• 适用底板层甲板、平台板纵横壁、围壁、拼板

    It is suitable to inner bottom plate, all decks, platform plate , longitudinal and transverse bulkhead, trunk bulkhead and jointed plate of straight shell plate.


  • 大型台板产品例,介绍了矿用大型台板模具设计中的关键技术成形工艺

    In this paper, critical technology and forming process of platform plate mould design are stated by way of platform plate products.


  • 设计方案PCI总线接口实验台板设备驱动程序及上层软件三个部分组成。

    This scheme includes three parts: PCI Bus interface board, experiment flat board and device driver high-level software.


  • 设计方案PCI总线接口实验平台板设备驱动程序上层应用软件三个部分组成。

    This scheme includes three parts: PCI Bus interface board, experimental platform device driver and high-level software.


  • 摆渡半挂车作为台车的专用拖拽设备整个车体分为拖曳车头升降台板大部分

    Platform semi-trailer ferry as a platform dedicated drag car equipment, the front and dragging the entire body is divided into two parts, lifting platform board.


  • 现在要求在一些标准目标做出选择版本EDK支持来自Xilinx8 种不同的目标

    You're now asked to select from a list of standard target platforms; this version of the EDK supports eight different target boards from Xilinx.


  • jinity -免费的社会网络包括消息聊天,圈子,日志投票新闻等。

    Jinity -free social networking platform and hosting that includes message boards, chat, groups, journals, polls, news, and more.


  • 开发人员不必编写任何代码生成GUI元素提供可以放置到表单元素的一个综合调色板

    Developers also don't need to write any code to generate GUI elements; the platform provides a comprehensive palette of components which can be placed on a form.


  • 这项30个月内完成工程将整修284根圆柱,92根方柱,140座雕像6个教皇牧徽,1200飞檐,3400方米天花板

    Due to be completed in 30 months, the project involves 284 columns, 92 pillars, 140 statues, 6 papal coat of arms, 1200 meters in terraces and cornices as well as 3400 square meters of ceilings.


  • 原先丢失钻井相连阀的控制板已经Q4000取代,那个位置上被测试连接新的电线上

    The blowout preventer’s control pod, which was also originally connected to the lost rig, has been taken up to the Q4000, where it has been tested and attached to new cables.


  • DataQuant支持所有IBMDB 2创建查询报告指示板解决方案

    DataQuant supports the creation of query, reporting, and dashboard solutions for all IBM DB2 platforms.


  • 微软希望消费者对windows 电动手写板设备未经试验Kinec动感游戏感到兴奋

    The company hopes to excite consumers with a range of Windows-powered tablet devices and its untested Kinect motion gaming platform.


  • 连接3教室材料是奶瓶再生塑料刨花板夏季这些用作户外教室

    Connecting the three classrooms is a deck made from recycled plastic milk bottles and wood shavings, and in the summer the deck will be used as an outdoor classroom.


  • 分析内容(报表仪表板等等),包括使用早期AdaptiveApplicationFramework版本创建报表,部署一代CognosBI 10.1台上

    Analytic content (reports, dashboards etc) including reports created using earlier versions of the Adaptive Application Framework can be deployed to the new generation Cognos BI 10.1 platform.


  • 留言板作为网站重要部分从来就是大家交流

    And the message board, as an important part of website, is always a platform that everybody exchanges!


  • 一系列屋顶太阳能光伏系统提供了上层

    A series of flat roofs provides an upper terrace and platforms for the solar PV panel system.


  • 板:用来堆叠书本的

    Skid: a platform for stacking books.


  • 作为一个聚集空间同时能看到风景优美地貌今年秋天,小组计划屋顶安装太阳能板。

    The terrace serves as a gathering space and offers views of the scenic terrain. This autumn, the team plans to install a solar panel array on the roof.


  • 屋顶玻璃板通过利用不同模式太阳能电池产生不同透光台上投射出不断变化迷人阴影效果。

    The glass plates of the roof vary the level of light transmittance by utilizing different solar cells patterns, which produce an ever-changing and fascinating play of shadows on the platforms.


  • 后面墙壁面对有从地板到天花板玻璃框架,可以看见森林里景观作为一个联络中心。

    On the rear wall, which faces the deck, floor-to-ceiling glass frames views of the forest and serves as a focal centrepiece.


  • 玛丽投手投手区的台上,击球员本垒旁边。

    Mary: the pitcher stands on the pitcher's mound. The hitter stands at the home plate.


  • 预制楼梯生产新建建筑内所有楼梯及其台是用人工大理石进行贴面的。

    Production of the pre-cast stair treads and reconstituted stone surfacing to all stairs and landings in the newly built staircase.


  • 以基于摩托罗拉龙珠mc68ez328处理器嵌入式开发板硬件MIDI文件解码器PWM驱动程序基础上设计实现了MIDI音乐播放器

    Taking Motorola Dragon Ball MC68EZ328 processor as the hardware platform and on the basis of MIDI file decoder and PWM driver, MIDI music player has designed and realized.


  • 地面模仿上方天花板图案,起伏景观,铺盖着不同高度橡木有些用于就餐

    The ground beneath mimics thepattern of the ceiling above, and like an undulating landscape, it is populated by oak platforms of various heights, some meant to be occupiable by diners.


  • 本文的研究目的就是级产品故障诊断软件开发提供通用化测试资源管理方法

    The study purpose of this thesis is to offer a general test resource management method for the project "Platform for Developing Fault Diagnosis Systems of Circuit Boards ".


  • 采用连接强度可靠性好

    The lip and platform are connected by a complete macro axis, which are of high strength and reliability.


  • 时钟基于频率合成器来产生高精度稳定度抖动的时钟,用于高速高精度背板测试

    The system based on the frequency synthesizer can offer a high accuracy, high stability and low jitter clock for a high speed and high precision backplane test platform.


  • 垂直相交形式穿孔金属创造出遮掩休息阴影

    The metal panels here are punctured with orthogonal shapes designed to look like a play of shadows, helping to camouflage the shelter.


  • 最终的测试结果表明通信可以级支持包主机软件提供高效可靠的通信服务

    The test result indicates that communication platform can provide high efficient and reliable service for BSP and host software.


  • 大量纸箱运输堆放。轧可能木质复合材料制成。

    The platform which cartons are stacked on and then used for shipment or movement as a group. Pallets may be made of wood or composite materials.


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