• 科学家们一致认为,一情境中的关键推手南极西部冰层块跟巴西(面积)差不多大小的冰原,厚达7000英尺。

    Scientists agree that the key player in this scenario is the West Antarctic ice sheet, a Brazil-size mass of frozen water that is as much as 7000 feet thick.


  • 以前的默兹形成了一个B-09B差不多大小冰山

    The former glacier tongue formed a new iceberg nearly as large as B-09B.


  • 首先一个原子差不多大小,带正电荷的

    So, essentially you've got a positive ball which is identical to the size of the atom.


  • 不是哎呀原来是个和杰西卡手指差不多大小仙女

    It wasn't a bird. Why? It was a fairy about the size of Jessica's finger.


  • 只是希望如果真的个新机器,他应该至少DS差不多大小吧。

    I just hope that if there is any revision, it's at least as wide as the DS one.


  • 今天很多拥有自己小型电脑这些称为PDA(个人数码助手)的小型电脑就和手机差不多大小

    Today many people own small computers called P.D.A's (or Personal Digital Assistants). These are about the same size as a Mobile Phone.


  • 起先以为只家鸽细看细长,喙尖灰白相杂羽毛八哥的体形差不多大小

    I first thought it was a pigeon, take a closer look slender legs, beak long and pointed, gray feathers with complex, and the body about the size of starlings.


  • 例如2010年,由于印度河盆地决堤,造成面积与英国本土差不多大小领土淹没。

    In 2010 for example, territory the size of Britain was submerged as the Indus river broke its banks.


  • 这种支架金属网制成,管状,和水笔中的弹簧差不多大小,可以在冠状动脉内支架一样展开

    The industry hopes to resurrect the market by rolling out next-generation versions of stents, metal-mesh tubes about the size of an ink pen spring that unfold inside coronary arteries like a scaffold.


  • 没有窗户一个飞机库差不多大小喷涂温和的米棕色,看上去和郊区办公园区很协调。

    It is windowless, about the size of an airplane hanger, and painted in a muted beige that would not be out of place in a suburban office park.


  • 月亮说话了:“每天晚上都会变小一点。等我变得差不多大小时候可以带回去了。”

    "Every night I get a little smaller, " said the moon. "When I am just the right size you can take me with you. "


  • 知道吗?虽然你的心脏和你攥紧拳头差不多大小,但是当你在胎儿时期,你的心脏你现在拳头的之大。

    Although your heart is the size of your closed fist throughout your life, your embryonic heart is about nine times larger than your developing fist.


  • 角龙食草恐龙,体型和绵阳差不多大小。专家们都认为他们曾白垩纪时期群居的生活。

    The Protoceratops was a vegetable-eating dinosaur about the size of a sheep that experts believe lived in herds during the Cretaceous Period.


  • 普瓦捷大学古灵长目动物古人类研究所主任帕特里克.维格诺德告诉BBC新闻这些猫科动物和现在的狮子差不多大小

    Patrick Vignaud, director of Poitier University's Institute of Palaeo-primatology and Human Palaeontology, told BBC News the cats were about the same size as modern lions.


  • 差不多大小可移动车架上设置窑内同样的可转动辊道,窑车与窑对接通过辊道转动实现装卸作业

    Kiln vehicle has the same dimension of kiln and same layer number turnable roll table. Kiln vehicle aligns with kiln and realizes loading and unloading work by roll turning.


  • 加利福尼亚帕萨迪纳桌面工厂一家成立的公司。 该公司有望研制出早期激光打印机差不多大小、价格4995美元的3-D打印机。

    Desktop Factory, a start-up based in Pasadena, California, hopes to launch a 3-D printer for $4,995 that is around the same size as an early laser printer.


  • 加利福尼亚帕萨迪纳桌面工厂是一家成立的公司。 该公司有望研制出早期激光打印机差不多大小、价格4995美元的3-D打印机。

    Desktop Factory, a start-up based in Pasadena, California, hopes to launch a 3-D printer for $4, 995 that is around the same size as an early laser printer.


  • 他们当中许多气体行星木星还要大不过文学家还是发现了相当数目地球差不多大小的星体,其中一些可能适宜居住。

    Many are bigger than the gas giant Jupiter, but astronomers have found an increasing number of worlds close to Earth's mass, some of which may be habitable.


  • 昨晚霉迹斑斑的公寓楼里,我站在那与酒吧卫生间的小隔间差不多大小卧室中,努力尝试着看自己能否忍受这里当成自己的

    Last night, I stood in a mould-stained tower-block bedroom not much larger than a club toilet cubicle13 and tried to work out if I could bear to make this my home.


  • 来到阿帕拉契亚东部之前我们一家在亚利桑那州呆了很多年那里有一条和小溪差不多大小永久性流河,在我看来应当将这条河划分为自然保护区

    Before we came to southern Appalachia, we lived for years in Arizona, where a permanent runnel of that size would merit a nature preserve.


  • 同一天晚些时候江西省首府南昌市以西大约300英里处个和小车差不多大小天坑突然出现主公路上,导致一辆小汽车困住,动弹不得。

    Later the same day, about 300 miles west in Nanchang City, capital Jiangxi Province, a moving car was trapped when a hole about the size of the car suddenly opened up on a main road.


  • 法国航空公司意大利阿莱尼亚公司等联合研制一种隐形喷气式无人机—“神经元”(Neuron)无人机。该机与法国幻影”(Mirage)战斗机差不多大小

    The Neuron, a jet-engine stealth drone developed by France’s Dassault Aviation and partners including Italy’s Alenia, will be about the size of the French manned Mirage fighter.


  • 化学实验室里标准大小磁共振文件柜差不多做成微型核磁共振机一个咖啡差不多

    A standard chemistry lab's NMR machine approaches the size of a file cabinet, but the new device is only about as big as a coffee cup.


  • 化学实验室里标准大小磁共振文件柜差不多做成微型核磁共振机一个咖啡差不多

    A standard chemistry lab's NMR machine approaches the size of a file cabinet, but the new device is only about as big as a coffee cup.


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