• 拉克西斯勇士牺牲证明抵抗命运女神决心

    Lahkesis : Well done, warrior. With this sacrifice you have proven your resolve to seek out the Sisters of Fate.


  • 如果属于那种自我激励健身房你可以找到任天堂Wii动力干的

    If you're not the type of person that's going to motivate yourself to get in the gym, and you could find motivation in playing Nintendo Wii, good for you.


  • 不管天气,是湿,是是坏,它们疲惫的机头都会同样的节奏上下摆动

    Their wearisome heads went up and down at the same rate, in hot weather and in cold, wet weather and dry, fair weather and foul.


  • 只有真正创新者这么因为创新者无所畏惧,就他们没什么似的。

    Only the true innovators would dare, because innovators play fearlessly, as if they have nothing to lose.


  • 的名字传播所及,到哪儿人们认得来,就我蠢事传扬所,谁生平了如指掌。但即使这样,我仍然从中看到的一面

    Still, in the very fact that people will recognise me wherever I go, and know all about my life, as far as its follies go, I can discern something good for me.


  • 认为不会产生什么效果,因为物质无法冰粒起任何明显反应

    I don't think there will be good results - dry substances are not able to have any noticeable reaction with ice particles.


  • 10左右用白醋温水清洗过滤器过滤器的液体里浸泡一个小时,在之前可以了。

    Every 10 days or so, clean your filter equal parts white vinegar and warm water. Let the filter soak in the solution for an hour, then simply squeeze it dry before using.


  • 发生了那么多的事情,开始阶段的雨安全,在赛道湿滑换上软胎——但我们还是非常

    Given everything that happened, rain at the start, the safety car, the switch to slick tyres when the track was still very slippery - we did a great job.


  • 糙米隔夜到了第二天清晨放入内,加一蜂蜜葡萄,切碎苹果少量肉桂,做成一碗别致可口的米饭。

    Cook the rice the night before, then in the morning, put it in a bowl with a spoonful of honey, a handful of raisins, a cut-up apple, and a sprinkle of cinnamon for a unique yet delicious treat.


  • 2汤匙新鲜1茶匙欧芹(可选)。

    2 tablespoons chopped fresh parsley or 1 teaspoon dried parsley flakes (optional).


  • 不是真正因为我们打算过一个赛季各种河流通行

    Not really a good sign because we intend crossing a variety of rivers that are only passable in the dry season.


  • 虽然这还算不上那种真正意义上的‘梦幻工作’,毕竟一个的开头。那天回家干的第一事便是打通那个电话。

    Not exactly an 'awesome job' by any means, but it's a start. When I got home, the first thing I did was to ring up the number.


  • 一种粘胶诱捕器,粘性不易粘胶硬纸板塑料板上,三角形使用便用度较高

    One is the trap, will viscous viscose good, not easy to dry viscose coated in the cardboard or plastic board, a boat form, triangle, etc, its use and then, but higher degrees.


  • 开船里面内在结构,全家人合力工作10个小时,每星期7拼命地,连续数月慢慢地甲板有近50年的残破旧内部修复

    Moving aboard the gutted boat, the family put in 10 hours a day. 7 days a week for months, slowly reviving the decks and interior of the nearly 50-year-old vessel.


  • 真正的程序员记录早上第一晚上睡觉最后一件事,之间的大段时间内记录都是空白。(象是说从早到晚都一件事——李颖注)

    Real Programmers log in first thing in the morning, last thing before they go to sleep, and stay logged in for lots of time in between.


  • 环氧浇注配电变压器高低压线圈环氧树脂浇注密封, 所采用的环氧树脂性能抗裂, 耐高温机械强度寿命

    Epoxy cast dry-type distribution transformer high-voltage coil sealed by epoxy resin casting, using epoxy resin performance, cracking, high temperature, high mechanical strength, long life.


  • 先生告诉儿子不要冒险因为小心愚蠢的勇敢

    Mr. B told his son not to do any risky things because discretion is the better part of valor.


  • 对于腐蚀性化学物质湿有机酸以及等流体介质,一般来说树脂橡胶表现还是

    Pure Gum Rubber is generally good for most weak chemicals, wet or dry organic acids, alcohols, and ketones.


  • 它们非常伙伴忠诚帮助人们许多事情

    They are excellent companions of human beings. They are not only loyal to people but also can help man do a lot of things.


  • 哥哥美国迈阿密自己开了一家手指甲那些假手指甲漂亮生意

    I am sworn brother in Miami, United States opened a fingernail their point, the fake fingernails so beautiful, very good business!


  • 提要红外工艺一种效果能耗低的式脱蜡方法

    The infrared dewaxing technique is a dry dewaxing technique, effectual and economizing on energy.


  • 一般朋友出去吃饭一些为人知的餐厅吃饭我们最有意思的事情

    I normally take my friends out for dinner; finding some best-kept secret restaurants is the most interesting thing we often do.


  • 当时一切都明白了,刚才所发生的事而责备自己这桩罪案是我自己似的。

    Then all became clear and manifest to me, and I reproached myself with what had happened, As though I myself had done the guilty deed.


  • 女儿丈夫什么都不,“可是”,她继续说,“希望个阳光充足天气陶器快点。”

    She replied that she and her husband had nothing to complain of: "But, " she went on, "I do wish we could have some nice dry weather, to dry the pottery.


  • 女儿丈夫什么都不,“可是”,她继续说,“希望个阳光充足天气陶器快点。”

    She replied that she and her husband had nothing to complain of: "But, " she went on, "I do wish we could have some nice dry weather, to dry the pottery.


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