• 松松的包缝边的平式线来缝纫。

    To sew a loose overcast or overhand stitch.


  • 锁边松松的包边的平式线来缝纫

    To sew with a loose overcast or overhand stitch.


  • 模块接收部分位于接口盒中,并向下倾斜,允许能够连接安装装置角度位置连接线 缆

    The modular receiving portion is located in the outlet box and angled downward to allow the connection of the cable at such an angle and position that it can connect to a flush mounted device.


  • 张便携座椅可折便于存放

    This portable seat folds flat for easy storage.


  • 地铁车站一样,快速公交车多个滑动打开,车厢底和月台方便婴儿推车老年乘客上下

    Just as in a subway, the multiple doors on the buses slide open level with the platform, providing easy access for strollers and older riders.


  • 19世纪早期印刷机发明以及象《纽约太阳报》这样畅销报纸出现标志着一个影响深远变化

    The invention of the steam press in the early 19th century, and the emergence of mass-market newspapers such as the new York Sun, therefore marked a profound shift.


  • 高度截获一种数字飞行操纵系统爬升(下降)改

    ALTITUDE ACQUIRE, a digital flight control system mode to transition from climb (or descend) to level flight.


  • 本文研究仿真测试能够摊铺机数字自动调控制器进行模拟测试系统

    The studied simulation tester in this paper is a set of test system that can measure the working state of digital automatic level controller of paving machinery.


  • 耳环,可以马上做成晚装或者衣服领子上装饰

    Snap clip-on earrings onto flats for an instant evening shoe, or onto shirt collars for DIY embellishments.


  • WC43系列整体升降的辊机。

    WC43 series leveler is integral lifting roller leveler with many top rolls.


  • 重点叙述了应变压力传感器弹性元件选材特点、结构设计原理最佳应力分布分析

    The material selection for elastomer, structure design principle and the analysis on optimal pressure distribution for the strain type pressure transmitter with plat membrane are described.


  • 本文介绍了三角方向条件观测电算程序中,应用极坐标条件方法

    In the adjustment program of triangulation net by directional condition observation, to apply the formulas of polar coordinate condition is a new way.


  • 款风格现代钱包,备有一个钱袋纸钞隔层、三个信用卡两个口袋

    This modern fold wallet presents one flap coin pocket, two bill pockets, three credit card slots and two flat pockets.


  • 便携手提电动工具手柄振动测量第5部分:建筑工程用柏油路破碎机锤。

    Hand-held portable power tools - Measurement of vibrations at the handle - Part 5 : pavement breakers and hammers for construction work.


  • 这里着重介绍了辊结构使用特点设计计算等

    This article primarily introduces the structure type, operation feature as well as design calculations of the device.


  • 详细介绍了输送机滚筒制动能力计算方法分析了计算过程应注意问题

    This article introduces the method to compute the braking capability of horizontal belt conveyor's roller in detail and analyses the key problems of the calculation.


  • 本文采用计算机图形学编制了菜单典型图形程序

    This paper relates to a manu program of the typical figures adjustment.


  • 挤压结果表明前置保护分流模成型质量好,替代保护分流模挤压失败;

    The results show that the extrusion quality of even die, cone die and pre protection die are better, but that of the replace die is worse.


  • 针对肋肋片管换热器过程,建立数学模型考虑了霜层密度变化霜层阻力引起空气流量减小等因素。

    Establishes a mathematic model, taking into account the variation of frost density and the decrease of airflow rate caused by frost layer.


  • 成像提出基于线方程空间后方交会条件模型

    A collinearity equation based space resection adjustment model is presented under frame imaging pattern.


  • 介绍了一种新型拼装施工设备- HT - 120型水泥混凝土路面摊铺整主要技术参数基本结构工作原理简要叙述了使用设备中应注意的事项

    The main technique parameter, basic structure and work principle of HT-120 concrete finisher are introduced, and the point for attention in using this equipment are interpreted briefly.


  • 介绍抛物线栈桥计算方法,并通过实例予以验证

    The calculation method for breaced plane frame of parabolic type steel trestle was introduced in the paper and it was proved by the practical examples.


  • 介绍了德国欧宝泰克生产敏感织物连续湿处理线设备

    Erbatech is by far the world′s leading manufacturer of open-width continuous wet finishing machinery for sensitive fabrics.


  • 废都描绘转型期传统士大夫人文知识分子的道德沉沦。

    Jia Pingwa's "Deserted City" describes the intellectuals, who are just like the traditional Confucians, lost their conscience in transformation period.


  • 同名中篇小说中的主人公,其性格特征鲁迅笔下的q颇多相似之处,可以说是一个阿q人物

    An JI is the hero of JIA Ping-wa's novelette of the same name who is quite similar in personality to Ah q, the leading character in LU Xun's Literary work "the True Story of Ah q".


  • 工程采用C30混凝土上加非金属地面硬化剂机械压光。

    This project adopts C30 fine stone concrete with dry non-metal stiffening agent spreading over the ground and to plaster and even the floor mechanically.


  • 粘度增大,单位体积功增大时泛能微观混合效果优于二叶桨。

    In higher viscosity and higher power dissipation rate per unit mass, micromixing ability of full-zone is better than paddle impeller.


  • 介绍一种纯棉织物处理工艺工艺采用常压履带退浆

    A new process for the front treatment of open width about thin cloth of cotton is put forward, which use for desizing and scouring and bleaching by conveyer type scouring and bleaching machine.


  • 介绍一种纯棉织物处理工艺工艺采用常压履带退浆

    A new process for the front treatment of open width about thin cloth of cotton is put forward, which use for desizing and scouring and bleaching by conveyer type scouring and bleaching machine.


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