• 美国越南都不希望这些孩子称为美亚混血普遍越南人斥为“尘埃之子”。

    Neither America nor Vietnam wanted the kids known as Amerasians and commonly dismissed by the Vietnamese as "children of the dust".


  • 我们必须年青妇女提供控制生殖健康所需信息支持帮助顺利渡过妊娠期给她和她的新生以良好照护,直至童期

    We must give a young woman the information and support she needs to control her reproductive health, help her through a pregnancy, and care for her and her newborn well into childhood.


  • 使得母亲可以出生后不久安全地新生自己清洁呼吸道”,科学家文章解释道

    This allows the mother to "safely lift the infant towards her and clear its breath passage soon after the birth", the scientists explained in the paper.


  • 但是你们地久天长的,你们都感兴趣因此可以分享谈论一块那些东西

    But what sustains you in between is having something that interests you both enough that you can share it, talk about it, do it together.


  • 他们非常喜欢。”一边说,一边椅子上把衣服仔细地起来,甩手

    "They loved it," he said, carefully folding it over the back of a chair and smoothing it flat.


  • 接着科学家们拿出附着一起珠子用胶水粘一起是可分开演示放在盒子都可引发机关。

    Scientists then took two pairs of attached beads, one pair glued together and the other separable, and demonstrated that both pairs activated the machine when laid on the box.


  • 最终查明,穆萨·瑞勒先生名前警官当时是紧急医疗技术员位,父母发现尸体拨打了911电话后,负责公寓现场。

    As it turned out, Mr. Musarella, a retired police officer, was one of the emergency medical technicians who responded to the apartment when Ms. Wimmer's parents discovered her body and dialed 911.


  • 我们的建议这些玩意留在家里侦探小说过来。

    Our approach is to leave them home and go looking through the attic for an old Mickey Spillane.


  • 年后回到家,不再那个能翻山越岭扛着沉重化石一口气行走数英里健康小伙了。

    After five years he was home. He was never again the healthy young man who climbed mountains and carried heavy bags of fossils for miles.


  • 工作人们想法融入香奈这个品牌表达出来,不是一个复杂选择……

    My job is to put in people's brain the idea what Chanel was all about, even if it was not about such a large choice of things...


  • 听到过挺多这样人们拥挤百货商厦门前寻找索要停车位不知怎的他们好像得到一个入口旁边一点停车位。

    I have heard dozens of stories about people visualizing and asking for a parking space at the entrance of a crowded mall. For some reason they always seem to get a spot right next to the door.


  • 健访护士早孕妇女建立联系保证产有的准备工作访新生

    She establishes contact with expectant mothers to ensure adequate antenatal preparation and visit new babies.


  • 自豪地回首时光健康的、免于残忍生活开端作为自己给予新生礼物而心满意足。

    You'll look back on this time with pride and the satisfaction ofknowing that you gave your newborn the gift of a wholesome, cruelty-freeentrance into the world.


  • 尽早进行母乳喂养(产后小时),可防止新生感染降低新生死亡率

    Early initiation of breastfeeding, within one hour of birth, protects the newborn from acquiring infections and reduces newborn mortality.


  • 此同时穆雷·查克精力转向争取国会通过发起撰写美亚混血返乡》。

    Mrazek, meanwhile, turned his attention to gaining passage of the Amerasian Homecoming Act, which he had authored and sponsored.


  • 这位制作销售许多有趣玩意店老板邀请福瓦德后面工作间看看通向未来的时空之门。福瓦德的兴趣来

    The shop owner, who makes and sells a variety of very interesting items, invites Fuwaad into the back workshop to see his gateway into the future.


  • 研究人员们就此作出结论可以学习记忆这种能力可以持续新生期(出生后)。

    The researchers concluded that fetal life is able to learn and memorize with this capacity lasting into neonatal life (post-birth).


  • 我们收集1994年、1997年2002- 2003年印度尼西亚人口健康调查之前5年内出生单胎婴新生存活率对其加以分析

    We analysed pooled data on neonatal survival in singleton infants born in the 5 years before each of the Indonesian demographic and health surveys of 1994, 1997 and 2002-2003.


  • 结结巴巴的英语说对那个秘书职位感兴趣,谎称自己已经19岁了。

    In her broken English, Lill told her she was interested in the secretarial position, falsely stating that she was 19.


  • 这些问题对刚刚学习走路的孩子来说影响很大,因为穿上类童鞋后,学不得不跳着踮起脚尖向前

    This is of particular concern with toddlers learning to walk, because it causes them to bounce and tip forward, "she says."


  • 1979年5月25日,美国航空dc - 10芝加哥瓯海机场起飞,一个发动机脱落严重损坏了机翼

    May 25, 1979. As an American Airlines DC-10 lifts from the runway at Chicago's o 'hare airport, an engine detaches and seriously damages a wing.


  • 马查多生于1839年,混血患有癫痫口吃早年生活贫困精通法语英语,曾将莎士比亚的作品翻译成本国语言,有大量小说诗歌

    Machado DE Assis, born in 1839, of mixed race, epileptic, a stammerer, who, despite early poverty, mastered French and English, translated Shakespeare and poured out stories, novels and poetry.


  • 这一战略死亡率环境显示其积极效果降低新生死亡率改善了主要的新生护理做法

    The strategy has shown positive results in high mortality settings by reducing newborn deaths and improving key newborn care practices.


  • 后来,相如卫氏,夫妻恩爱男孩名唤

    Later, Xiangru got married. His wife was called Wei and they had a boy named Lucky.


  • 学习如何成功地公司谈判——即使开始创业。进门看,全是商界大腕,你下来希望获得一笔交易

    When you walk into a room filled with business bigwigs, you want to sit down and strike a deal.


  • 天晚上喝了56瓶啤酒超级玛格·丽特”之后昏睡过去kiko上了床咬掉了他的大拇指。

    Then one night, after drinking "five or six beers" and "huge margaritas," he passed out and his dog, Kiko, crawled into bed and ate his big toe.


  • 天晚上喝了56瓶啤酒超级玛格·丽特”之后昏睡过去kiko上了床咬掉了他的大拇指。

    Then one night, after drinking "five or six beers" and "huge margaritas," he passed out and his dog, Kiko, crawled into bed and ate his big toe.


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