• 他们沿着漫长步行道走来时玛丽飞快地说着滔滔不绝没完没了。

    Mary had poured out speech as rapidly as she could as they had come down the Long Walk.


  • 别的孩子来时拦住他们继续各种颜色,这样过了十十五分钟

    He waylaid other boys as they came, and went on buying tickets of various colors ten or fifteen minutes longer.


  • 站起来时他们更大声了。

    They laughed all the louder when he got up.


  • 他们他们那玫瑰色都露出了笑容

    When they came back their rosy faces beamed.


  • 运转良好的机器他们从枯燥工作重复过程解脱来时他们工作满意度飙升

    Their job satisfaction, too, can surge when well-functioning machines relieve them of dull tasks or repetitive processes.


  • 城里挤满了失望他们没有兴趣安定下来他们听说阿拉斯加新的金矿时,他们一样迅速地离开了道森

    The city was crowded with disappointed people with no interest in settling down, and when they heard there were new gold discoveries in Alaska, they left Dawson City as quickly as they had come.


  • 它们喜欢花儿彼得听到他们大声咩声来时,它们高兴。

    They did not like to graze in the flowers, and were glad when Peter awoke with their loud bleating.


  • 海螺回他们着看

    When she returned with the conch, they were waiting and watching.


  • 警长塞格雷夫进来时命令的小兵四处走动实际上他们上把调查得一团糟。

    When Superintendent Seegrave comes in, he orders his minions around, who actually make a mess of the investigation.


  • 人们听到这个音调醒来时他们预期会闻到一股臭味,都屏住了呼吸。

    Once awake when hearing the tone, the people held their breath in anticipation of a bad smell.


  • 他两个半小时后回来时他们还在同一个地方,继续就同一个话题进行着同样的谈话。

    When he comes back two and a half hours later, they're still staying in the same place, continuing the same conversation on the same topic.


  • 他们来时他们看到琼斯躺在地上,痛苦地哭着。

    When they arrived, they saw Jones lying on the ground, crying in pain.


  • 他们设备传播穿越房屋无线电信号,信号一断来时,监测强度变量.

    Their device broadcasts a radio signal through a building and, when that signal comes out the other side, monitors variations in its strength.


  • 某人带着任务来时他们一个看得见的模板,知道从开始自己谈判

    When someone arrives with a new task, they have a visible template in which to start their negotiations.


  • 也许青春期来时他们面临挫折,但是至少他们已经生命大部分时间里消化了这个信息

    Maybe there will be some kind of backlash when they hit adolescence, but at least they will have had most of their lives to assimilate the information.


  • 经理星期一早上他们收到多个逾期工作通知——尽管之前没有员工用于执行那些任务!

    When the manager comes in on Monday morning, they may have several notifications of overdue work, even though there have been no employees available to perform the tasks!


  • 一天来时用户访问表单发现他们大部分信息已经显示其中,已经了解需要哪些信息的浏览器预先填充好。

    When that day comes, users will arrive at your form and find much of their information already present, prefilled by a browser that understands what you're looking for.


  • 他们纪念馆海军在等待他们船上挂起了一面越南国旗

    And as they came out of the memorial, the Navy had flown a Vietnamese flag from the boat waiting.


  • 他们等着车子开过他们一眼,她知道永远记住他们并且他们也会记住她。

    Once she looked at them while they were all waiting for the car and she saw she would always and forever know them and be known by them.


  • 他们听到警报赶去救火时,当他们事故现场当他们进行包括训练在内体力活动时,心脏病发作风险会增加

    Risk of heart attack is increased for firefighters when they respond to an alarm, return from an incident, or engage in physical activity, including training.


  • 那些声称他们可以一整天穿着高跟鞋的女性朋友们,他们来时感到疼痛。科学家采用简单锻炼技巧可以防止这一问题的发生。

    Women who claim they can wear high heels all day but only experience pain when they take them off can prevent the problem by using a simple exercise technique, according to scientists.


  • 外国朋友来时,我不会每天深思冥想,而是他们一道酩酊大醉,但是生活正常后,我会重返常态——严格要求自己

    When I have friends visit from other countries, I don't meditate every day, and I drink more than I should.But then things level off, and I return to my disciplines.


  • 他们已经非常黑了可怜格雷特非常害怕但是汉斯安慰上次一样,告诉他们需要等到月亮升起来

    When they awoke it was quite dark, and poor little Grethel was afraid; but Hansel comforted her, as he had done before, by telling her they need only wait till the moon rose.


  • 他们绝不烦恼截止日期日渐逼近更糟糕的事情陷入恐慌模式

    Don't fret out as they approach: the worse thing you can do when deadlines are looming is enter panic mode.


  • 外国朋友来时,我不会每天深思冥想,而是他们一道酩酊大醉,但是生活正常后,我会重返常态——严格要求自己

    When I have friends visit from other countries, I don't meditate every day, and I drink more than I should. But then things level off, and I return to my disciplines.


  • 父母慢慢接受现实时,他们认识他们一直盼望孩子亲情不会来时,产生一些悲伤的情绪自然的。

    Some amount of grief is natural as parents adjust to the fact that an event and a relationship they've been looking forward to isn't going to materialize.


  • 他们金融救火之战个令人战栗精彩故事这个故事位能接触事人的老牌记者以娴熟的技巧娓娓道来时,更是增色不少。

    The story of their financial firefighting is a thrilling one, deftly told by a veteran journalist with access to those involved.


  • 他们金融救火之战个令人战栗精彩故事这个故事位能接触事人的老牌记者以娴熟的技巧娓娓道来时,更是增色不少。

    The story of their financial firefighting is a thrilling one, deftly told by a veteran journalist with access to those involved.


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