• 明天存在幻想者失败脑海中。

    Tomorrows only exist in the minds of dreamers and losers.


  • 金牛们就幻想者甚至在一段真实感情发生之前自己陷入迷恋状态了。

    Tauruss is a visionary, even before a true feelings have their first state intoobsession.


  • 民间故事民间传说那样幻想故事它们也是口耳相传的,一代故事讲述传给下一代。

    Fairy tales are imaginative stories that like folk legends, they have been passed down orally, from storyteller to storyteller.


  • 我们谈论不是车迷爱好幻想实际上有人不辞辛苦地追踪联邦储备委员会申请购买实物车辆

    We aren't talking about fanboy fantasies here, but actual cars that someone went to the trouble of tracking down and applying to the feds for.


  • 赛跑共有关于场比赛焦虑幻想无论这是他们的第一还是第四十场赛事。

    It's very common for runners to have anxiety dreams about a race, whether it's their first or their fortieth.


  • 乡村之音》称电影梦想留下了一丝混乱幻想甜美味道—不切实际且毫无畏惧开始就注定了。

    "It leaves a sweet tang of the garbled fantasies infecting movie dreamers-quixotic, undaunted, doomed from the word go," wrote the Village Voice.


  • 史默伍德博士说:“人们认为心不在焉是件坏事,但是如果我们在做无聊工作的时候不能出神一下 那生活将会太可怕了。” 明尼苏达大学心理学家、领域先驱之一埃里克 科林格认为:“想象一下 如果精神不能交通阻塞中解脱出来,你会这受困汽车大军中苦思冥想,智力锻炼没有幻想海滩来得那么愉快,也没有思考驶离公路后干什么来得有用

    You’d be stuck contemplating the mass of idling cars, a mental exercise that is much less pleasant than dreaming about a beach and much less useful than mulling what to do once you get off the road.


  • 吸烟这个幻想侮辱,按他们的设想就是为什么强烈谴责吸烟还是不够的。

    Smokers are an affront to this fantasy, and that is why no condemnation is strong enough for their presumption.


  • 之间,抑制性条款使得邪恶远离但是幻想没有被禁止那些狂热所作的事情,就是想犯人通常做的那样

    In both, the inhibitory clause that forbids evil is off, but the dreamer is not bidden to do evil as the maniac is, or as the malefactor often seems to be.


  • 追求幻想艺术,刚开始除了自己没有别的支持因为对于大多数人来说,基本上不可能

    Tackling the art of illusion has few proponents at first other than yourself because for most …. it is merely impossible.


  • 当然大部分都是富于幻想的冒险而非火星重大科学研究的严肃科学家

    Of course, most are starry-eyed adventurers, not serious scientists who want to be on Mars to do great science.


  • 直到弥留之际,还在幻想找寻丝丝慰藉,期望能够拥有一家连锁银行或是几条船运航线,这样偿付那些对奉若神明投资

    Right up until the end, he found refuge in fantasies that he might take over a chain of banks or shipping lines that would enable him to pay off his legions of worshipful investors.


  • 任何音乐爱好都曾某些时刻关于音乐主观幻想——把完美段影片内容配对起来,感觉就像是音频上的酒

    Any music fan at some point has fantasized about being a music supervisor-pairing the perfect song with a piece of video content like some kind of audio sommelier.


  • 每个故事都讲述了一迥异人物,对于一般幻想小说爱好来说,所有这三部书不可思议超出想象。

    While each of the stories follows a different set of characters, all three are incredible reads that are certain to exceed the expectations of the average fantasy reader.


  • 即使是愉快心理幻想没让参加感到集中精力做随便什么事情:如在交通高峰期穿梭、系鞋带一张支票快乐些。

    But even pleasurable mental fantasies left participants no happier than when they were focused on whatever activity they were doing: weaving through traffic, tying their shoes, writing out a check.


  • 产能耗能熔化器启动的汽车发明幻想主要产物。

    Cars that run on water and fusion machines that generate more energy than they use are staples of inventorsfantasy.


  • 布朗应该使反对们觉得生活一个幻想中的世界里,普通人则要在真实的世界里忍受痛苦忧愁

    Brown could not have said anything more exquisitely designed to persuade his critics that he is living in a fantasy universe while ordinary people suffer and worry back here in the real one.


  • 思维引领进入真实幻想空间之间徘徊

    My mind is seduced into lingering in Spaces between the real and the imagined.


  • 详细回想恶梦之后做梦写下新的做梦脚本然后每天幻想这种情景

    After recalling the nightmare in detail, the dreamer writes out the new script and envisions it several times a day.


  • 贝琪.赖特阿肯色州已经有了如鱼得水的感觉,干得非常出色,建立了一个竞选组织,成员是以前支持以及不要对怀特州长抱有幻想

    Betsey had taken to Arkansas like a duck to water and had done a great job putting together an organization of my old supporters and new people who were disenchanted with Governor White.


  • 我们是多疑,”断言,“极为重要的一点,我们应该多疑地看那些宏大的计划乌托邦幻想。”

    "We sceptics," he averred, "have a vital point." We should look sceptically at grand plans and utopian visions.


  • 然而批评,“清洁煤”只是幻想,由于二氧化碳排放是引起气候变化的关键,因此“清洁煤自相矛盾的概念。

    But critics say that "clean coal" is a pipe dream, an oxymoron in terms of the carbon emissions that count most toward climate change.


  • 股票市场处于萧条期,利润率几乎所剩无几,债券收益率有史以来达到最低点时,投资们对过去认为的任何有可能的回报资金都不会抱有幻想

    With stock markets in the doldrums, interest rates cut to almost nothing, and bond yields at record lows, investors were desperate for any kind of meaningful return on their money.


  • 研究发现正在努力寻找工作搭档考好试接受手术的人之中,那些花费更多时间去享受美好幻想的表现的更差

    The researchers found that when trying to get a job, find a partner, pass an exam or get through surgery, those who spent more time entertaining positive fantasies did worse.


  • 传达主要信息设法促进幻想理想主义清醒地看待过去

    The author's chief message is to try to promote a clear-headed view of the past for “idealists without illusions”.


  • 传达主要信息设法促进幻想理想主义清醒地看待过去

    The author's chief message is to try to promote a clear-headed view of the past for "idealists without illusions".


  • 我们只能幻想国际社会里句“不为难”的箴言仍然接受。

    One can only hope that the “Don’t shoot the messengeradage is still popular in the international community.


  • 就像喜欢支持那样,他幻想得到一个“带来生活品质改善”的草原礼物

    He dreamt of a prairie gift that would "pay for itself in quality-of-life dollars," as he was fond of telling supporters.


  • 就像喜欢支持那样,他幻想得到一个“带来生活品质改善”的草原礼物

    He dreamt of a prairie gift that would "pay for itself in quality-of-life dollars," as he was fond of telling supporters.


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