similar types of messages, ensure that the user id provided to connect to the database has the appropriate privileges to perform the target operation.


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