• 首都人们蜂拥投票时都带着激动兴奋情绪。

    In the capital, there was a sense of thrill and excitement as people poured out to vote.


  • 注意到,我现在处于这样一种状态:每天早上我几乎是迫不及待地跳下带着激动心情投入那些我真正激情项目

    I've noticed that now I'm at this stage I literally jump out of bed in the mornings excited to work on the projects that I have a real passion for.


  • 但是忍住了,我只是激动地冲车里然后带着他飞一样到了动物收容所

    Instead I got into the car and seethed as I stepped on the gas and drove us back to the animal shelter.


  • 然后他们又在庄园视察了一周,带着惊叹神气巡视田地、草地果园池塘灌木林激动地说不出

    Then they made a tour of inspection of the whole farm and surveyed with speechless admiration the ploughland, the hayfield, the orchard, the pool, the spinney.


  • 伯爵走来时候,听见那男人步履声,于是就激动不安地转过身来,她的脸上带着从前那样冷漠的、甚至是凶恶表情

    When the count went in to her, she turned uneasily at the sound of his manly tread, and her face resumed its previous cold and even vindictive expression.


  • 现在穿戴这套袍子帽子心情复杂激动过去怀念和对未来的憧憬

    Now that I had the CAP and gown on, my feelings were mixed, my excitement tinged with nostalgia for the past and longings for the future.


  • 可是那天回来得比往常都带着激动而慌张的面孔。

    She returned, and sooner than had been talked of, and with an agitated, hurried look.


  • 带着赢得最佳制作人奖项激动空空的肚子回到庆幸到家还有兑水后的片汤。

    I got home feeling quite high from excitement of winning the best producer award and the lack of food. Thankfully, I got home to some watered down chicken alphabet soup.


  • 苦痛中醒来带着可怕的激动着,跺着

    "May She wake in torment! " he cried, with frightful vehemence, stamping his foot.


  • 现在穿戴了这套袍子帽子心情复杂激动过去怀念和对未来憧憬。

    Now that I had the cap and gown on, my feelings were mixed, my excitement tinged with nostalgia15 for the past and longings for the future.


  • 在场,除丽诺之外,都带着不可言状惊奇表情,把的话重复了遍。 埃丽诺一针线活上,只觉心情过于激动简直不知道自己呆在哪里。 。

    His words were echoed with unspeakable astonishment by all but Elinor, who sat with her head leaning over her work, in a state of suchagitation as made her hardly know where she was.


  • 观众得知汽船设计者企图,带着妻子进行这次水上旅行时,匹兹堡整个莫农加希拉河流域激动惊恐情绪传播开去

    When the spectators learned that the builder of the boat intended to take his wife along on the trip, excitement and scandalized alarm spread through Pittsburgh and up the valley of the Monongahela.


  • 老师录音机来到教室时,同学激动当然例外

    When the teacher with a tape recorder to the classroom, the students are very excited, I of course is no exception.


  • 仰望着无夜空感受雪花到脸上,带着往年气息,冰冰的浸入每个毛孔不觉的激动

    I looked up to the bottomless sky, felt the kiss of the snow which brought the breath of before. The snowflake immersed every pores with cool, it made my heart a slender exciting.


  • 激动人心上半场里最后次有威胁的进攻,之后德国微弱优势进入中场休息

    It was the last meaningful action of a thrilling first 45 minutes, and Germany took a narrow lead into the interval.


  • 带着那把小提琴学校第一堂 课那天当时那种万分激动心情无法想象的。

    The day I carried my violin to school for my first lesson no one could imagine the bursting feeling in my heart.


  • 带着那把小提琴学校第一堂 课那天当时那种万分激动心情无法想象的。

    The day I carried my violin to school for my first lesson no one could imagine the bursting feeling in my heart.


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