• 描述了德国巴马格公司MPS变形特性应用

    The characteristics and applications of MPS texturing machine by Barmag are described.


  • 巴马政府的预算主管彼得·奥斯最近美国的预算赤字是不可持续的,的。

    Peter Orszag, Obama's Budget Director, recently called the US budget deficits unsustainable and he's right.


  • 巴马预算主任彼得·奥斯泽最近宣称美国的预算赤字无法维持的——一年是1.4万亿美元——的。

    Peter Orszag, Obama's Budget Director, recently called the U.S. budget deficits unsustainablethis year's is $1.4 trillion—and he's right.


  • 莱西说:“他们(巴马阵营)没有十分搞清楚的,对他们巨大支持多少来自这样种认识是一个不同的人。”

    "The thing they [the Obama camp] don't quite recognize is how much of their enormous support comes from the perception that this is someone different," Lessig says.


  • 然而巴马马利基会面后,达巴希望美国战斗部队2010年撤离伊拉克

    But after Mr. Maliki and Obama met, Dabbagh said he hopes U.S. combat forces could be out of Iraq by 2010.


  • 《新闻周刊》报道还提到巴马妻子米歇尔共用一部国产的福特汽车,盖特·认为这辆环保美国“新汽车象征

    Newsweek said that Obama and his wife Michelle own a single car, a Ford Escape Hybrid, which was dubbed by Gettelfinger as a "green machine" emblematic of a future generation of US vehicles.


  • 皮特·,奥巴马预算主任华尔街日报采访中,对任何以自动保险方式承诺未来强制执行的财政赤字削减方案,大加贬低。

    In an interview with the Wall Street Journal, Peter Orszag, Mr Obama's former budget director, disparaged any deficit-reduction action that premises future legislative action on a failsafe mechanism.


  • 巴马会见之后我们两国是全球领导者,我们目标并不是支配其他国家而是所有国家营造一个安全繁荣的未来

    'Our nations are two global leaders, driven not to dominate other nations but to build a future of security and prosperity for all nations,' Obama said following his meeting with Singh.


  • 一个噩梦般的场景巴马在布拉所祈求未来愿景恰恰相反

    It is a nightmare scenario and the inverse of the hopeful future Obama invoked in Prague.


  • 美国人愤怒部分原因是因为利比亚拒绝了巴马星期四直接请求·拉希回国之前,奥巴马要求利比亚不要享受英雄般礼遇

    Part of the American anger is because Libya snubbed a direct plea by Obama on Thursday, before Megrahi arrived back, not to award him a hero's welcome.


  • 今天作出承诺的前一天白宫表示巴马哥本哈根会议召开减少温室气体排放上作出承诺

    Today's pledge from Singh comes a day after the White House said Obama would commit to cutting emissions before the Copenhagen meeting gets underway.


  • 来自布隆·报道巴马任命沃伦美国财长盖特纳的顾问成立的消费金融保护局起到重要影响

    Bloomberg reports that Obama will appoint Warren as an adviser to Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner where she'll help shape the new Consumer Financial Protection Bureau.


  • 发射当天晚些时候巴马布拉发表了一个崇高世界无核化愿景

    Later on the day of the launch, Mr Obama in Prague unveiled a lofty vision of a world free of nuclear weapons.


  • 龙彭伯先生编制一个帮助塑造巴马思考写作人名清单,里面包括马克斯.韦伯和尼采,梭罗和爱默生,兰斯顿.休斯和拉尔夫.埃利森

    Mr. Kloppenberg compiled a long list of people who he said helped shape Mr. Obama’s thinking and writing, including Weber and Nietzsche, Thoreau and Emerson, Langston Hughes and Ralph Ellison.


  • 如同当时的克林顿一样,巴马支持率已经跌至了50%以下我们的“民意调查显示支持率为43%,当然诸多民意调查的平均支持率要这高3个百分点。

    Like Bill Clinton then, Barack Obama has seen his approval rating shrivel to under 50%; our YouGov poll has him at just 43%, though the average of all such polls is three points higher.


  • 不能因为阿富汗持续战火以偏概全忽略巴马成就

    Jagland said that the ongoing war in Afghanistan should not obscure Obama's achievements.


  • 尔萨特别关注医疗保健上升费用扩大医保范围的这个问题上,巴马计划修正中发挥了重要影响

    Mr Orszag has been particularly concerned with the rising cost of health care, and his influence will be particularly important in shaping Mr Obama's plans to expand health care coverage.


  • 巴马行政管理预算办公室执行官彼得·欧尔请到阿富汗战略会议上其解释增兵将耗费的资金数额。

    Obama brought Office of Management and Budget chief Peter Orszag into Afghanistan-strategy meetings to explain how much escalation might cost.


  • 斯坦伯先生无论巴马方面还是希拉里方面倍受尊敬。

    Mr Steinberg is respected on both sides of the former Clinton-Obama divide.


  • 今晚辩论问题由观众提出,符合麦凯恩的口味。巴马北卡罗来纳州纳什维尔排练台词华盛顿律师·克雷扮演麦凯恩角色

    Obama spent yesterday holed up in Asheville, North Carolina, rehearsing his lines, with a Washington lawyer, Greg Craig, playing the part of McCain.


  • 扎克伯表示杰克逊Facebook主页名列第一的650万粉丝的数字超越了巴马粉丝专页一举成为加利福尼亚社交网络服务中最受欢迎一员。

    A Michael Jackson page at Facebook has topped 6.5 million fans, unseating Mr Obama's "fan page" as the most popular at the California-based social networking service, according to Mr Zuckerberg.


  • 扎克伯表示杰克逊Facebook主页名列第一的650万粉丝的数字超越了巴马粉丝专页一举成为加利福尼亚社交网络服务中最受欢迎一员。

    A Michael Jackson page at Facebook has topped 6.5 million fans, unseating Mr Obama's "fan page" as the most popular at the California-based social networking service, according to Mr Zuckerberg.


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