• 他们仍旧可以乡下村庄,田间耕种当地

    So they could just still live in their villages and out in the country and do their farming and speak their own local language.


  • 官方言,莫罗(一种当地言)普遍使用

    Language: English is the official language, but Japanese and Chamorro (the local language) are also spoken.


  • “三”即当地职业言,这样人才成本属于稀缺资源。

    A "trilingual" speaks fluent English, a local language and the language of a profession. These are rare commodities in low cost countries.


  • 英国广播公司今年关闭了巴尔干半岛使用当地语进行广播的无线电业务

    This year the BBC closed its last local-language radio services in the Balkans.


  • 同样奇怪是,大多数情况下,马可•波罗都使用波斯不是当地描述蒙古中国地名

    It’s also odd that instead of using, as he does in most instances, local names to describe places, he used Persian terms for Mongol and Chinese place names, " he added.


  • 唯一官方但是也有人说、意大利摩纳哥当地言(Genoese的延续)。

    French is the only official language, but English, Italian, and the local Monegasque language (a descendant of Genoese) are also spoken.


  • 目前项目注意力集中这种阿富汗当地但是NIST已经审核了用于翻译达里系统——这种被广泛使用阿富汗伊拉克阿拉伯地区。

    Currently, the focus is on Pashto, a native Afghani tongue, but nist has also assessed machine translation systems for dari-also spoken in afghanistan-and Iraqi Arabic.


  • 活泼埃琳娜·萨拉舍夫斯卡娅是当地大报——《比罗比詹斯特恩》版面编辑虽然并非犹太人

    The lively Elena Sarashevskaya edits the Yiddish section of the main local newspaper, the Birobidzhan Shtern, though she isn't Jewish.


  • 我们我们发现当地村民看的时候他们惊讶,世界现在终于有一种动物瓦西里Magombera命名了。

    "When we presented our findings to the local village people they were just amazed that the world now knows an animal by the Swahili name Magombera," he said.


  • SusanaPatino是个说西班牙的美籍人,出生德克萨斯州,如今当地一家工具印染公司上班。

    Susana Patino, a Hispanic-American born in Texas, works at a local tool-and-dye business.


  • 人们西乌克兰使用波兰会引起当地民族主义者愤怒

    It is often said that speaking Russian or Polish in western Ukraine arouses the wrath of local "nationalists".


  • 他们来自这个国家另外一个角落,而且不会当地方言;他们所说阿拉伯几乎没法听懂

    They came from the opposite corner of the country and spoke none of the local languages; what Arabic they spoke was often almost impossible to understand.


  • 比如登记翻译的职位,我收到了一个意英两不会说的说荷兰当地简历

    For instance I post a job for a Italian>English Translation and get a CV from a Dutch native speaker who is fluent in neither language.


  • 为什么会有这些警示英里左右霍尔科当地公园里,答案能找到。

    The explanation for these warnings lies about half a mile away in Holcomb's local park.


  • 一名海军军官虔诚地发表了演说,再当地翻译阿拉伯

    A Navy officer made religious remarks that were translated into Arabic by a native speaker.


  • 在家人代退学之前最喜欢的科目当地达里文。

    Her favorite class was Dari, the local language, before she was made to drop out of school.


  • 1985年,凯特了一家安曼当地幼儿园阿尔•萨赫拉幼儿园,凯特学会了阿拉伯童谣

    After turning three in Amman in 1985, Kate was enrolled in a local nursery, the Al-Sahera Kindergarten, and there she learned nursery rhymes in Arabic as well as English.


  • 纳瓦霍人中一些当地居民说流利的纳瓦,而不会并且偏爱部落医学

    And among Navajos, some live on reservations, are fluent in Navajo, know little English, and prefer tribal medicine.


  • 海湾国家太会说阿拉伯西方人亚洲人远远多于当地说母的人。

    In the Gulf countries Westerners and Asians, neither with much Arabic, far outnumber native speakers.


  • 相反科雷亚美国所大学获得经济学博士学位,精通(略懂当地广泛使用的克丘亚)。

    In contrast, Mr Correa earned a doctorate in economics from an American university and speaks French and English (and some Quichua, the most widely spoken native tongue).


  • 这些听说科学聚会,就要求他们当地(卢格·巴拉、斯瓦希里卢干达Itesot)当地的马尔瓦(小米啤酒)酒店举办聚会。

    These people heard about the science meetings and asked for them to be held in their local languages (Lugbara, Kiswahili, Luganda and Itesot) at the local malwa (millet beer) joint.


  • 经过进一步调查研究项目负责人上周宣布他们发现一种鲜为人知”的当地称为Koro,除了附件的村落外界这种言一无所知。

    After further investigation, leaders of the research announced last week the discovery of a "hidden" language, known locally as Koro, completely new to the world outside these rural communities.


  • 他们中很多选择绕开官方荷兰SrananTongo他们Creole当地消费者工人沟通,有时候用沟通也很重要。

    Many opt to bypass Dutch, the official language, communicating with customers and employees in Sranan Tongo, a Creole language that makes heavy use of English.


  • 时至今日仅有2000人可以使用夏威夷,,夏威夷弱势地位尚未得到改变,不过当地开展推广夏威夷学习教学的计划已被证明是行之有效言挽救策略。

    Hawaiian’s secondary status can still be felt there today: there are only 2,000 native speakers, although efforts to promote the learning and teaching of Hawaiian are proving somewhat successful.


  • 惟一个明确“杜绝论者”RajThackeray,一个孟买政客当地马拉地位被侵占的情况“激怒”了(尽管亲手自己儿子授课的学校念书)。

    The only quoted proponent of non-English is Raj Thackeray, a Mumbai politician "enraged" by the encroachment of English on Marathi in his city (though he sends his son to an English-language school).


  • 当地非常的90.0兆赫德克萨斯州印第安海盗一个合适稳定信号源

    A very weak local area Indian language pirate TX on 90.0 MHz was a suitable stable signal source.


  • 三种西班牙巴西当地的一种起来中文

    He will three languages, Spanish, English and Brazil, the local language, then I figure it in English, French and Chinese.


  • 可见分钟落后螺旋式尾巴月亮般的当地时间下午8点45左右着迷肃然起敬挪威星期三

    Visible for almost two minutes, the spiraling tail trailed a ball of moon-like light that captivated awestruck Norweigan at around 8:45 p. m. local time Wednesday.


  • 可见分钟落后螺旋式尾巴月亮般的当地时间下午8点45左右着迷肃然起敬挪威星期三

    Visible for almost two minutes, the spiraling tail trailed a ball of moon-like light that captivated awestruck Norweigan at around 8:45 p. m. local time Wednesday.


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