• 禁止毁坏护林风景林、风景红树林珊瑚礁

    It is forbidden to destroy seashore shelter belts, scenic woods, scenic rocks, mangroves and coral reefs.


  • 对和平广场滑坡滑坡工程重要指导意义

    That is very important guidance significance for engineering of HPGC slide and bank collapse preventing.


  • 合理计算极端设计潮位制订护标准的重要内容之一。

    Reasonably determining the return values of extreme water level is an important part to design disaster-prevention structures in coastal engineering.


  • 卫队负责人认为原油未来不会到达附近的陆地表面。

    Coast Guard officials said they were not expecting landfall for the spill in the next three days.


  • 西部沿能力最强地区多佛尔海峡两侧其次塞纳河河口

    The most heavily defended coast in the west is that on either side of the Straits of Dover, and next in order of strength are the Seine estuary and the port of Cherbourg.


  • 海堤常见工程结构淤泥质海大多采用复合式海堤形式。

    Seawall is one of the most common structures in coastal and ocean engineering.


  • 另外集成技术单项技术航道疏浚等方面有着广阔应用前景

    In addition, there is also a extensive application prospect for its integration technology and technology piecemeal at shore protection and waterway dredging.


  • 配合比试验实际施工检测表明:左岸防混凝土各项指标均能满足设计指标技术要求。

    The mix proportion test and practical construction check demonstrate the concrete indexes of the anti-scouring wall meet DE.


  • 1914年十一月被短暂用于任务由于它情况太差恶劣,只用于战时储备德指挥教练

    November 1914 briefly brought out of reserve for coast defence duties but owing to her poor condition spent the rest of the war as an accommodation and training ship.


  • 如何适应未来这种需要突出了选择重要,有关城市规划林业管理移居,这些都造就了现在的局面。

    The need to choose how to adapt to the future highlights the choices-about town planning, or forestry, or coastal defences, or immigration-that have shaped the present.


  • 卫队,海警备队:国家武装力量分支负责保护海上生命财产实施海关法移民法航行

    The branch of a nation's armed forces that is responsible for coastal defense, protection of life and property at sea, and enforcement of customs, immigration, and navigation laws.


  • 船叫「巴塔利亚女士」号,艘1950年代挪威海岸防卫队的退役破冰船将会我们接下来一个的「」。

    The Ice Lady Patagonia, a decommissioned 1950's Norwegian coastguard icebreaker, would be our home for the next month. With its Spartan accommodations, this was hardly a luxury cruise.


  • 地震使海床升高并由此引发海啸(源于日语)。这次海啸来势凶猛,不费吹灰之力就日本最好系统破坏殆尽。

    As the quake lifted the ocean floor, it triggered a tsunami (the word is Japanese) that breached with ease some of what were considered to be Japan's best coastal defences.


  • 国家运输安全委员会致函联邦监管公共汽车卡车安全以及美国队的机构,指出交通意外中,睡眠呼吸暂停一个因素

    The National Transportation Safety Board sent letters to the federal agency that regulates bus and truck safety and the US Coast Guard citing accidents in which sleep apnea was a factor.


  • 美国卫队的发言人4月22周四经过一次爆炸重创后,这个石油平台接着燃烧36个小时随后便沉入了墨西哥湾。

    The oil platform burned for 36 hours after a massive explosion, then later sank into the Gulf of Mexico on Thursday, April 22, 2010, the U.S. Coast Guard said.


  • 地球组织能源推广代表尼克·劳也表示赞同,说:“我们容易利用近海能源或者其他海域能源航运渔业岸防雷达提供电力支持”。

    Nick Rau, energy campaigner at Friends of the Earth, agreed. 'We could easily supply our electricity demand from offshore, even with other demands on sea such as shipping, fishing and defence radar.


  • 每年夏天,义大利海滩度假地会迎来数百万的游客。 据义大利介绍他们每年营救的落水者数量达3000——而这些救生犬就曾救过条人命

    With millions flocking to Italy's crowded beaches each summer, the Italian Coast Guard says it rescues about 3,000 people every year - and their canine helpers are credited with saving several lives.


  • 每年夏天,义大利海滩度假地会迎来数百万的游客。 据义大利介绍他们每年营救的落水者数量达3000——而这些救生犬就曾救过条人命

    With millions flocking to Italy's crowded beaches each summer, the Italian Coast Guard says it rescues about 3,000 people every year - and their canine helpers are credited with saving several lives.


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