• 打开篮子时,惊奇发现里面装满金子银子

    When she opened the basket, she was amazed to find it was full of gold and silver.


  • 女孩震惊了,打开时看到新娘的名字就是

    The girl was shattered. When she opened the letter, she saw her name in it instead.


  • 女孩颤抖不已,打开信封时,看见的却是姓名

    The girl was shattered. When she open the letter, she saw her name in it instead.


  • 是谁门外但是打开,坐在那里前面青蛙

    She ran to see who was outside, but when she opened the door, there sat the frog in front of it.


  • 但是打开后,发现里面什么都没有丢掉好心星星礼物

    But when she undid the cloth, it was empty, and she had lost the good star's present.


  • 打开时,一阵香草芳香扑面而来,家里这种气味使感到很惊讶

    The odors of her house surprised me, as the sweet scent of vanilla met us when she opened the door.


  • 打开手提包的时候,记起了芳香,那天夜里住处饮料时肌肤相亲过。

    When she opened her purse, he remembered her perfume. It had clung to his skin the night he went to her place for a drink.


  • 打开最后一个盒子的时候,愣住了,脸色一下子变白了,只手都伸进了盒子里,珍珠

    But when she opened the last box, she froze. The color drained from her face, and she reached inside the box with both hands, pulling out a string of pearls.


  • 打开信封取出信件时,附近一个楼梯井里传来低沉的男声:“读读封信,知道自己该怎么。”

    When she picked it up, a deep baritone voice called out from a nearby stairwell: "Just read it. You’ll know what to do."


  • 打开一个孤独无助正在喊叫14岁男孩目光投向了两个健壮男子正在殴打这个男孩,甚至还用刺伤了他。

    When she opened the door, her eyes met those of a helpless, screaming 14-year-old boy who was being beaten and stabbed by two burly men.


  • 爱美的帕里斯下车之前不忘抹上唇膏,打开手包时,警察描述到“小包确信可卡因东西了出来,并且到了手上。”

    As she began to open her purse, the officer writes, "I saw a small bindle of what I believed to be cocaine in a clear baggie begin to fall from the purse and into my hand.


  • 打开的时候,海蒂东西尽可能地推到爷爷衣服后面

    When he opened it, Heidi pushed her things as far behind the grandfather's clothes as she could reach.


  • 他们继母打开时,喊道:“你们这些淘气孩子为什么森林这么?”

    When their stepmother opened it, she exclaimed, "You naughty children, why have you been staying so long in the forest?''


  • 注意到,康涅狄格涨潮的时候,牡蛎最初它们打开得最宽14天后,它们的节奏已经适应了伊利诺斯潮汐时间表

    She noted that the oysters initially opened their shells widest when it was high tide in Connecticut, but that after fourteen days their rhythms had adapted to the tide schedule in Illinois.


  • 海蒂惊讶看着老人打开篮子的时候,高兴。

    Heidi gazed at her in surprise, and was delighted when the old man opened the basket.


  • 他们了满,他们继母打开的时候,惊叫起来:“你们这两个淘气的孩子,你们为什么树林那么

    They knocked at the door, and when their stepmother opened it, she exclaimed: "You naughty children, why have you been staying so long in the forest?


  • 离开姨妈家住另外6个月的时候,妈妈姐姐们总会迫不及待地打开所有窗户、拆开被子、窗帘和地毯。

    When she would leave the house to go spend six months with my Aunt Lillian, my mother and sisters would throw open all the Windows, strip the bed, and take out the curtains and rugs.


  • 第二天,程序员用终端模拟窗口再次打开应用服务器数据库服务器时,向下看了一眼Windows任务栏中的时钟

    Later that day, when she had terminal emulation Windows opened against the application server and database server, the programmer looked down at the clock on the Windows taskbar.


  • 妈妈了看爸爸,又看看了毛丽打开盒子看到手套时的眼睛闪现出喜悦的光芒,“是谁的”问到

    Mum looked from Dad to Molly and opened the box. Her eyes lit up when she saw the gloves. "Oh, who bought these for me?" she asked.


  • 雏菊打开杂志的时候,脸色马上了,看到一个女人挽着手。

    When Little Daisy opened that magazine, her face turned into white, she saw Cold Junior and a woman pulled in hands.


  • 颤抖地睁开眼睛欲将流泪之时再次打开满泡泡瓶子。

    When her eyes fluttered open and she began to cry, I again opened my bottle of bubbles.


  • 发现这些CD时,非常的惊讶。挑了一张CD坐在床上,开始把CD打开

    She was surprised to find all these CDs and she picked one up and sat down on the bed and she started to open one.


  • Kate进入哈佛的那一刻起,所有打开了。

    Once, of course, Kate gets to Harvard, all its doors open to her.


  • 晚上回来发现打开被打劫了。发现留下纸条附加了留言

    When she got back that night, she found her door broken open and her house ransacked. On the note she had left, she found the following message added.


  • 这项活动的难度要取决于喜欢的什么书。妈妈打开礼物的时候,知道真心关心的。

    This is going to be a task depending on her favorite book yet at the same time when she opens this present she will know that you really truly care.


  • 觉得看见时,打开壁橱偷偷拿了块糖

    When she thought no one was looking she opened the cupboard and took a few sweets on the sly.


  • 驱车回家时候,打开汽车收音机并且放松下来

    As she drives home for dinner, she turns on the car radio and tries to relax.


  • 驱车回家时候,打开汽车收音机并且放松下来

    As she drives home for dinner, she turns on the car radio and tries to relax.


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