• 螺旋桨(中间轴)机加检查

    Inspection machining dimension of propeller shaft (intermediate shaft or counter shaft).


  • 机加检查

    Inspection machining dimension of rudder stock.


  • 机加检查

    Inspection machining dimension of rudder pintle.


  • 系统加工精度进行了分析。

    The processing size and precision of the system is analyzed.


  • 实用新型公开了一种用于医学外科手术工尺关节

    The utility model discloses an artificial ruler radioulnar joint used in medicinal orthopaedics surgery operation, which is also called as distal ulna rotation prosthesis.


  • 南高洛音乐会使用工尺属于明以来规范工尺类型

    Gongche Score is used by the M. A. which is a more standard type since Ming and Qing dynasties.


  • 采用粒子算法镗孔误差人工神经网络预测模型进行优化

    This paper presented particle swarm optimization (PSO) technique to train multi layer artificial neural network for predicting model of diameter errors of boring processes.


  • 另外推导了孔径收缩计算方法,确定了衬套孔径的实际公差

    In addition, the calculation method of aperture shrinkage is derived, and the real machining tolerance zone of bushing aperture is determined.


  • 系统采用新型触发式传感器 ,可使刀具刀尖自身作为测头测试工件工尺寸。

    The measurement technology is based on a novel fine touch sensor which enables the cutting tool tip itself to be used as the contact probe to implement workpiece inspection.


  • 一种工尺谱,这种记谱宋代初期资料中有所记载,西方的首调记谱法类似。

    The other is in gongche notation, known from earlier Song sources and similar to Western sol-fa.


  • 采用模糊神经网络方法进行磨削精度控制,给出了模糊推理BP网络模型

    In the paper, fuzzy neural network method is used to control the size accuracy in grinding process and fuzzy inference BP-network model is produced.


  • 国内零部件工尺离散较大影响,导致产品装配合格率为80%左右。

    In China the one-time acceptance rate is only nearly 800, because the influence of the bigger dispersion rate of the parts machining.


  • 本文运用弹性力学物理学上述各因素进行综合研究,导出衬套修正公式

    These factors are studied comprehensively by means of the elastic mechanics and physics in this paper and, the correction formular of machining dimension for bush hole is derived.


  • 预测工艺能力预测结合起来,提出对加工尺寸进行反馈补偿控制原理方法

    Combining the forecasting of machining dimension with that of process capability in a machining process, principle and method of feed-back compensative control is proposed in the paper.


  • 南音工尺具有竖体编排、词谱排、使用特殊记谱符号特点,需要采用特殊的排版技术

    Nanyin Gong-Chi music score has special editing technology requirement including vertical editing style, mixed editing style of words and music symbols and USES special music symbols.


  • 镗孔误差预测补偿控制镗孔加工尺分散度保证零件互换性一种经济有效方法

    Dimension error prediction and compensation for boring is a cost effective method to control the dimension distribution and maintain part exchangeability.


  • 采用橡胶充气胶囊涵管予留防渗墙寸,上下游封堵涵管,防渗墙泥浆槽在胶囊之间通过。

    Inflatable rubber capsules are used inside the culverts to give room for construction and both sides of the culverts are blocked, the cut-off wall concrete going between the two capsules.


  • 数控机床参考的准确性,不但影响机床稳定性,更重要的还影响加工精度及加工尺寸的稳定性。

    Numerical Control Machine Returning Reference point by? Rule and line, Affect Stability of Machine, and that, Affect Precision of Machine.


  • 丽江洞经音乐传承方式有谱传纳西族中国传统乐谱工尺记录唐宋词曲音乐及道教科仪音乐。

    "Lijiang hole by means of music transmission spectrum has Chuan, the traditional Naxi music in China," Public-foot spectrum, "Tang and Song Record lyrics million music and music Taoist rites."


  • 数控磨削加工难点在于由于砂轮磨削过程不断磨损的,因此使得被磨工不能恒定

    The difficulty in NC grinding is that the size of the work piece cannot be invariable because the grinding wheel will be abraded continuously in the grinding process.


  • 改进设计M—827止口直径测量能够直接测量加工零件实际偏差提高零件加工质量

    After modified design, the M-827 measuring rule used to measure step diameter can measure the actual dimension deviation of machined parts directly and quality of the parts is improved too.


  • 结合机械加工自动线镗孔加工实际应用研制套面向大批量生产过程的在线镗孔加误差预测补偿系统

    Combining the practical application in transfer line for boring, an on-line dimension error prediction and compensation system for boring in series production is developed and applied.


  • 通过对机械加工自动线分析阐述了用于大批量生产机械加工自动线的镗孔误差预测补偿系统要求

    Firstly, the requirements to dimension error prediction and compensation system for boring in series production are identified and described, based on the analysis of transfer lines.


  • 实践证明刀具半径补偿、半精和精加工切实可行符合零件精度要求同时还可以完成零件毛刺清除

    Practice has proven tool radius compensation in the rough, finishing in the semi-fine and practical, and the size of precision machining parts, components can also be completed on the burr removal.


  • “加封闭原理”揭示工尺构成尺寸的本质原因“尺寸跟踪法”查找工艺尺寸有关尺寸链理论基础

    The latter has revealed the essential reason why maching sizes form dimensional chain. It's the theoretical foundation to find the dimensional chain concerned with technological size by us…


  • 控制力矩陀螺制造过程中会存在大量随机性因素工尺材料属性等,而在使用过程,外界载荷也具有随机性

    There is a lot of random factors in CMG's manufacturing process, such as dimension and material properties of workpiece, its load is always random in the course of CMG's using.


  • 控制力矩陀螺制造过程中会存在大量随机性因素工尺材料属性等,而在使用过程,外界载荷也具有随机性

    There is a lot of random factors in CMG's manufacturing process, such as dimension and material properties of workpiece, its load is always random in the course of CMG's using.


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