• 施耐德·切尔顿车轮学校”里的一名市场顾问

    Sinead Chilton is a marketing consultant for School on Wheels.


  • 有经验广告撰稿员代笔人和内容市场顾问网上都有着令人羡慕的六位数收入

    Experienced copywriters, ghostwriters, and content marketing consultants were making beautiful six-figure salaries on the Internet.


  • 一开始对于自己市场顾问工作感到满意但是这个“喜爱的感觉逐渐变成怨恨最后演变成了痛苦”,他说道。

    He initially enjoyed the job as a marketing consultant, but "that feeling turned to resentment and then to bitterness," he says.


  • 记得短期(1)长期(10以上)记录问到问问顾问,他采用绝对回报还是相对于大盘市场表现的相对回报评估业绩。

    Remember to ask about both short-term (one year) and long-term (10 years or more) records, and ask if your adviser is using absolute returns or returns relative to the performance of the market.


  • 陈振聪除了名人风水顾问之外,还做过酒吧服务员、餐厅侍应生、推销员市场调研员以及出口老板

    As well as working as a celebrity feng shui consultant, Chen said he had been employed as a barman, waiter, salesman, market researcher and the owner of an export business.


  • 总部在拉斯维加斯联合游戏集团顾问比尔·列那认为:“亚洲市场将会未来发力我们现在开始关注那里。”

    "The Asian market is going to be overpowering and we're just getting started, " said Bill Lerner, a casino consultant for Union Gaming Group, which is based in Las Vegas.


  • 经济顾问委员会预测,全日制大学毕业生相比,市场接受两年制技术教育专业培训的劳动力需求增长要快。

    The Council of Economic Advisers projects faster-growing demand for those with a two-year technical-college degree, or specific training, than for those with a full university degree.


  • 通过延伸世界各地的差旅管理服务易信达提供驻扎在每个区域的专业差旅顾问市场上最全最好差旅资源。

    With travel management services that extend worldwide, Egencia provides regionally-based expert travel consultants and comprehensive access to the best available travel inventory.


  • 每个旅馆企业的董事会的会议室里都讨论分析着,市场是否饱和,”热情的行业顾问斯科特·伯尔曼在普华永道会计师事务所

    "Oversaturation is debated, discussed and analyzed in every boardroom in the hotel industry," says Scott Berman, a hospitality-industry consultant at PricewaterhouseCoopers.


  • 本人是一名咨询顾问,客户是专私有化项目电力批发市场设计谈判软件公司

    He advises firms that design negotiation software for privatisation schemes and wholesale-electricity markets.


  • 美国金字塔调查公司电信业顾问盖伊说到。 同时,他怀疑:“技术部门控制市场部门。”

    Guy Zibi, an analyst at Pyramid Research[8], a telecoms consultancy, is equally sceptical: “It's the technology department driving the marketing department.”


  • 迈克·莫尔纳(Michael Molnar,高宝绿色科技集团顾问)则表示公用事业今年活跃并购市场

    a partner at New York-based Greentech Capital Advisors, said utilities may still be in the market for acquisitions this year.


  • 曾经自己描述形成“世界成功也收费最高市场营销专家”的营销顾问杰-伯拉罕曾经表示大部分公司没有独特销售主张。

    Jay Abraham, a marketing consultant who once described himself as "the most expensive and successful marketing consultant on the planet", said that most businesses do not have a usp.


  • 不利的是,根据顾问机构FutureHorizons的说法,过去欧洲半导体市场份额23%降到15%。

    Worse, over the past ten years Europe's market share in semiconductors has dropped from more than 23% to about 15%, according to Future Horizons, a consultancy.


  • 敏捷训练顾问、方法学家其他帮助组织成为敏捷和提供顾问敏捷组织提供了有利市场

    This has led to lucrative markets for Agile coaches, consultants, methodologists, and others who want to help an organization become Agile and adopt the consultant's flavor of Agility.


  • 法律顾问市场团队公关部门意见均保持一致而且非常愉快

    Your legal counsel, marketing team and public relations department are all happy and on the same page.


  • 市场监管者或许同意机构风险分析顾问克里斯多夫.威尔将未上市金融衍生产品市场运作视为恶魔行为”的言论。

    The market's overseers may not agree with Christopher Whalen of Institutional Risk Analytics, a consultancy, when he describes off-exchange derivatives as anact of Satan”.


  • 顾问建议公司雇佣整个新的市场团队但是否定了这个建议。

    Consultants recommended hiring a whole new marketing team for the company, but I rejected this.


  • 我们顾问团队中国市场深入认识有数十年的经验,帮助企业克服各种本土障碍挑战

    Our team of consultants have an in-depth knowledge of the Chinese market and have decades of experience helping businesses to overcome a variety of local barriers and challenges.


  • 市场会推动那些实际售楼动机人,”PeterDennehy,他是圣地亚哥·苏利文集团不动产顾问公司总裁

    "The market is kind of pulling back to [only] people who are really motivated" to sell, says Peter Dennehy, senior vice President of Sullivan Group real Estate Advisors in San Diego.


  • 企业上市需要挑选顾问选择一个挂牌市场泛交易所还是纽交创业板

    Companies looking to go public need to select their advisors and choose the market on which they want to be listed: NYSE Euronext or NYSE Alternext.


  • 亚历山德拉•莉维特效力于联合电脑公司公关部之后作为公共关系市场沟通方面顾问开创了自己的事业。

    Alexandra Levit worked in public relations for Computer Associates and then struck out on her own, as a consultant in publicity and marketing communications.


  • 亚历山德拉•莉维特效力于联合电脑公司公关部之后作为公共关系市场沟通方面顾问开创了自己的事业。

    Alexandra Levit worked in public relations for Computer Associates and then struck out on her own, as a consultant in publicity and marketing communications.


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