• 如果气井钻探相应地带即可开采天然气此外还可以降低相应天然气水合物地层中的压力

    If a well is drilled into such a zone to extract the natural gas, it can also reduce the pressure within the overlying gas hydrate layer.


  • 天然气生产者已经通过水平钻孔技术水力破碎技术结合页岩结构中开采天然气,从而增加天然气供应可恢复储备

    Producers have boosted supplies and recoverable reserves in the United States by combining horizontal drilling with hydraulic fracturing, also called fracking, to produce gas from shale formations.


  • 如果是一座仅有600村庄不管补鞋匠,卖奶酪的,还是开自动洗衣店的,甚至开采天然气的,都无所谓,”宾塞说道

    "When you go to a little village of 600 people, it doesn't matter whether you're a cobbler or yousell cheese or you run a laundromat or you pump gas, " Mr. Spencer said.


  • 如果是一座仅有600村庄不管鞋匠奶酪的,还是自动洗衣店的,甚至开采天然气的,都无所谓,”宾塞说道

    "When you go to a little village of 600 people, it doesn't matter whether you're a cobbler or you sell cheese or you run a laundromat or you pump gas," Mr. Spencer said.


  • 2006年一次毁灭性的泥流突然爆发,且恰好发生在爪哇附近,在那里Bakrie控制的一家公司LapindoBrantas正在开采天然气

    In 2006 a devastating mudflow erupted near a site in Java where Lapindo Brantas, a Bakrie-controlled company, was drilling for gas.


  • 一份新闻报告星期一日本设法海床甲烷水合物库存开采天然气。“可燃作为甲烷水合物在世界第一次这样离岸实验中的称呼广为人知。

    Japan will seek to extract natural gas from seabed deposits of methane hydrate, also known as "burning ice," in the world's first such offshore experiment, a news report said Monday.


  • 由于油井枯竭,要想北海有利获取石油天然气我们必须集中精力于储量油井开采

    To harvest oil and gas profitably from the North Sea, we must focus on the exploitation of small reserves as the big wells run dry.


  • 另一些地区石油天然气开采也是准许的。

    And in some sanctuaries, the extraction of oil and gas is allowed.


  • 挪威北部,在2005年的法规庇护萨米当地一些资源有了合法权利,对公司开采矿物质石油天然气,他们正在争取更多赔偿

    In northern Norway the Sami, having won legal rights to some local resources under a 2005 law, are pushing for more compensation from firms exploiting minerals and oil and gas.


  • 近年发现新的石油天然气资源更增加燃料开采活动

    The discovery in recent years of new oil and natural gas resources has added fuel to the campaigns for exploitation.


  • 此形成对照是,商业捕鱼旅游以及石油天然气开采明令禁止

    In contrast, commercial fishing, tourism, and the extraction of oil and gas will all be forbidden.


  • 劳埃德银行热衷于放贷风能以及其他低碳技术项目指出英国好好利用现有北海产地进行石油天然气的合理开采十分浪费

    The bank is a keen lender to wind and other low-carbon technology projects but argues that it is wasteful for Britain not to squeeze out all the oil and gas it can from existing North Sea fields.


  • 但是一旦天然气开采地面煤炭清洁许多

    But once the gas is out of the ground, it is a great deal cleaner than coal.


  • 全球变暖迫使冰层消退石油天然气勘探开采带来方便边境北极圈内的所有国家正在认领属于各自的地盘。

    Exploration and drilling for oil and gas have become easier as climate change forces the ice to retreat, and all countries with borders inside the Arctic circle are fighting to claim their share.


  • 油价上涨,尽管出口量减少了,但收入仍旧增加了;而且埃及渐渐发现开始开采大量天然气特别是在尼罗河三角洲北面近海地区。

    Oil prices rose, boosting export income despite the fall in volumes; and Egypt began to discover and tap big reserves of natural gas, particularly offshore, north of the Nile delta.


  • 巴新不断开拓中方合作领域欢迎中国企业参与巴新的天然气勘探和开采

    He said PNG would explore cooperation areas together with China, adding that Chinese enterprises were welcome to take part in the exploitation of natural gas in PNG.


  • 狭长的和平山谷有着肥沃农场热火朝天的北美天然气开采热潮成为中心地带。

    Long a bucolic place of fertile farms, the Peace valley has become the centre of the hottest natural-gas boom in North America.


  • 工作内容石油工程师科学家其他专家一道寻求开采石油天然气有效方式

    What they do: Petroleum engineers work with scientists and other specialists to drill for oil and natural gas using the most efficient methods possible.


  • 如今全球正在争先恐后地开采无硫天然气,这种做法短期也许不能像预期那样显著改善全球气候

    The near-term climate benefits of a global dash for sulphur-free gas may thus be smaller than might be expected.


  • 2010年美国开采天然气22.6万亿立方英尺2005年为18.9万亿立方英尺。

    In 2010 the country produced 22.6 trillion cubic feet of natural gas, up from 18.9 trillion cubic feet in 2005.


  • 沃斯先生水力压裂其它非传统天然气开采技术排和钻出过程中所泄露的甲烷包含了其计算中。

    Mr. Howarth included methane losses associated with flow-back and drill-out processes in hydraulic fracturing and other unconventional gas drilling techniques.


  • 地热能其他石油天然气能源才得以开采

    But so can geothermal energy production and other parts of the oil and gas production process.


  • 沃斯增加纽约西部天然气开采反对者说:“认为研究远不能就此停止。”

    "I don't think this is the end of the story," said Mr. Howarth, who is an opponent of growing gas development in western New York.


  • 目前石油公司在开采石油时,一般将天然气重新注入地下以备将来使用。

    North Slope producers currently reinject the natural gas that comes with oil production back into the ground where it can be recovered.


  • 挪威北部萨米人曾靠一部05年出台的法律赢得了一些当地资源法律权利。现在,他们正向那些开采矿石石油天然气公司争取新的补偿

    In northern Norway the Sami, having won legal rights to some local resources under a 2005 law, are pushing for new compensation from firms exploiting minerals and oil and gas.


  • 这项开采技术其实自19世纪40年代就正式应用于常规能源开采石油天然气工业时候就没有听说压裂技术会污染地下水

    The technique has been in regular use in the conventional oil and gas industry since the 1940s; and in all that time no aquifer is known to have been contaminated by fracking.


  • 这项开采技术其实自19世纪40年代就正式应用于常规能源开采石油天然气工业时候就没有听说压裂技术会污染地下水

    The technique has been in regular use in the conventional oil and gas industry since the 1940s; and in all that time no aquifer is known to have been contaminated by fracking.


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