• 利用质量平衡实验验证了切实验痕量金属回收可行性

    The mass balance experiment shows that it is feasible to recover trace metals by cross flow ultrafiltration experiment.


  • 26不服精神药物的对照组(正常人)进行人体姿态平衡实验

    It was also estimated for body posture balance test in normal control group (26 subject without any psychotropics).


  • 为了培养大学生实践能力开发了基于虚拟仪器转子平衡实验

    A rotor dynamic-balancing experiment based on virtual instrument is developed to improve the students ability in practice.


  • 本文叙述了HT - 6a托卡马克平衡系统及第一期平衡实验结果

    The equilibrium system of HT-6A as well as the experiments on this tokamak are described.


  • 采用平衡实验研究阿特拉津不同粒径组分上吸附一解吸行为。

    A series of batch experiments were carried out to determine the adsorption and desorption of atrazine by brown soil different particle-size separates.


  • 文中基于矢量网络分析仪测试方法给出了该宽带正交解调器平衡实验结果

    Based on measuring method of vector network analyzer, the experimental results of the wideband quadrature demodulator in the imbalance of amplitude and phase are given in this paper.


  • 本文完成了液单相、平衡实验阻力特性实验研究了制冷剂管内流动的

    In this thesis, experimental study on single-phase balance heat transfer, two-phase balance heat transfer, and pressure drop was finished.


  • 计量检验风力发电机组实验器动平衡实验结果表明平衡系统性能良好,实用性强。

    An experimental verification on the turbine test rig shows that this system is effective and can be used to balance wind turbines in situ.


  • 进行了常规条件超声场条件下苯酚NKAII树脂吸附平衡实验吸附动力学实验

    Adsorption phase equilibrium experiments and kinetic experiments of phenol on NKAII resin in the absence and presence of ultrasound were carried out in this paper.


  • 采用批量平衡实验动态实验方法,研究了六氯苯红壤黄泥土上的吸附依时解吸特征

    Sorption and time-dependent desorption characteristics of HCB in red soil and Huangni soil were investigated by using the kinetic batch experiments with wide range of initial concentrations from 0.


  • 平衡实验动力学实验研究我国南方4红壤表面质子化及铝的溶解质子缓冲之间关系

    Both batch and kinetics experiments were conducted to study the relationship of protonation and dissolution of Al with proton buffering in 4 red soils of south China.


  • 为了指导主动平衡装置工业悬臂转子应用,搭建了悬臂转子实验进行主动平衡实验研究工作。

    To guide the application of an active balancing device in industrial cantilever rotors, a cantilever rotor test stand was set up to perform an experimental study of active balancing technology.


  • 回转另部件安装时有时会碰到平衡问题,一般是送平衡实验平衡机上做平衡详细介绍了在安装现场、在转子自身轴承中做平衡方法

    Regarding to the dynamic balance problems encountering in rotary parts installation a method of rotor dynamic balance on construction site is introduced in detail to escape laboratory balance.


  • 本相平衡实验数据前人的研究数据结合,得出了一组适合计算甲烷水合物平衡的经验公式结果证实经验公式能够地和实验数据吻合

    A empirical equation on the phase equilibrium of methane hydrates is gained by statistics analysis, which has a very good agreement with the experimental data.


  • 那么实验的角度,如果找出这些速率,你可以测量它们的平衡浓度

    So experimental, if you want to find out these rates, you can measure their equilibrium concentrations.


  • 利用率大小之间关系应用程序有很大关系,达到一个大致平衡需要使用应用程序和VM参数反复实验

    The relationship between utilization and heap size is highly application dependent, and striking an appropriate balance requires iterative experimentation with the application and VM parameters.


  • 此项实验证明出窍像是一种大脑障碍,视觉触觉平衡都混淆起来

    He said by inducing the out-of-body experience it proved it was more like a brain malfunction when sight, touch and balance become confused.


  • 我们HadoopMapReduce负载平衡实验可以得到两个必然结论

    Our experiment with Hadoop MapReduce and load balancing lead to two inescapable conclusions.


  • 这个增大年龄外套(agnes),M.I.T的老年实验研发年龄植入外套,校准模仿74老人的灵活度活动性力量平衡

    AGNES, the age empathy suit developed by the M.I.T. AgeLab, is calibrated to simulate the dexterity, mobility, strength and balance of a 74-year-old.


  • 同时马里兰大学Hinrich Staecher也作类似的实验旨在恢复小鼠平衡感。

    Meanwhile, at the University of Maryland, Hinrich Staecker has been doing similar experiments designed to restore balance in mice.


  • 随着年龄增长,我们会将痛苦“社会化”为一种审判形式,等同于一种惩罚,而正如实验表明的那样,这种心理体验重新平衡审判尺度心理效应进而化解人们内心的负罪感。

    We equate it with punishment, and as the experimental results suggest, the experience has the psychological effect of rebalancing the scales of justice—and therefore resolving guilt.


  • 通过实验得到了SPF型平衡流量关系绘制理想流量特性曲线

    Through experiment, achieved the relation of the flux and the opening degree of the SPF balance valve, protracted the ideal flow characteristic curve.


  • 实验表明使用引擎绘制个性化人脸满足游戏人物造型所必须平衡精确性效率两方面要求

    The experiment indicated that using this engine can render a realistic individual face, which meet the demand of accuracy and efficiency that personage's model must equilibrate in the game.


  • 如何还有何时进行休息需要你们自己实验找到那个保持平衡感觉的。

    How and when to take breaks is something everyone have to experiment with for themselves to find a good balance and a feel for when you a breather.


  • 探讨几何画板探索性学习实验归纳演绎推理平衡统一

    This paper discussed the balance and unification of the experiment Induction and deductive reasoning in explore study of the Geometry's Sketchpad.


  • 基于平衡水等温吸附实验估算了褐煤层中的吸附气含量。

    Based on isothermal methane-adsorbing experiments under equilibrium moisture, gas-adsorbing in the lignite reservoir were estimated.


  • 实验表明四种平衡方法都具有较高平衡精度

    These experimental results indicate that the four balancing methods have higher balancing precision.


  • 伽利略曾在这个失去平衡的倾斜的钟楼上做过具有划时代意义的自由落体实验

    Galileo is said to have conducted his revolutionary experiments with falling objects from the off-kilter belfry.


  • 怎么花费时间建立热力学平衡取决于实验细胞温度

    How does the time taken to establish thermodynamic equilibrium depend on the temperature in the experimental cell?


  • 怎么花费时间建立热力学平衡取决于实验细胞温度

    How does the time taken to establish thermodynamic equilibrium depend on the temperature in the experimental cell?


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