• 中风病人凡具有便便舌苔黄腻,等症状,皆大胆应用

    This method can be used for apoplectics manifesting dry stool or constipation, yellowish fur, and thready and slippery pulse.


  • 奥尔医院回家的第二便又重旧业,早晨六点便长凳开了,每天做好鞋。

    The day after Olga was released from the hospital she commenced making shoes again. At six in the morning she is at her bench; she knocks out two pairs of shoes a day.


  • 这项美国佛罗里达州立大学展开研究涉及了160名女性研究对象,她们要求每天2.7盎司(75)的苹果李子,吃的时间点随自己的便

    The study, conducted by researchers atFlorida State University, involved 160 women who were randomly assigned to eatabout 2.7 ounces (75 g) of dried apples or prunes (dried plums) daily.


  • 摩西杖,耶和华便东风使海水一夜退去,便分开,海就成了

    And Moses stretched out his hand over the sea; and the LORD caused the sea to go back by a strong east wind all that night, and made the sea dry land, and the waters were divided.


  • 华尔街日报报道飓风袭击不久警察消防战士Nagin便开始使用无线电,直到耗它们的电量,并且那些卫星电话无法充电

    Soon after the hurricane struck, the radios used by police, fire fighters and Nagin drained their batteries. Then their satellite phones would not recharge, according to the Wall Street Journal.


  • 摩西杖,耶和华便东风,使海水一夜退去,便分开,海就成了地。

    And Moses stretched out his hand over the sea; and the LORD caused the sea to go by a strong east wind all that night, and made the sea dry, and the waters were divided...


  • 摩西杖,耶和华便东风,使海水一夜退去,便分开,海成了

    Then Moses stretched out his hand over the sea, and all that night the Lord drove the sea back with strong east wind and turned it into dry land. The waters were divided.


  • 经常他人文化古迹视为一文不值虽然不怎么样的行为,真正憎恶的是侮辱性的评论——即便如此,一想到华达居民发现我将整个内华达州列入101个名单后的反应,我便惶惶不可终日(不是,是那些损友们逼着我的!)

    But I really do hate insulting people or places-i live in fear of the backlash that's going to hit when Nevada residents discover I included their entire state. it wasn't my fault!


  • 筏子(26)非常装载量筏子便浸没水中

    Freeboard of the rafts (26) is very low, a big load, then submerged in water rafts.


  • 自己独特的服从便眼霜去讲:滋润眼霜,具有强的保服从,摇率秋冬

    Their unique effect, take the eye cream, eye cream, has a strong moisturizing function, especially suitable for autumn and winter.


  • 除了喉咙之外,跟平日没什么分别。只要赶紧喝上一品一会儿便什么事都没有了。

    A dry throat was all that separated the morning from any other, and a quick pint of water sorted that out a matter of moments later.


  • 可能刚刚几个便耗尽;可能足以完成一部杰作永存于世,使世事为之大变。

    It might run dry after the first few tentative words or last just long enough to create a masterpiece (or several) that would last forever and make a difference in the scheme of things.


  • 结果显示有效率为87.0 %,呕吐便便、盗汗等伴有症状均有不同程度改善

    Results showed that the total effective rate was 87.0% and the symptoms like vomiting, constipation, loose stool and night sweat improved at different degrees.


  • 这位旅游者受到番开导,便那里走开了,心里思绪万千,浮想联翩因为从前以为,他只要好好一阵有朝一日就可以不用了;

    The tourist walked away with such an enlightening, wondering a lot in his mind with much associations because he thought that he might not need to work one day if he worked diligently for a while;


  • 倒一茶匙烧开的无开水中蚕豆直到它们便68分钟然后

    Cook fava beans with 1 teaspoon oil in boiling unsalted water until tender, 6 to 8 minutes, then drain.


  • 对于一些毕业生而言他们意识到自己不想通常在校园里招兵买马金融咨询行业一份普普通通的工作时,他们便开始了自己的追求

    For some graduates, the pursuit comes when they realize they don't want the run-of-the-mill jobs in, say, finance or consulting that companies typically tout on campus.


  • 他们知道只是开玩笑便回去自己

    When they found it was only a joke, they laughed, and went back to their work.


  • 安心等着,等到他早已动身了便取出了把锯子那个原木开了。

    I waited till I reckoned he had got a good start; then I out with my saw, and went to work on that log again.


  • 丝毫贡献者失败而不敢半途遇着困难便不愿

    The one who don't have any contribution are those who do nothing for fearing of lose, or encounter difficulties in the midway.


  • 派遣征讨时,舜只用舞蹈时用的羽扇便使有苗屈服。

    When Yao sent Shun on expedition, Shun was able to use props used for dancing to subdue the Miao tribes.


  • 一旦我们强词夺理地说“其他人都这么”,负疚感便如心灵的向导,把我们嘲笑无地自容

    It is the internal guide that mocks us when we argue "everybody else is doing it".


  • 看戏中间一段休息,剧场便恢复了喧嚣,这时场内会小贩来回茶水五香豆腐其它食品

    At the break of performance, the theatre became noisy again. There were peddlers shuttling back and forth to sell tea, dried bean curd and other foods.


  • 无丝毫贡献者失败不敢半途遇着困难便不愿

    The least contributor is who did nothing, or fear of failure and discard, or give up when get into difficulty.


  • 无丝毫贡献者失败不敢半途遇着困难便不愿

    The least contributor is who did nothing, or fear of failure and discard, or give up when get into difficulty.


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