• 亚洲流行速度较快,且延续时间多。

    The epidemic in Asia has grown faster over a much shorter time.


  • 脉冲大小取决于冲击波延续时间及其压力

    The impulse is dependent upon the duration of the shock wave as well as its pressure.


  • 上浪延续时间分布函数计算中改进了以往的计算方法

    A new efficient procedure in calculation of the probability distribution of the duration of the deck wetness is also presented.


  • 使很难预测单一实例实际延续时间尤其是负载很高系统上。

    This makes it hard to predict the actual duration of single instances, especially on a heavily loaded system.


  • 荷兰研究者着手研究假期对于幸福作用以及作用的延续时间

    Researchers from the Netherlands set out to measure the effect that vacations have on overall happiness and how long it lasts.


  • 动量词计量动作次数延续时间量词,是量词的重要组成部分

    The verb quantifiers are those which measure the times and temporal duration which are an important part of quantifiers.


  • 方法需要各工作延续时间分布作出假定,因此具有广泛的实用性

    This is a very simple and useful method in practice because it is not necessary to asunune a distribution of the project duration.


  • 振捣延续时间使混凝土表面呈现浮浆不再沉落为止,约20 ~30s

    For every vibrating point, the vibration shall go on till free mortar appears on the concrete surface and not sinks any more, normally 20 ~ 30s.


  • 水口水库建成蓄水诱发频繁地震活动延续时间8之久,目前,还在继续活动。

    After the Shuikou reservoir being built and retaining water, it has been inducing frequent seismic activity for 8 years.


  • 新石器时代出土玉器种类占有一席之地,而且出土数量较多分布区域较广延续时间较长

    Jade huang ornament possesses a niche in the jade wares unearthed from the Neolithic Age, characterized by large quantity, wide distribution and long duration.


  • 消防水池火灾延续时间消防水量确定容积,还需减去火灾延续时间中外网补充水量综合考虑

    With reference to the volume of a fire fighting water pool, how much water can be supplied from outer systems should be considered besides the duration of a fire.


  • 半个世纪以来公司资本结构理论研究延续时间之长、争论之多,金融经济学领域不多见的。

    Nearly half a century, in the field of financial economics, it is rare that the enterprises capital structure on theoretical study of long duration and many argue.


  • 近似等于泉水排泄抽水延续时间之和t,流量阶梯状变化公式计算水文地质参数,进行水位预报

    Then the hydrogeological parameters can be calculated by using the Theis Formula with Step-Like Outflow, and the water level can be thus predicted.


  • 我们需要编制各种复杂公式以便增加痛苦倍数,延续时间,还要考虑痛苦的强度获得痛苦的

    And so we might need to work out various, more complicated, formulas here, where we multiply the pain times its duration and take into account its intensity, get the sheer quantity of pain that way.


  • 才子佳人小说明末清初时期一种小说类型数量之多,延续时间之长创作倾向一致小说史上都是空前

    Romantic novel is a novel during the late Ming and early Qing type, their number and the duration of the long, creative tendencies of the agreement is unprecedented in the history of the novel.


  • 辐射事故照射剂量急性照射情况外,更多还有受照延续时间不等、照射水平不一多次受照情况,甚至尚有数天内连续受照的。

    Besides acute exposure of large dose, there are repeated exposures mainly in which exposure duration is unequal and dose levels heterogeneous, even exposure may continue for a couple of days.


  • 一首歌的时候,你在时间经历某事展开延续

    When you listen to a song, you experience something that unfolds in and extends in time.


  • 如果用户第二提交一个表单延续可以恢复以前某个时间上的状态。

    If the user submits a form a second time, the continuation can pick up processing at an earlier point in time.


  • 人人都会偶尔咳嗽如果似乎比以前频繁地染上咳嗽,或者咳嗽延续时间变成慢性咳嗽,就是医生谈谈时候了。

    Everyone gets a cough once in awhile, but if you seem to be getting them more frequently, or they linger for a long time or become chronic, it's time to talk to your doctor.


  • 可以把延续看成某一时间上“冻结程序状态

    Think of a continuation as the state of a program at a frozen point in time.


  • 每一我们面对时间工作的表示了屈服,我们就消极延续整个潮流

    Every time we give-in to the long hours argument, we continue to negatively reinforce this trend.


  • 地震之后时间过去了,供应链的崩溃程度可能延续时间现在还没人能搞清楚

    Three weeks after the massive quake, the extent and likely duration of the disruption are still unclear.


  • 该地型糖尿病也是一个痛苦因为该病延续多年很多人都买不起随着时间推移他们病情加重,通常失明或者跛足

    Type 2 diabetes is a scourge in the Valley. Since Type 2 diabetics can be asymptomatic for years, many don’t buy medicine; as time passes, they become severely ill, often losing sight or a limb.


  • 这个徘徊过程开始10分钟然后延续30分钟,之后一个小时甚至更长时间

    This lingering process starts off as 10 minutes, then extends to 30 minutes, then to an hour, and more.


  • 聚会延续差不多我们整个上班时间我们还未能够为这家人找到一家收容所,让他们度过圣诞节。

    The "party" lasted most of the shift, before we were able to locate a shelter that would take the family in on Christmas Day.


  • 目标建立正确事情上,那些希望延续时间的事情,我不想将人生难题的辉煌答案建立过时基础上

    My objective is to build upon the right things; things that I hope will be around for a while. I don't want to build my brilliant answer to life's problems on an outdated foundation.


  • 安吉丽娜·茱莉最近在接受BBC采访表示:“准备我的演绎事业延续时间。”

    Angelina Jolie recently had an interview with the BBC and said, "I don't plan to keep acting very long."


  • 安吉丽娜·茱莉最近在接受BBC采访表示:“准备我的演绎事业延续时间。”

    Angelina Jolie recently had an interview with the BBC and said, "I don't plan to keep acting very long."


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