• 英格兰霍船长:就好像蟑螂不管多少它们冲下马桶它们仍然可以回到座便上。

    Captain Englehorn: That's the thing about cockroaches. No matter how many times you flushed them down the toilet, they always crawl back up the bowl.


  • 涉及医疗器械领域抽屉式座便医用,是针对医用床缺乏便座便 器而设计一种医用床。

    The utility model relates to a drawer toilet stool medical bed belonging to the medical appliance field, aiming at designing a medical bed with a simple toilet stool.


  • 便安装:将建筑顶端红外线激光收发简单连接起来然后它们调整成行即可。

    It is easy to set up: simply hook up infra-red laser transceivers on top of two buildings and then align them.


  • 他们谋划次日早晨劫持12飞机飞往瑞典一旦抵达,便表明他们目的移居以色列,实现这个他们长久以来被否决的梦想。

    The next morning, they planned to commandeer a 12-seat airplane, fly it to Sweden and, once there, declare their purpose: to move to Israel, a dream they had long been denied.


  • 三百年前法国商人自己皮革生意建立了安全避风港;人们便开始聚拢过来生活,随后不久底特律诞生了。

    Three hundred years ago, a French trader turned up to create a safe haven for his fur business; he started making connections and pretty soon Detroit was born.


  • 发现只有面对熟人之时自己才能做到镇定自若,于是我便来到陌生屋子,尽管知道一个小时会很难熬,但毕竟能受教良多。

    Discovering that I was only self-possessed with peo - ple I knew intimately, I would often go to a strange house where I knew I would spend a wretched hour for schooling sake.


  • 没过几年便听说遭遇一起很严重事故-通讯大楼的60英尺处了下来

    Several years later, I heard Michael was involved in a serious accident, falling off 60 feet from a communications tower.


  • 一听,撒腿便山上指望着分它一然而到半山腰时,那个号角声没了,城堡上又传来了号角声。

    The dog immediately started running up the mountain, hoping to get his share; but when he was halfway up, the trumpeter ceased blowing, and a trumpet from the other castle commenced.


  • 十二露天咖啡上,交朋友便不是什么难事

    It's not hard to make friends when you squat on a terrasse twelve hours a day.


  • 村庄附近农舍前,注意到窗口放着干燥草鞋便双。

    At a farmhouse near the village he noticed four or five pairs of sandals in the window and decided to buy some dry ones.


  • 大多数高档宾馆饭店都会客人提供选择,大家当然要看一眼西方风格的温水洗净便

    Most upmarket hotels and restaurant will offer their guests a choice, and it's certainly taking a peek at the Western-style Washlet.


  • 亚里士多德写到,事实城市趋近于一体结合在一起,便不再

    It is evident Aristotle writes that as it becomes increasingly one as it becomes increasingly unified — the city -it will no longer be a city.


  • 以色列听说便人,迦得人,玛拿西半支派靠近约旦河边,南地属以色列人的那边了一

    And when the Israelites heard that they had built the altar on the border of Canaan at Geliloth near the Jordan on the Israelite side.


  • 有人邻舍埋伏着起来击,以致于死,便这些城。

    But if a man hates his neighbor and lies in wait for him, assaults and kills him, and then flees to one of these cities.


  • 花5亿建造一个八万体育场,仅使用便缩减位规模,似乎是疯了

    Building an 80, 000-seat stadium for half a billion pounds, then scaling it back after a few weeks' use, seems close to madness.


  • 斯勒描述三个合作设计厂房:“了解了所有的细节后,他们花了一个小时零四分钟便画好了占地面积为两万一千平方英尺的厂房设计图。”

    Hessler describes three men designing a new factory: "All told, they had mapped out a 21, 000-square-foot factory, from bottom to top, in one hour and four minutes."


  • 夜幕才刚刚落下,飞马巨大四方形便天空中散发光彩。

    The Great Square of Pegasus sparkles over your eastern horizon at early evening.


  • 以下15城市收入达到平均水平便足以支撑长时间花销,生活质量很不错(即使看不到金门大桥也是如此)。

    Here are the top 15 places where an average paycheck goes a very long way and the quality of life is great (even without a view of the Golden Gate).


  • 由此产生的泡沫猎物围起来,于是便狼吞虎咽吃掉猎物。

    The resulting bubbles pen in prey fish, which the whales gobble up.


  • 告诉,”约翰西着,便闭上了眼睛脸色苍白,一动不动地着,下来的雕像,“因为最后一片叶子下来。”

    "Tell me as soon as you have finished," said Johnsy, closing her eyes, and lying white and still as fallen statue, "because I want to see the last one fall."


  • 随着夜色愈加浓烈,月亮天枰星星们逐渐往下沉西行直至半夜以后便逐渐低于西南方向地平线

    As evening deepens, the moon and these Libra stars descend westward, to sink beneath the southwest horizon by mid to late evening.


  • 由于天气晴朗无云,我们便前往林亚尼山坡上名叫泰泰巴吐村落

    The weather was clear and blue so we went to Tete Batu, a small village on the slopes of Mt.


  • 处女穿着熨帖套装,逢人便自己簿记员。

    Virgo wears a neatly-pressed suit and tells everyone they're a bookkeeper.


  • 以下15城市支出达到平均程度便足以支撑工夫花销,生活质量也很不错(便看不到金门大桥也是如此)。

    Here are the top 15 places where an average paycheck goes a very long way and the quality of life is great (even without a view of the Golden Gate).


  • 愚公移山事很快被玉皇大帝清楚了。玉帝被愚公坚韧不拔精神所感动便派大力神大山走了

    Later the Heaven god, upon learning of Yu Gong's story, was GREatly moved. He then ordered another god to come down and take the two high mountains away.


  • 阿吉七位姑娘看见乡亲阻,不能对岸去赶场和耕种便决心在涵碧潭合力修建石桥。

    Ji and the seven girls saw that villages were blocked by the Hanbi Pool and could not go to the other side for farming, so they decided to build a stone bridge over the pool together.


  • 阿吉七位姑娘看见乡亲阻,不能对岸去赶场和耕种便决心在涵碧潭合力修建石桥。

    Ji and the seven girls saw that villages were blocked by the Hanbi Pool and could not go to the other side for farming, so they decided to build a stone bridge over the pool together.


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