• 如果是空房工作报告上做好记录,开始清洁程序把送服务用的餐桌餐具等走。

    If empty, mark the room off on the worksheet and start the cleaning procedure. All room service trays, tables, or glasses should be removed to the pantry.


  • 如果父母鼓励现在开始一点包装清洁工作有帮助的。

    It would be helpful if your parents encourage you to do a little packing and cleaning from now on.


  • 果我们开始保持学校清洁,在清洁日就可以少做一些工作。

    If we start keeping the school clean, there'll be less work to do on clean-up day.


  • 学校当清洁工使他开始思考,如何对组织里的每个人表示尊重。

    Being a cleaner at a school made him think about how to show respect for everyone in an organization.


  • 也是在那天家里了个遍,找出自己拥有东西——拖把台真空吸尘器以及一些洗涤剂——然后决定开始我们自己清洁业务

    And that was the day I looked around my house and saw what I hada mop, a vacuum leaner and some cleaning fluidsand I decided to start our own cleaning business.


  • 验收测试发生我们开发环境中开始根据构建文档进行清洁构建引发测试过程执行

    The acceptance tests took place in our development environment, starting with clean builds according to the build documentation and leading into execution of the test procedures.


  • 吩咐了需要做什么后,我们开始天花板至地板清洁房子以及打扫院子来。

    She told us what we needed to do, and we proceeded to clean the house from floor to ceiling and clean up the yard as well.


  • 如果发现自己开始长痘痘(特别是腮),也许时候清洁粉刷了。

    If you start to notice that you're breaking out (especially in the cheek area), it may be time to clean your brushes.


  • 标志所有清洁产品销售额早春时节猛增继而也流感开始九月激增威尔汉姆表示

    Sales of all logoed sanitising products surged in early spring, and again in September, at the start of flu season, Wilhelm said.


  • 但是一个国家开始工业化的时候,以及当人民变得呼吁能够付得起清洁空气的时候,同时污染增加起来了。

    But while pollution can increase when a country starts industrializing, as people get wealthier they can afford cleaner water and air.


  • 从那时汽车制造商们开始他们低排放赌注更多的押电式混合动力车清洁柴油电动汽车上。

    Ever since, carmakers have been placing their low-emission bets more on plug-in hybrids, clean diesels or pure electric vehicles.


  • 没有什么开始工作就发现需要清洁工具例如吸尘器、或者海绵用完了让人闹心的事。

    There is nothing more annoying than just getting started only to find you've run out of all purpose cleaner, vinegar or sponges.


  • 万能清洁玻璃清洁剂,抹布纸巾牙刷放到每个洗涤槽下面,这样淋浴后,清洁浴室找到储备清洁用具,马上开始

    Try storing all purpose cleaner, glass cleaner, a cloth, paper towels and an old toothbrush under each sink. You never have to leave the bathroom to get the supplies you need to clean it with.


  • 声称电动自行车普通自行车摩托车要安全而且不久就开始使用清洁电池

    He argues electric bicycles are safer than bicycles or motorcycles and will soon start using cleaner, lithium batteries.


  • 假如许诺,如果现在开始用牙线清洁牙齿我会你一百万美金。你可能会立刻牙线清洁牙齿,我说的吗?

    If I told you I'd give you a million bucks if you flossed your teeth right now, you'd run out and get some floss and make it happen, right?


  • 一些专门家具清洁产品,刚开始,选择这样的产品再不过了,以帮助彻底清理家具上面的蜘蛛网杂物

    There are products made especially for wood furniture cleaning and it is best to use one of these products first. Thoroughly hose down the furniture to remove any cobwebs or debris.


  • 总有一天捡回可以牙刷塞进去成功开始清洁牙齿

    Eventually you should be able to incorporate the toothbrush and successfully begin to clean your ferret's teeth.


  • 菌斑牙齿清洁之后开始形成1小时内就能达到可检测到的水平

    Plaque starts forming immediately after a tooth is cleaned; it takes about an hour for plaque to build up to measurable levels.


  • 2008年10月一家厂家开始使用这种节约开支的流程由于这种方法清洁任何一种塑料,ECO2公司致力于环保冲洗从前不能回收的汽车零部件

    The first plant started using the money-saving process in October 2008; since the method cleans any plastic, the company is now working to wash previously unrecyclable auto parts.


  • 知道洗手是否能够恢复道德纯洁毕竟,“清洁仅次于圣洁的”,人们经常谈论要“一个干净的记录重新开始。”

    He wondered if hand washing could restore more than just a sense of moral purity. After all, "cleanliness is next to godliness," but people also often talk about "starting over with a clean SLATE."


  • 近年来,随着Purell这种清洁产品流行,越来越多的人开始使用方便的无水洗手液。

    In recent years, with proliferation of products such as Purell, instant hand sanitizers have become popular.


  • 随着杰克逊环保局开始二氧化碳作为污染物进行监管朱棣文重新将死气沉沉的能源部塑造清洁技术实验室,使这个变化更加引人注目。

    The change has been remarkable, with Jackson's epa moving to regulate CO2 as a pollutant and Chu remaking the sleepy Department of Energy into a laboratory for clean technology.


  • 美容师面部护理从面部的彻底清洁开始

    Beautician: The facial will start with a thorough cleansing.


  • 清洁海绵弄湿,顶部开始至上而下地擦拭冰箱内部

    Dampen your sponge in the cleaning solution and wipe the inside of the refrigerator from the top down, starting with the ceiling.


  • 由于没有,于是就剥橡皮清洁上的橡胶磙子,开始金属刃口划开墙体。

    As no one had a knife, he pulled the rubber from his squeegee and used its metal edges to begin cutting.


  • 如果房间没人,将服务车门前保持房门打开开始客房清洁

    In the room is unoccupied, position your cart in front of the door and leave the door open. Begin cleaning.


  • 如果房间没人,将服务车门前保持房门打开开始客房清洁

    In the room is unoccupied, position your cart in front of the door and leave the door open. Begin cleaning.


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