• 吕木博士1980年已胰腺癌

    Dr. Mizoroki died of pancreatic cancer in 1980.


  • 机票价格2010出现大幅度上涨。

    Prices have already gone up dramatically in 2010.


  • 焉发榜招军时,玄德二十八岁矣。

    Xuande was twenty-eight when Governor Liu issued his recruitment for volunteers.


  • 过去15表明恒星太阳周围行星很平常的。

    The past 15 years have shown that planets around stars other than the sun are commonplace.


  • 第二哥哥一个进城务工人员,但是40还是找到老婆

    The next eldest brother is working as a migrant labourer, but at 40 has yet to find a wife.


  • 美军飞机上个月空袭阿富汗437,20092000次。

    American aircraft bombed Afghanistan 437 times this past month, and over 2000 times in 2009.


  • 全球数据以来最高温度纪录2010触手可及。”写道

    "Record high global temperature during the period with instrumental data was reached in 2010," he writes.


  • 许多这些稀土矿产品世界价格翻两番之后,2011翻了一倍

    World prices for many of these minerals have doubled in 2011, on top of a fourfold increase last year.


  • 如今百年已临近加州大学伯克利分校马克·吐温项目开始着手定稿

    But as the centenary approached, the Mark Twain Project, a scholarly effort housed at the University of California, Berkeley, got going on this definitive edition of the book.


  • 南非提高了洪水警报级别,奥兰治河水达到1996年已最高位

    South Africa raised the flood-warning level for its central Orange River area today as water levels in places were expected to reach the highest since 1996.


  • 即使扣除经济周期效果布什所继承1%盈余在2008变成占GDP2%强赤字

    Even if you strip out the cyclical economic effects, the 1% surplus he inherited had become a deficit of more than 2% of GDP last year.


  • 韩国生活外国人口数量急剧增加,2000不到25万2009年已超过87万。

    The number of foreigners living in Korea has exploded, from fewer than 250, 000 in 2000 to more than 870, 000 in 2009.


  • 大部分轻人对这场包围黑暗面一无所知,而七八十岁幸存者们则吐露尘封的创伤。

    Most young people have no knowledge of the darker aspects of the siege, and the survivors, now in their 70s and 80s, are reluctant to give voice to long-buried trauma.


  • 因为电子马达永久磁铁代替电子线圈做法广泛采纳,所以价格过去了两番。

    Over the past year the price of neodymium has quadrupled as electric motors that use permanent magnets instead of electromagnetic windings have gained even wider acceptance.


  • 76、倍感痛苦人们应该了解当时长春——以及那场内战其它地方——发生了什么

    Now 76 and embittered, he said young people should learn about what happened in Changchun - and during the rest of the civil war.


  • 不过人们焦点这本仅150《终结意义》,此书讲述了一位年已六旬普通老人对往事的回忆

    But most people's main concern in this matter is the 150-page book itself, a reflection of memory through the eyes of an ordinary man in his 60s.


  • 我们现在所看到的,才是一个开端而肉品消耗量过去五十增加五倍,未来五十恐怕会加倍

    What we're seeing is just the beginning, too. Meat consumption has increased five-fold in the past fifty years, and is expected to double again in the next fifty.


  • 沙克胡迪诺夫哀叹尽管于2002签署反恐协议形成联合工作组,但除此之外什么都没有发生

    Shaikhutdinov lamented that though the two countries had signed an agreement to fight terror in 2002 and formed a joint working group, nothing much has happened.


  • 2000中国中东欧国家贸易额只有30亿美元,2010超过400亿美元,增速达32%。

    In 2000, China's trade with central and east European countries was only 3 billion U.S. dollars. In 2010, it surpassed 40 billion, representing an annual average growth of 32 percent.


  • 2009年已查明尝试非法越境进入欧盟的106200人中,有大约四分之三在希腊停住了脚步上表)。

    Of the 106,200 people detected trying to cross illegally into the European Union in 2009, almost three-quarters were stopped in Greece (see chart).


  • 差异可以以下两个原因解释,其一,2010年已签订贷款合同尚未正式启用的部分贷款;其二是银行体系之外信贷扩张

    The discrepancy could be explained by the spending of money borrowed in 2010 but idled since then, and credit expansion outside the banking system.


  • 投资银行Friedman,Billings,Ramsey (FBR)估计交易佣金较2000骤降三分之一如果有更高利润期权交易计算在内的话,下跌幅度将会大。

    Friedman, Billings, Ramsey (FBR), an investment bank, reckons trading commissions have plummeted by almost a third since 2000, and by even more if higher-margin option trades are excluded.


  • 这位出生于意大利模特兼歌手着装时魅力逼人,穿上则显得美丽迷人,而一旦晚礼服上身,更显其婀娜之身姿。无论遇到的是满脸阴沉的政客,还是年已花甲皇室成员,都会竭力展开其魅力攻势。

    Glamorous in grey, pretty in purple, sleek in her evening gown, the Italian model-cum-singer managed to charm equally the dour politicians and the ageing royals whom she met.


  • 他们结婚至今30

    They've been married now for 30 years.


  • 担任委员会的委员超过25

    He has clocked up more than 25 years on the committee.


  • 担任委员会的委员超过25

    He has clocked up more than 25 years on the committee.


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