• 公共康乐设施建筑设备状况?。

    What are the physical conditions of public sports facilities maintained?


  • 建筑设备自动化系统智能建筑一个关键组成部分

    The building automation system is an important part of modern intelligent buildings, and their interfaces are the basic part of the system.


  • 这种管子通常用于汽车工业、农业设备建筑设备液压

    It is usually found in the automotive and agricultural industries, construction equipment, hydraulic cylinders, etc.


  • 钢管脚手架常用房屋建筑设备桥梁施工也逐渐予以采用

    Steel - tube scaffold is a conventional housing construction equipment. It has been used in bridge construction gradually.


  • 公司建筑设备机械房地产开发市政工程建筑材料经营一体

    The company set construction equipment machinery, real estate development, municipal engineering and building materials business together!


  • 目前我们产品涵盖了卡车、公交车建筑设备以及船用工业发动机

    Today we manufacture trucks, buses and construction equipment as well as Marine and industrial engines.


  • 适合排水水泵灭火器压缩机冷藏车液压泵用于建筑设备驱动发动机

    Suitable for drain pumps, fire extinguisher pumps, compressors for refrigerated vehicles and hydraulic pumps used in construction equipment driven by engines.


  • 工业装置建筑设备绝缘产品。 。工厂制酚醛泡沫PF)产品规范。

    EN14314 4 Thermal insulation products for building equipment and industrial installations -Factory made phenolic foam(PF)products-Specification.


  • 告诉自己的工作方式之间建筑设备为了避免任何软管道路上

    She told me that I would have to work my own way between the construction equipment, but to avoid any hoses on the road.


  • 这会促进澳大利亚巴西铁矿石欧美建筑设备以及整个亚洲工业部件需求

    Thatcould boost demand for iron ore from Australia and Brazil, factory and construction equipment from the United States and Europe, and industrial components from throughout Asia.


  • 那些出产原材料生产建筑设备中国所急需产品的国家一直中国经济的蓬勃发展中获益匪浅。

    For those who produce the goods that China does need — mainly raw materials and machines to build its houses and factories — the Chinese boom has been welcome.


  • 另外,何茂春补充说,中国每年都会进口很多英国产品,包括金融服务建筑设备等等。

    Many British products, such as financial services and construction equipment, are imported to China every year.


  • 出庭参加了12个联邦重罪案件审理包括纵火罪,持枪入室行窃罪建筑设备盗窃案

    Tried 12 federal felony trials, including arson, federal firearms licensee burglary, and construction equipment theft cases.


  • 文中介绍了智能建筑设备自动化系统检测方法检测经常碰到工程质量问题进行了分析。

    This paper introduced the test methods used to check the automation system of intelligent architecture and analyzed some problems in the engineering quality of the system which of...


  • 简单建筑设备承担环保责任达到声觉视觉舒适能源消耗上实现了更高的效率

    The environmental responsibility is assumed by simple architectural devices for acoustic and visual comfort, and to achieve greater efficiency in the consumption of water and energy.


  • 项目使用无与伦比整体方法结合现代建筑风格、新颖建筑设备电动交通以及可持续性身体健康

    The project is an unrivaled holistic approach that connects modern architecture, innovative building equipment and e-mobility as well as sustainability and physical health.


  • 我们吉星重工业有限公司已经制造建筑设备配件并且提供我们的高品质的货物无论是在国内还是国外。

    We, JISUNG HEAVY INDUSTRIES co., LTD. has been manufacturing the attachment for constructional equipment, and supplying our qualified goods to domestics as well as worldwide.


  • 建筑设备安装工程造价过程控制关键设计过程、施工过程结算审核过程中进行严格有效的控制。

    Construction equipment installation project cost control process, the key should be in the design process, construction process and settlement of the audit process for strict and effective control.


  • 我们将该项目理解一个看似平凡建筑设备,它带有一点复杂性但是使用可能性上又带有一些趣味性

    We understand the work as a seemingly banal architectural device of little complexity, but of interest in its possibility and uses.


  • 屋顶装有水箱,可以收集过滤当地可观雨水,并将这些雨水重新利用建筑设备之中减轻废水处理的负担。

    Green roof surfaces collect and filter the area's prodigious rainfall in rooftop water tanks for use in low-water fixtures and fittings, reducing the need to waste treated water.


  • 采用ANSYS有限元分析软件,建立南京昊中建筑设备租赁有限公司提供型号为QTZ40塔机有限元模型。

    The element mode of QTZ40 tower crane was founded by the software of ANSYS, which was produced by the Wuzhong Architecture Equipment Lease limited Company in Nanjing city.


  • 立面系统当然包含许多特殊情况台阶式窗户巨大窗框建筑设备平台的进风口或是停车场自然通风设施

    The system naturally incorporates the special cases, like the large frames of the terrace Windows, the air intakes of the building service platforms, or the parking lot ventilation.


  • 建筑设备监控系统(BAS)安装施工一项技术先进涉及领域广投资规模建设项目施工质量直接关系楼宇设备自动化系统正常运行

    The installation and construction of BAS is a construction project with advanced technology, wide realm and large investment, its construction quality relates directly to the normal operation of BAS.


  • 满怀梦想人们接着面临的是当地落后基础设施,他们不得不将建筑设备城里搬过去,建造自己道路接上并且培训当地人如何去他们要的房子

    And poor infrastructure forces would-be homeowners to haul construction machinery from the city, build their own roads and power supplies and train locals in the basics of home construction.


  • 道指飙升背后最大因素之一,是一家名为Caterpillar的建筑设备制造商东山再起。公司股价高于众多规模更大的公司(此时恰好正值油价下跌,综合作用之下使道指飙升)。

    One of the biggest factors behind the Dow's surge has been the revival of Caterpillar, a construction-equipment maker, which just happens to have a higher share price than many larger companies.


  • 道指飙升背后最大因素之一,是一家名为Caterpillar的建筑设备制造商东山再起。公司股价高于众多规模更大的公司(此时恰好正值油价下跌,综合作用之下使道指飙升)。

    One of the biggest factors behind the Dow's surge has been the revival of Caterpillar, a construction-equipment maker, which just happens to have a higher share price than many larger companies.


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