• 其他人这个内疚,譬如布里斯托大学一位史学教授罗纳德哈顿。

    Others have no such compunction, like Ronald Hutton, a history professor at the University of Bristol.


  • 里斯托大学一项研究发现养猫的人拿到大学文凭的人数要

    People who own a cat are more likely to have a university degree than those with a pet dog, a study by Bristol university suggests.


  • 布里斯托大学研究者把这归咎于一些食料罐装面食一些多盐口味的食品肉汁酵母

    Tinned pasta and salty flavourings such as gravies and yeast extract are among the foodstuffs blamed by the University of Bristol researchers.


  • 食物对智力影响很大英国布里斯托大学研究人员饮食更健康孩子更高的智商。

    Thee effect is so great that researchers from the University of Bristol said those children with a "healthier" diet may get an IQ boost.


  • 现在先生布里斯托大学一名计算机科学教授,他同时还是Xmos公司的首席技术

    Mr May is now a professor of computer science at Bristol University and chief technology officer at Xmos.


  • 这项里斯托大学研究发现有七成婴儿摄盐量建议要多,有的竟然建议量的2倍

    The Bristol study found that 70% were receiving more than the recommended amount and some were consuming double the advised level.


  • 据英国广播公司报道,英国布里斯大学一项研究显示陨石雨为地球表面带来了丰富贵金属

    A study from the University of Bristol has shown that the Earth's surface became enriched with precious metals by impacting meteorites, BBC reported.


  • 布里斯托大学露西·唐纳森:“我们有时候可以通过一些方法得知不同环境下味觉是可以改变的。”

    Lucy Donaldson, of the University of Bristol, said: "we have known for some time that the way we perceive different tastes can change under different circumstances."


  • 乔治大卫史密斯是个医学博士,同时是英国里斯大学一个外科医生,还是这个研究发起人之一。

    , a physician at the University of Bristol in England and one of the study's authors.


  • 都柏林大学三一学院赫拉维尔里斯大学有机地球化学单元同事认为他们已经揭开谜底

    Jo Hellawell of Trinity College, Dublin, and her colleagues in the Organic Geochemistry Unit at Bristol University think that they have solved the mystery.


  • 英国布里斯托大学科学家最新研究发现,从小健康食品孩子那些吃“垃圾食品”长大同龄人更加聪明

    According to a recent research by scientists from the University of Bristol, children brought up on healthy diets are more intelligent compared with their junk food-eating counterparts.


  • 来自里斯大学约翰·卡特教授认为,该项目专注儿童服务好像培训医生专注于儿科知识的传授。

    Focusing just on children's services is like training doctors only in paediatrics, says John Carpenter of Bristol University.


  • 就读英国布里斯托大学英国1958至1959年,完成了本科学位尼斯的研究所littéraires 。

    Afterstudying at University of Bristol in England from 1958 to 1959, hefinished his undergraduate degree at Nice's Institut d'étudeslittéraires.


  • 英国布里斯托大学研究者发现,生活澳大利亚大堡礁海域的螳螂视觉系统科学界迄今所的视觉系统中复杂的。

    The mantis shrimps, found on the Great Barrier Reef in Australia, have the most complex vision systems known to science, researchers at Bristol University have found.


  • 里斯大学研究生史蒂文·普劳德皇家经济学会会议上对于小学初中英语而言,女生越少,男生成绩越

    Boys do best with "as fewgirls as possible" in English lessons at primary and secondaryschool, Steven Proud, a research student at Bristol University,will tell the Royal Economic Society's conference


  • 英国布里斯托大学彼得·罗杰斯赛·克莱尔进行研究确实发现只有团队中工作完咖啡可能会感到压力有所减轻。

    The study led by Peter Rogers and Lindsay St. Claire at the University of Bristol in the UK, did discover that only men working in teams could feel less pressure after enjoying a cup of coffee.


  • 里斯托大学robert Bickers看来,列强逐鹿中国历史看起来主要西欧人的历史,对美国人这个国家交往了一个次要的展开。

    In his history of the foreign scramble for China, Robert Bickers of Bristol University looks mainly at the story of west European and, to a lesser extent, American interaction with the country.


  • 工作在布里斯托大学Nicholas Scott-Samuel同事们志愿者观看绘有军事迷彩图案长方形电脑屏幕内的移动,随后进行总结得出了上述结论。

    Nicholas Scott-Samuel, of the University of Bristol, and his colleagues came to this conclusion by asking volunteers to watch patterned rectangles cross a computer screen.


  • 工作在布里斯托大学Nicholas Scott-Samuel同事们志愿者观看绘有军事迷彩图案长方形电脑屏幕内的移动,随后进行总结得出了上述结论。

    Nicholas Scott-Samuel, of the University of Bristol, and his colleagues came to this conclusion by asking volunteers to watch patterned rectangles cross a computer screen.


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