• 巴西世界最大咖啡生产国

    Brazil is the world's largest producer of coffee.


  • 巴西脊髓灰质炎实际上已经根除。

    Polio has been virtually eradicated in Brazil.


  • 共和国领土属于全体巴西人民

    The republic is a dominion of the Brazilian people.


  • 他们开始商量下个巴西

    They started to kick around the idea of going to Brazil next month.


  • 巴西警方侦破了一起绑架阴谋

    Police in Brazil uncovered a plot to kidnap him.


  • 去过巴西

    I haven't been to Brazil, but I'd love to go.


  • 1月15日巴西被迫货币自由浮动。

    On January 15th Brazil was forced to float its currency.


  • 决赛巴西以5:1狂胜意大利队

    Brazil trounced Italy 5–1 in the final.


  • 宪法授予巴西25个成员极大的权力

    The constitution also confers large powers on Brazil's 25 constituent states.


  • 他们1:2输给巴西之后在世界杯赛中被淘汰出局

    They crashed out of the World Cup after a 2-1 defeat to Brazil.


  • 很多事情都取决于七国政府集团巴西之间合作成功

    Much hangs on the success of the collaboration between the Group of Seven governments and Brazil.


  • 乐抱有一个想法可以一手解决巴西危机的超人。

    Collor nurtured the idea that he was a superman, who single-handedly could resolve Brazil's crisis.


  • 妻子以前一个朋友葛洛莉亚·洛佩兹一起逃往巴西

    He fled to Brazil with Gloria Lopez, an erstwhile friend of his wife's.


  • 根据世界银行统计数字,41%的巴西生活极度贫困之中

    According to World Bank figures, 41 percent of Brazilians live in absolute poverty.


  • 巴西加勒比海地区奴隶制废除很大程度上遵循美国模式

    The abolition of slavery in Brazil and the Caribbean closely followed the pattern of the United States.


  • 巴西民众沮丧地期待一个总统都承认会是阴郁沉闷的新年

    Brazilians look gloomily forward to a New Year that even the president admits will be grey and cheerless.


  • 1991年巴西收获了2800万咖啡豆4年来的最大收成

    Brazil harvested 28 million bags of coffee in 1991, the biggest crop for four years.


  • 巴西东南部持续多年的干旱正在恶化。

    A multi-year drought in south-east Brazil is becoming worse.


  • 巴西书籍冷漠有着更深根源

    Brazilians' indifference to books has deeper roots.


  • 德国巴西报业已经摆脱经济危机

    German and Brazilian papers have shrugged off the recession.


  • 巴西培养了许多世界闻名足球运动员

    Brazil has thrown up many world-famous footballers.


  • 代表着巴西其他几个出口咖啡国家

    It represents Brazil and several other countries that export coffee.


  • 比起发邮件打电话巴西更喜欢面对面交流

    Brazilians prefer face-to-face communication over mails or phone calls.


  • 开球小时巴西名单分发给了记者

    Half an hour before kick-off, a list of the Brazilian team was given out to journalists.


  • 澳大利亚巴西加拿大美国类似发现

    There have been similar findings in Australia, Brazil, Canada and the US.


  • 甚至阿根廷比索巴西雷亚尔美元比价也在上涨。

    Even the Argentine peso and Brazilian real are thriving against the dollar.


  • 泰国巴西印度艘航空母舰美国十一艘

    Thailand, Brazil and India each have a carrier, while the US has eleven.


  • 家乡巴西西班牙参加俱乐部夏季训练营

    He will fly from his home Brazil to take part in the Spanish club's summer training camp.


  • 公司正在技术授权印度巴西俄罗斯合作伙伴

    The company is in the process of franchising its technology to partners in India, Brazil, and Russia.


  • 认为这里各个职业层次巴西受过良好的教育。

    I think people here at all levels of the profession are more educated than in Brazil.


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