• 尾鲽黄色大型的供捕钓的食用鱼,黄色微黄尾巴南加利福尼亚墨西哥沿海水域中的长背

    Any of several large marine game fishes of the genus Seriola, having a yellow or yellowish tail, such as S. dorsalis, of coastal waters of southern California and Mexico.


  • 一些珍贵郁金香白色紫色条纹的,红色花瓣黄色条纹甚至紫色的郁金香非常珍贵的。

    Some of the most prized tulips were white with purple streaks, or red with yellow streaks on the petals, even a dark purple tulip that was very much prized.


  • 通过颜色(多为褐色黄色斑点)、以及下唇口来辨认它们

    They are recognisable by their colouring (mostly brown with yellow spots), large pointed teeth, and the notch in their lower lip.


  • 知道如何平面文件连接器(粉红色)分隔符数据处理程序模块(黄色)进行交互

    It knows how to interact with the Flat File connector (pink) and the Delimited Data Handler module (yellow).


  • 我们言语手势解释我们的行程,她听了似乎很激动希望我们一路顺风,然后跟着男人走进了石塔一边黄色农舍

    She seemed excited by the notion and wished us well, following the man to a small yellow cottage just beyond the tower.


  • 根据程度不同信息所显示符号不同(个蓝色圆圈,一个黄色三角形或者中间一横杠红色圆圈)。

    Depending on the severity, a different symbol is shown for the message (a blue circle, a yellow triangle, or a red circle with a cross inside).


  • 遮蔽年轻蓝色恒星红色调的恒星形成包围核心发出黄色光芒老年恒星群体

    Obscuring dust lanes, young blue star clusters and reddish star forming regions surround a core of yellowish light from an older population of stars.


  • 指着他们录像主角——这3英寸(76毫米)长的黄色动物说:“我们以前只不过时忽视了的存在。”

    "We were just gaga over it," he said of the 3-inch-long 76-millimeter, orange critter starring in their two-minute video.


  • 朦胧中只能听见消防员定位设别吱吱响,防毒面罩内轻声低语只能看到红色黄色在一闪一闪

    You could hear the chirping of the locator devices the fire fighters wear, hear the whistle of the respirators, see only the lights flashing red and yellow through the haze.


  • 拾级而上到处醋栗松果黄色李子错落杂陈一道图案奇特地毯上山

    Ascending the stairs, everywhere was covered with currants, pine nuts and golden plums, which scattered into a peculiar pattern of carpet to take me up to the hill.


  • 黄色表示典型的152毫米牵引式火炮浅蓝122毫米d - 30火光(比如6个射击阵地),蓝色圆圈表示迫击炮防线

    Yellow is typical 152mm towed artillery, light blue is the D-30 122mm guns (i.e. sites with 6 firing positions) and blue circles are mortar lines.


  • 绿色光线还有那蓝色阴影在荡漾着,形成斑驳条纹,这些条纹也许有时候会变成紫色桃红色,或白蜡般的暗黑色,或绿的米黄色,就像海边的沙滩一样。

    The rippling, variegated strips of green light and blue shade may be replaced with deep purples, pale pinks, a grey dark as pewter or a greenish beige, like sand.


  • 因为尚未导入vector这时在边框就会出现似曾相识符号,即一个叉“X”的,再加上一个黄色灯泡

    Because you haven't imported the Vector type, there will be a vaguely familiar symbol in the left margin, a red box with an "x" combined with a yellow light bulb.


  • DelimitedFlatFileBO专门创建分隔符数据通用处理程序(黄色)通过接口连接的数据类型

    DelimitedFlatFileBO: This is a data type specifically created to interface with the Generic Delimited data Handler (yellow).


  • 远程数据源启用了F2PC,联邦服务器日志放在缓存磁盘(黄色)。

    F2PC to the remote source is enabled, and the federated server's logs are on a disk with write caching (yellow).


  • 蓝色罗缎缝合黄色对比

    Blue grosgrain strap with yellow contrast stitching.


  • 因为植物蚊子存在,决定使用黄色喷涂庭院以作为保护

    He decided to take the yellow color of the protective bands for mosquitoes inside the plant to paint the walls of the courtyard.


  • 我会绿边的黄色重新装饰白宫了。-让开小子阻碍交通

    Guess I'll do over the White House in canary with green trim. -gets off the road, son. You're blocking traffic!


  • 顶着个特别鼻子脖子上围了一道黄色的边的领子

    Eeyore was wearing a large red nose as well as a yellow ruffled collar around his neck.


  • 投影黄色报事贴”。选择便条键入添加文本。根据文本调整便条的大小。

    Yellow "sticky note" with drop shadow. Select note and type to add text. Resize note to fit text.


  • 中的梗死灶为黄色,境界清楚,周围充血

    The infarcts seen here are yellow, with geographic borders and surrounding hyperemia.


  • 河边路上看去,那儿柳叶上挂着依然黄色因而在半空的灰白色雾气笼罩下柳树好象是道薄薄的阳光

    She looked toward the river road where the willow-line was still yellow with frosted leaves so that under the high grey fog they seemed a thin band of sunshine.


  • 桃子:这种树上而多汁果实果肉黄色绒毛,黄里泛红的深刻纹的内核,内有籽。

    The soft, juicy fruit of this tree, having yellow flesh, downy, red-tinted yellow skin, and a deeply sculptured stone containing a single seed.


  • 看到几个过道之外、商场中间有个传送正把一些黄色盒子传送二楼

    Several aisles away, in the middle of the store, I see a conveyor belt carrying gold-colored boxes up to a second floor.


  • 那天这些海鸟看起来异乎寻常海浪沿着水岸线留下了一黄色泡沫。远处,看不见航船

    They looked unnaturally white, that day, those birds. The waves were depositing a fringe of soiled yellow foam along the waterline. No sail marred the high horizon.


  • 那天这些海鸟看起来异乎寻常海浪沿着水岸线留下了一黄色泡沫。远处,看不见航船

    They looked unnaturally white, that day, those birds. The waves were depositing a fringe of soiled yellow foam along the waterline. No sail marred the high horizon.


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