• 最终拉姆发现自己什么也没有做成。

    In the end, Bahram finds himself wanting.


  • 杰克斯通故意编排抢劫银行才能监狱臭名昭著的俄罗斯主销巴拉姆

    Copper Jack Stone purposefully orchestrates a bank robbery in order to be thrown into prison with the notorious Russian kingpin Balam.


  • 去年12月便开始在苹果电脑公司副总裁戴夫·巴拉姆帮助硅谷开展工作

    I had been working on Silicon Valley since the previous December, with the help of Dave Barram, vice President of Apple Computer.


  • 圣何塞硅谷技术中心举行会议上,提出了一项新的国家技术政策,戴夫·巴拉姆花了几个时间筹划的。

    At our meeting in the technology Center of Silicon Valley at San Jose, I also issued a national technology policy, which Dave Barram had worked for months to help me prepare.


  • 不是一朝一夕就实现:单是格·拉姆空军基地庞大规模足以证明这一点。

    But that is not going to happen any time soon: the sheer size of Bagram air base testifies to that.


  • 兄弟中的另一个哥哥希姆·拉姆·就是变化早期体现

    One of the elder Bhagsen brothers, Bhimi Ram, was an early indication of this change.


  • 艾德先生更多阿富汗犯人应该作为建立信任措施美国格·拉姆军事基地监狱释放

    Mr Eide said more Afghan prisoners should be released from jail in the American military base in Bagram as "confidence-building measures".


  • 照片展示了 俄罗斯圣彼得堡两个地方: 西奥拉宁姆(公园宫殿集中地)和 皮萨列夫大街

    The set of pictures represents two places in Saint Petersburg - the Oranienbaum (ensemble of parks and palaces) and the Street of Pisarev located in the same city.


  • 多夫婚姻中,希姆·拉姆·森还留有一个女儿生活村子里,而他本人则离开家乡开始新的人生

    A daughter produced in the polyandrous marriage remained behind in their village, and Bhimi Ram went off to start a new life.


  • 乌路拉克马拉斐济逃亡事件姆拜尼马拉马将军马拉家族矛盾不断升级的又一个信号

    Mr Mara’s flight from Fiji is a further sign of the growing breach between Commodore Bainimarama and the Mara dynasty.


  • 拉姆非洲联盟首脑会议期间记者谈话穆加贝在这次首脑会议上受到许多国家首脑热情欢迎

    Charamba was speaking on the sidelines of the African Union summit, where Mr. Mugabe was warmly received by many heads of state.


  • 拉·姆严厉语言回敬这些指责表示局外人应该管好自己事情

    But Charamba had harsh words for those critics, suggesting outsiders should mind their own business.


  • 新作《纤维中的马哈·哈拉特》中,麦克唐纳先生为阿姆·故事添加最新的资料,加上了关于迪卢柏2002年逝世章节以及随后位兄弟穆柯西尼尔之间世仇

    In his new work, "Mahabharata in Polyester", Mr McDonald brings the story up to date, adding chapters about Dhirubhai's death in 2002 and the subsequent feud between his two sons, Mukesh and Anil.


  • 出现最新发布录像中的那名男子被确认胡马姆.哈利勒.阿布-穆拉勒.拉维。 他在阿富汗东部与基斯坦接壤地区主要美军基地引爆了身上的炸弹。

    The man in the newly released video is identified as Humam Khalil Abu-Mulal al-Balawi, who blew himself up inside a key U.S base in an eastern Afghan region bordering Pakistan.


  • 拉拉终于左侧记颇有威胁的传中尽管姆菲拉位置极佳,但未能门前的六码区到皮球。

    Tshabalala finally sent over a dangerous cross from the left, and though Mphela looked well placed to meet it he failed to get his head on the ball in front of goal and inside the six-yard box.


  • 呼叫传到了西边100多英里以外格·拉姆空军基地

    That call made it to Bagram Air Base - more than 100 miles to the west. That's where Air Force Capt.


  • 来自印度新德里的拉吉夫甘地当代研究所的研究员,希亚姆·告诉,“对于印度人,英语早已成为一种强迫症。”

    D. Shyam Babu, a fellow at the Rajiv Gandhi Institute for Contemporary Studies in New Delhi, told me, "For Indians, English is an obsession."


  • 公司总裁GaryAndrews说:“格·拉姆MERLIN系统击雷达技术首次战争地区使用对DeTect公司来讲也是首次。”

    "The Bagram MERLIN system is the first use of bird radar technology in a war zone, another industry first for DeTect," commented Gary Andrews, DeTect's CEO.


  • 他们农村吸引力微弱,另外他们当中的一个亚瑟·穆塔姆拉(ArthurMutambara)领导派别已经决定支持马科尼先生了。

    Its appeal in rural areas is weak. And a smaller faction of it, led by Arthur Mutambara, has now endorsed Mr Makoni.


  • 先是不停的丈夫特,妻子马姆塔打算过来营救,也被袭击

    He hacked Bharat repeatedly and then attacked Mamta who was trying to rescue her husband.


  • 但现在朱利亚·姆利拉基博士挪威坦桑尼亚同事们进行的一项研究表明大的可能性马赛积极生活方式在起作用。

    Now, a unique study by Dr Julia Mbalilaki in association with colleagues from Norway and Tanzania, suggests that the reason is more likely to be the Masai's active lifestyle.


  • 运载急需食物药品飞机今天格·拉姆机场降落

    Planes landed at Bagram airport today carrying badly needed food and medicine.


  • 报导,这个派系领导人就是穆塔姆拉,不过,穆塔姆星期三否认和穆加贝之间存在协议

    Arthur Mutambara, the faction leader with whom Mr. Mugabe had reportedly signed the deal, denied any such arrangement on Wednesday.


  • 还有一场特别回合重量级之战尔迪莫拉文思安全”,托米兹比科维斯基对阵来自芝根的佳乐布格鲁姆梅特。

    And in a very special feature four round heavyweight bout Baltimore Raven's safety, Tommy Zbikowski will take on Caleb Grummet of Michigan.


  • 亨特说:“并不想和吉勒姆·拉格唱反调,如果的调查周密报道一个球员和俱乐部之间的协议那里着的话我就相信他,考尔德伦是无耻的!”

    "I'm not going to go up against Guillem - if his best investigative report says there is a deal in place player-to-club I believe that, what I think is shameless is Calderon," said Hunter.


  • 1860年,印度测量部门亨利·哈佛沙姆·戈德温-奥斯仃队长·提斯坦地区著名的施迦萨尔托洛山谷进行勘察

    In 1860, Captain Henry Haversham Godwin-Austen, of the survey of India, went to the Baltistan area and surveyed the famous Shigar and Saltoro valleys.


  • 一名曾被关押阿富汗格·拉姆军事基地囚犯被关押这个美国使用的拘禁设施期间,受到非人道待遇

    FORMER INMATE at the Bagram military base in Afghanistan, who has alleged inhumane treatment during his time at the U. S. -run detention facility.


  • 飞机格·拉姆起飞格·拉姆位于喀布尔以北大约30英里(50公里),但是目的地不清楚。

    The aircraft took off from Bagram, which lies about 30 miles (50 kilometers) north of Kabul, but its destination was unclear.


  • 飞机格·拉姆起飞格·拉姆位于喀布尔以北大约30英里(50公里),但是目的地不清楚。

    The aircraft took off from Bagram, which lies about 30 miles (50 kilometers) north of Kabul, but its destination was unclear.


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