• 用人单位支付劳动者工资不得低于当地最低工资标准

    Wages paid to labourers by the employing unit shall not be lower than the local standards on minimum wages.


  • 当地媒体19日报道,本周末上海举行首场殡葬行业大学生招聘会,21家殡葬单位400个岗位虚席以待。

    The funeral industry is to hold a job fair for college students in Shanghai this weekend, with almost 400 posts on offer, local media reported Thursday.


  • 年前我们单位可以自由地任何他们想要地方自治权而做的事;现在我们看到全球当地价值

    Five years ago, all of our units were much freer to do what they wanted for local autonomy; now we see the value of being global as well as local.


  • 同学们都一起上课同样指导老师学生学校的时候,当地雇主单位便会学校结成合作伙伴提供实习机会

    Students attend classes together and have the same guidance counselors; local employers partner with the academies and provide work experience while the students are still in school.


  • 行业性区域性集体合同当地本行业区域用人单位劳动者具有约束力。

    An industrial or regional collective contract is binding upon both the employers and workers in the industry or in the region.


  • 梅洛所在行动有规律参加对付全副武装毒贩战斗当地报纸经常登出这个单位警官照片:他们贫民区出盖着血渍斑斑的棉被的尸体

    De Mello's unit regularly engages in battles with heavily armed drug traffickers and its officers are often pictured in the local press dragging bodies out of the favelas in bloodied duvets.


  • 人们投票地点多个方便地方当地居委会当然可以单位或者学校选择了前者

    There are several places where people can register to vote. The most common place being is a local government office, although it's also possible to register at work or school. I chose the former.


  • 访问一位亲爱的年轻朋友安宁疗护的单位,在我们当地医院

    I was visiting a dear young friend in the palliative care unit in our local hospital.


  • 居住证所有者同时必须当地纳税人并且已经通过每月每年单位缴纳费用的形式参加了上海市社保计划

    Card holders would also have to be a local taxpayer and have joined the city's social security program by making contributions to the fund on a monthly or yearly basis.


  • 世界食品计划通过当地协作单位购买这些产品然后产品国内地区内进行分配。计划主要妇女参与

    The World Food Program buys the produce through local cooperative associations. Then it distributes the products within the country or area. The project works mainly with women.


  • 当时花了三个的时间哈尔滨前期准备,主要是当地学校演艺单位甚至是街道社区寻找演员

    At that time, I spent three months in Harbin for the pre-production. I searched for the actors mainly from local schools, performing units, and even neighborhoods and communities.


  • 我们业务单位承诺支持符合当地法律条件,按照自愿原则

    Our business units are committed to supporting the Voluntary Principles in accordance with local laws and conditions.


  • 当地废墟里,主办单位利用阳光一面特制镜子点燃圣火

    There, among ancient ruins, the flame is lit using only the rays of the sun and a special mirror.


  • 对于裁员来讲,用人单位需要解雇方案提前30书面提交当地劳动行政机构全体员工征求他们意见

    As to the lay off, the employer would be required to present a termination plan in writing to the local labor administration bureau and all employees 30 days in advance to solicit their opinions.


  • 对进货发现的不合格食品,立即当地卫生监督机构报告采取措施防止流向其他单位个人

    If found unqualified product after receiving, the management should report to the local hygiene supervise organization and take action to prevent these products being sent to other unit or person.


  • 然而好消息鉴于手机受欢迎程度如何肯定,3月中旬当地零售商不会再有任何缺陷的单位留下股票

    However the good news is that given how popular this phone is, it's safe to say that by mid March local retailers won't have any flawed units left in stock.


  • 时间所有申报遵守当地规定批准业务单位CFO

    The duration of all filing shall comply with local requirements and be approved by the Business Unit CFO.


  • 在境外遗失提交当地警察部门出具遗失证明单位公函;

    If losing the passport outside of China, the Certificate of Loss issued by local police department and official letter issued by the Work Unit must be submitted;


  • 可以当地招聘招收技术人员、管理人员和工人,被录用人员所在单位应当给予支持允许流动;

    The units to which such employed personnel belong should support the employment and permit the transfers.


  • 大约有五十家我们指定供应单位名单中但是对于原料我们通常三家当地公司采购

    There are about fifty names on our approved supplier list, but for raw materials we tend to deal with three local companies.


  • 如果不能延长时间,则可以通过当地增大单位时间降低能量损失

    If it is impossible to extend the time of steam injecting, the energy loss can be lessened by increasing the quantity of steam injected into well in per unit o...


  • NET会针对目标装置,将这些控制项组织例如画面多重单位

    NET organizes these controls into multiple units, such as a screen, as appropriate for the target device.


  • 当地公用事业公司绿色电力合作单位田纳西流域管理局筹款

    The school will receive $0.22 per kWh for the solar energy from the local utility company funded by the Green Power Partners program of Tennessee Valley Authority.


  • 第二十二用人单位支付所聘用外国人工资不得低于当地最低工资标准。

    Article 22 the wage paid to the foreign employee by the employer shall not be lower than the minimum wage in the locality.


  • 企业性单位经常发生增值税应税行为的单位个人是否填报,可当地税务机关确定

    It shall be determined by the local tax authorities whether units and individuals who are non-enterprise entities and do not often incur VAT taxable transactions should file this return.


  • 当地调整图谱坐标形式采用对数坐标形式采用两段不同的单位坐标值形式等,可显著改善指纹图谱质量

    Changing the form of coordinate axis could observably improve the quality of fingerprint, such as logarithmic coordinate axis or axis break.


  • 当地调整图谱坐标形式采用对数坐标形式采用两段不同的单位坐标值形式等,可显著改善指纹图谱质量

    Changing the form of coordinate axis could observably improve the quality of fingerprint, such as logarithmic coordinate axis or axis break.


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