• 允许台机器,从数据库开始然后移动通过无尽数据库集合这些数据库不是电线连接而是由所指相同事物所连接的。

    That allows a person, or a machine, to start off in one database, and then move through an unending set of databases which are connected not by wires but by being about the same thing.


  • 第15行将决策变量声明一个数组,它有七个变量,索引DAYS集合中定义;分别表示开始工作员工数目

    Line 15 declares the decision variables as an array of seven variables defined on the DAYS set, representing the number of people that start work that day.


  • 第二集合包含一步描述方式开始节点可以达到所有节点

    The second collection contains all nodes that can be reached from the start node in the manner described by the first step.


  • 开始,. NET运行时提供正统打包系统就是程序集合的方式。

    From the beginning, the.net runtime had a decent packaging system based on a collection of assemblies.


  • 如果软件产品开始国际性协作,你可以通过诸多项目集合网站的其中一个开始你的计划,刊登广告很容易地找到协作伙伴。

    If you want to start an international collaboration for a new software product, you can easily do it by starting a project on one of the many project hosting Websites and advertise for collaborators.


  • 现在他们打算泡泡岛集合做好了准备开始下一追寻梦想旅程。但是有些事太对劲

    They are now ready to start gathering at Sabaody Archipelago to begin the next leg of their quest well prepared, but something isn't quite right.


  • 重要发送WLE数据选择一个开始结束间隔否则整个集合发送到WLE。

    It is important to select a beginning and ending interval for the data you want to send to WLE, otherwise the entire collection will be sent to WLE.


  • 因此收藏目录开始使用火狐集合按照的想法组装你的火狐吧。

    So, head on over to the collection Directory to get started with collections and fashion Firefox the way you want it.


  • 以下常用集合开始标记结束标记、遇到元素文本等等

    These are the usual collection: a tag starts, a tag ends, element text is encountered, and so on.


  • 我们尽可能开始创建我们功能测试集合因为这些测试工程团队来说是非常有价值的工具

    We started creating our function test suites as early as possible, since these tests were an invaluable tool for the engineering team.


  • 开始先像往常一样配置台计算机设置默认模块集合

    Begin by configuring one computer to use CPAN as normal and setting up your default set of modules.


  • 博士集合电气化学方面工程师,组成一个研究组,开始合力着眼于那些室温之下很软金属和金属合金

    Dr Dickey put together a team of electrical and chemical engineers and, together, they started looking at metals and metal alloys that are soft at room temperature.


  • 唯一办法停止演示看做片子的集合开始它当做故事来讲。

    And the only way to do that is to stop thinking about a presentation as a collection of slides and start thinking about it as a story.


  • 我们打算开始构建一个分析程序集合,它将利用这些信息帮助诊断WebSphereApplicationServer以及可能其他堆栈产品中的各种问题

    We intend to start building a collection of analyzers that exploit this information to help diagnose a variety of problems in WebSphere Application Server and possibly other stack products.


  • 获取meet表示团队元素集合我们必须文档开始顺序导航、和元素。

    To get the collection of elements representing teams at the meet, we must start at the document and navigate through elements, and, in that order.


  • 基于模式集合需要良好定义的XMLSchema作为开始

    Schema based collections need a well-defined XML Schema to begin with.


  • 分发开始集合抽取虚拟Bing o就像先前牌所的那样。

    Hand out your CARDS, and start drawing virtual Bingo balls from the master set, much like you did when you were drawing CARDS earlier.


  • 以下步骤演示如何创建集合爬虫准备开始

    The following steps show you how to create the collection and the crawler, and to get it started


  • Rails通过搭建开始消除这种重复,搭建是一个特性,可以根据数据库集合内容构建默认CRUD界面

    Rails begins to eliminate some of that repetition through scaffolding, a feature that builds default CRUD screens based on the contents of a set of database tables.


  • 后来blog开始变成文章集合通常时间倒序的形式呈现,特定主题相关

    Later, blogs emerged into a collection of articles, usually in reverse chronological order, related to a specific topic. As Wikipedia puts it.


  • 如果苹果放弃PowerPC支持(自从1994年开始多种形式),雪豹一种微调修正集合那么要多少钱?

    If Apple was dropping support for PowerPC (around in various forms since 1994), and Snow Leopard is a collection of tweaks and fixes, how much would it cost?


  • 接下来,人们开始从来没有想过方式使用服务,于是你得到了一依靠的服务编写应用集合

    Then people start to use the services in ways you never anticipated and you get a whole new set of apps being written against your services.


  • 公开源码商业开始较少技术用户提供集合价值

    Open source businesses started to offer aggregated value to less technical users.


  • 如果没有任何公司关于IT ROI的经验,在你开始学习一步之前,首先需要集合你的评估小组

    If you do not have any previous experience with it ROI in your company, learn all you can before your first visible step, assembling your assessment team.


  • 开始决策制定者就拥有种“效用函数“偏好排序所有结果集合喜欢不喜欢的排列起来。

    At the outset, the decision-maker has a "utility function" or a "preference ordering" that ranks all sets of consequences from the most preferred to the least preferred.


  • 正常情况下程序部署团队开始创建逻辑模型然后逻辑模型物理模型集合起来

    Normally, an application development team starts by creating logical models and then iterating through logical and physical models together.


  • 第9声明一个名为DAYS集合元素(本周中的天数周一开始)数据部分第32行中声明的。

    Line 9 declares a set named days, and its elements (just the days of the week, starting with Monday) are declared on line 32 in the data section.


  • 第9声明一个名为DAYS集合元素(本周中的天数周一开始)数据部分第32行中声明的。

    Line 9 declares a set named days, and its elements (just the days of the week, starting with Monday) are declared on line 32 in the data section.


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