• 一些工业发达国家里。

    In some countries with advanced industries.


  • 半个世纪以来肺癌发病率死亡率一直呈明显上升趋势工业发达国家更为明显城市高于农村

    Nearly half a century of lung cancer incidence and mortality rates has clear ascendant trend in developed countries, and the city is more obvious than in rural areas.


  • 尽管发达国家人口工业产出经济生产率在飙升,但人们含水层河流湖泊取水的速度已经放缓。

    Although population, industrial output and economic productivity have continued to soar in developed nations, the rate at which people withdraw water from aquifers, rivers and lakes has slowed.


  • 人们通常关注工业用水使用量但是可能惊讶发现工业用水占到了发达国家的59%。

    People usually don't pay much attention to how much water industry uses, but you may be surprised to know that industry uses 59% of the water in developed countries.


  • 居住七大发达工业国家人们寿命现在官方预测的要多1.38年。

    People in the G-7 nations may be living anywhere from 1.3 years to 8 years longer than official estimates now predict.


  • 如果工业发达国家大气排放保温气体受到指责那么巴基斯坦在其削弱应对气候变化能力方面也是错误

    If the industrialized world is to blame for pumping heat-trapping gases into the atmosphere, Pakistanis are also at fault for eroding their country's ability to cope with the consequences.


  • 结果中国茶叶行业工业程度低于肯尼亚印度经济发达程度较低的国家

    The result is that China's tea industry is far less industrialised than in less economically developed countries such as Kenya or India.


  • 他们指出德国不同于其他发达国家的是已经避免了工业,而其迅速增加老龄化人口使得通过国际贸易顺差增加储备也是合理的。

    Germany, unlike other rich countries, has avoided deindustrialisation, they point out. With a rapidly ageing population, it is also right to accumulate savings by running a current-account surplus.


  • 正如与会各国上周匹兹堡达成的一致,G -20峰会应该成为发达工业国家新兴大国之间进行国际经济合作主要论坛。

    As agreed in Pittsburgh last week, the G-20 should become the premier forum for international economic cooperation among the advanced industrialized countries and rising powers.


  • 总体看来发达国家进口增长工业排放减少

    Overall, the rich world's increase in "carbon imports" is six times bigger than cuts in the developed countries' own industrial emissions.


  • 随着工业横扫世界而诞生的发达国家中,生育率急剧下降, 这种现象首先发生法国,然后英国,后来遍及整个欧洲美洲.当人们富裕时, 家庭规模变小;

    As industrialisation swept through what is now the developed world, fertility fell sharply, first in France, then in Britain, then throughout Europe and America.


  • 斯特恩说:“发达国家必须带头减少农产品保护降低工业关税扩大价格适当的药品准入。”

    "Rich countries have to lead - by reducing agricultural protection, by cutting high manufacturing tariffs, and by expanding access to affordable medicines," says Stern.


  • 中国表示由于发达国家工业化过程中的排放量占全球累计排放量大部分它们应该减排买单

    China argues that because rich countries had contributed the bulk of greenhouse gasses during their industrialization, they should foot the bill for cleaning up.


  • 区别虽然不大,但是足以有助于解释诸如美国英国这样发达工业国家,为什么男婴出生率正逐步减少

    The difference is not huge, but it may be enough to help explain the falling birthrate of boys in industrialized countries, including the United States and Britain.


  • 加拿大工业发达资源丰富国家中国是一个劳动力充足市场巨大的国家

    Canada is a country with well-developed industries and abundant resources, while China possesses plentiful labor-force and a huge market.


  • 最后工业方面可以肯定的发达国家已经使自己逐渐摆脱了化石燃料而改用核能再生混合燃料。

    Finally, industrially, the great bet was that rich countries would wean themselves off fossil fuels and on to a mix of nuclear and renewables.


  • 他说:“最近可以澳大利亚英国美国头条新闻看到,他们无法应对今天移民潮。 而这些国家都在世界上工业发达、最先进的国家之列。

    Recent headlines you have seen in Australia, in the UK, in the USA - these are among the most industrialized, the most advanced countries in the world - cannot cope with migration today.


  • 日本世界工业发达国家需要全球气候变化贫穷国家进行开发援助方面采取紧急行动

    Japan is telling the world's most industrialized nations that urgent action is needed on global climate change and development assistance for impoverished nations.


  • 据说,更高等级矿石越来越依赖发达国家工业地区

    It is said that the location of vast reserves of higher-grade ores of most minerals favors increasing dependence of all industrialized regions on imports from less-developed countries.


  • 1948生效关贸总协定60年成功地发达国家工业关税平均40%降至4%的水平。

    The General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade, established in 1948, succeeded in cutting industrial duties in developed countries from an average of 40 percent to about 4 percent over six decades.


  • 英国一个发达工业国家

    England is an advanced industrial country.


  • 经济学清晰无误的:世界需要所有发达工业国家致力于一轮真正刺激支出

    The economics is clear: the world needs all the advanced industrial countries to commit to another big round of real stimulus spending.


  • 理论上讲美国这样工业发达国家应该通过把劳动力转移全球市场上竞争的先进产业应对出口竞争。

    In theory, a developed industrial country like the United States adjusts to import competition by moving workers into more advanced industries that can successfully compete in global markets.


  • 目前世界上的少数发达国家已经研制出了磁力轴承并且开始应用工业生产。

    Nowadays, few developed countries have developed some kinds of magnetic bearing and make use of it in practice.


  • 毫无疑问,北半球工业温室气体量的增多负有很大责任。发达国家应该立即采取措施

    To be sure, industrialization in the North contributed enormously to increased greenhouse gas concentrations. Developed countries must take significant steps immediately.


  • 毫无疑问,北半球工业温室气体量的增多负有很大责任。发达国家应该立即采取措施

    To be sure, industrialization in the North contributed enormously to increased greenhouse gas concentrations. Developed countries must take significant steps immediately.


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